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Why Do You Keep Going?

The Stranger

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I've been through alot of what you've been through (losing friends and so on) but hope and support from my family and friends have made me believe in myself


I've recently found out that I have an interest on story making and have made me much happier because now I know I'm good at something (before I used to believe I was worthless)


So I guess hope, support and believing in myself have helped me through dark times and whenever I feel down or bad, I always think of the good moments of my life and hope that it'll get better soon


And I must admit much of the change I have made has much to do with the show believe it or not, it's inspired me to do stuff and teached me many great lessons about friendship

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Because I have nothing better to do. I've thought about it a lot, actually. I'm not particularly good at anything or very meaningful, but I suppose maybe I stay alive because maybe I'll help someone else who means something.

Edited by Brosparkles



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  • 11 months later...

Because being a living organism means to survive. I suppose I just like to imagine, think and feel, flowing with the tides of change. Music keeps me going though, I wouldn't know what I would do without my ears, this must be what drove Beethoven to insanity from not being able to hear well enough (theory is he could still hear but very little).


Ponies keep me going too of course, my love for Luna and her majestic beauty and grace. I bow before her, my life for her heart. I idolize her so much. It may be me creating her who I want her to be, a perfect character I can love and feel good in doing so. Her voice...her voice is...no words can describe it. Beautiful in a mere word.

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The things that are keeping me going are my friends, my family, the fact that there is much to see in this life and that everyday brings something new and that's why i am staying alive.

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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So much porn, so little time.


Seriously, the internet is massive and somebody is always topping whatever craziness I happen upon.


I don't think the phrase, "Lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my," has ever been more relevant.

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I need to apologise in advance for the length of this post but I do have a lot to say, here. Maybe it'll serve to encourage, uplift and help those who read it.


First, let me start by saying that I'm well aware that the world is full of sensitive and gentle souls who have a somewhat difficult time living in this all to harsh and insensitive world. I know because I'm one of them.


I'm sure many, if not most or even all of you are the same way; having that sensitivity as well, seeing things that others miss, feeling things that others don't bother with and perceiving and understanding things that most others in this world simply miss.


Being sensitive makes life in this world more difficult than I think it should be and, for some of us, makes it very difficult, indeed and, sadly, for those who have made the choice to exit this life, downright impossible.


That's not to say that being sensitive is a bad thing. It's not! Quite the opposite!


Being sensitive allows us to be empathetic to others, to more deeply relate to and understand their pain, their desires and their needs providing we're willing to reach out to them and give to them from and of ourselves. This is a rare and extremely precious and wonderful gift and one which is needed more, now, than it's ever been.


With that said, I'll continue.


Life has never been easy for me. I mean, I started out well enough but, at five months old I contracted Polio, which almost killed me. I survived but it left me, for lack of a better word, crippled.


I was in braces and a wheel chair until I was eight years old but, after years of therapy things began to change. To say I've always had an indomitable, unstoppable spirit is an understatement. In the last two years of my confinement to a wheel chair I fell on my face, breaking my nose. Twice!


Still, I refused to give up, refused to allow myself to remain in that wheelchair which I felt, more than anything else, was a prison and I was bound and determined to be free of that prison!


Having a rage-aholic father and overprotective mother didn't help. More often than not I made my efforts in spite of them rather than with their help, although I have to admit my mom did try her best, bless her soul.


Having five brothers and three sisters who were, most often, simply concerned only about themselves didn't help, either.


Pile on  top of that learning disabillities which made me seem retarded and asbergers, which virtually nobody in the school system knew anything about when I was a kid back in the 60s didn't help, either.


So, what kept me going through all those childhood difficulties? Well, one thing for sure; the undying hope that things had to get better because they couldn't get much worse. At least to my way of thinking back then.


Life continued and I was finally able to walk, then run, then ride a bike so, yeah, things did get better that way, anyway.


Then, came the special schools! Ack! Not knowing hardly anything about what was really going on with me the backwards and downright prehistoric school system I was stuck with pidgeonholed me as "retarded" because, being an asberger's kid, I was very closed and not social at all. Beyond that I didn't communicate much with anyone, really didn't want to, didn't feel the need to. As a result I had very few friends when I was a kid and even got picked on a lot. The being picked on really sucked until I realized that I really didn't have to take it, to put up with it.


One day this particularly nasty bully was doing his usual thing, picking me as his favorite target. Well, something snapped in me and I just couldn't take it, anymore, and I ended up totally losing it, beating the living crap out of this kid. It took four teachers to pull me off of him and I think he was actually hospitalized for a few days, although it's really hard for me to remember that incident.


After that I wasn't picked on, anymore, but all the other kids were scared of me. I didin't mind. I wasn't getting picked on and that, to me, was all that mattered. Even so it was kind of nice to me to have a little sense of power in what was to me an otherwise powerless life.


Again, life went on and I continued on. Let me just conclude this part by saying my childhood totally sucked and leave it at that.


Sorry this's getting so long but I feel like I have a lot to share with you all so please be patient with me until I'm done.


My teen years weren't all that different from my childhood. I was still pretty much alone, had almost no friends and had a hard time relating to the ones I did have. I think they were my friends more out of pity for me than anything else. At least, looking back, that's how it seems to me, now.


At seventeen I started drinking and doing drugs. Hey, it was the 70s and that's what everyone did back then I wanted so desperately to fit in, to be part of something, so that's what I did.


That led to 20 years of alcoholism and, within that time, five years of serious drug abuse. Let's just say it wasn't pretty and leave it at that.


At the age of 37 I almost drank myself to death. By that time I was a gutter drunk, about as low as you can go. I passed out in a gutter on Columbus Avenue in San Francisco.


The next thing I remember after that was waking up in an intensive care unit. When the doctor came to talk to me he told me that I could never drink again because it would kill me. Not might kill me but would kill me. To say I was terrified in that moment is the understatement of the century.


But, even in that moment of absolute terror there was a tiny almost imperceptable spark; a voice so small I almost couldn't hear it.


It was the tiny voice of that hope that I'd always held on to, always clung to, speaking to me, saying, "It's going to get better. It's got to get better. It can't get any worse!" That was when I started my journey into and through sobriety.


Fast forward almost twenty five years. I won't go into all the details because that would be a novel in itself and this post is already certainly long enough as it is.


But, lets just say it's been both a real journey and a real adventure, perhaps the greatest adventure I've ever been on. I've learned a lot and changed a lot over those years, gaining a lot of insight into myself - what makes me tick and what makes me sick - and, honestly, as difficult as it's been, I wouldn't change a moment of it!


So, what's gotten me through everything up to this point? Well, as I said, an undying hope that, no matter how bad things may be, they have to and will get better and that's always proven to be true.


But, another thing that's gotten me through is an unstoppable sense that every new thing that comes my way is not a problem but a challenge to be face and, ultimately conquered and won through.


So, yeah. If there's been one thing that's kept me going through even the worst parts of my life it's been hope more than anything. As bad as things may seem, as bad as they may be and, even if you have nothing else, as long as you have hope you still have a chance for a better tomorrow.

  • Brohoof 5



"Theological debates are great for intellectual children since they require absolutely no facts!"

- Mary Hawking, older sister of Stepehen Hawking.

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Hope and inter-species erotica, right?




In all seriousness, you pretty much nailed it.


Things do get better, so long as you're willing to put forth the effort. Something that, unfortunately, many don't understand. Change doesn't just happen. You have to make it happen.

  • Brohoof 1
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I had gone through a lot of depression, been bullied by that, that and that for 12 years now. I never give up because I know that I have purpose in life, so there's something that keeps me going...


My dream : Since I was 6, my wish is to become a great filmmaker and VFX editor, From time to time, I keep improving my skills and it's really worth it


My friends : I have a lot of friends that keeps motivate me to do more videos on my channel, It's great to have friends that really been supportive to each other channel...


My family : Been using parents money for a long time now, for school and other stuff. I don't want to keep doing this, I want to make my own living, trying to make money because I owe them really really big... One day.. I will make them happy..

  • Brohoof 1

Check out my latest creation: Be A Tree (MLP In Real Life)

I've been a brony for nearly 2 years and I'm having a lot of fun being part of the community~ :D


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This thread is a gem, well done.


So what keeps me going, huh? I'm not a person who esteems themselves over others. In fact, i prefer to compare myself to others from a position of weakness, no matter the case, so i can avoid faults of hubris.


Giving up on hope is something people do when they face the harsh reality in which they have nothing left. When i fall to despair, i will myself out of it - if i can't, i keep myself busy until i forget all about it. Giving up on hope when i can still do what must be done is selfish and foolish.


I force myself to keep going. When it hurts, i embrace the pain in order to grow past it. Yes, things are sometimes difficult, but other people who had the same difficulties and worse overcame them, so i shouldn't complain.

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I suppose my dreams are what keeps me going. Or perhaps the hope of a better life, which kind of intertwines with my dreams. If there's a possibility of me doing what I love for a living, I'm going to keep heading towards it.


I think my pride also keeps me going at times too.

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Because the present is not my future and the future is not my past. Everyday starts new and fresh. No matter what's happening one day, that may not be what's happening the next. I just go on with a will. Things change, so why should I not want to exist if I know what's happening one day will more than likely not be happening in the future? I want to see how my friends change, what they accomplish, what my siblings accomplish, and all sorts of other things. I want to see the future. A future that, as long as I continue to be who I am and work as hard as I have been, I will against all odds no matter how bad or dark a day may seem, come out on top. The future gets ever brighter for me. I won't let that go.


Credit to Kyoshi for the awesome signature!

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Faith: I am and have always been a man of faith. Faith in a higher power, faith in my country, faith in all of humanity, and faith in my fellow man.


My life has been easy for me. My family is a loving, nuclear one, I've never been hungry, and I have been granted the gift and privilege of education. So I can't really complain. When I have been in the darkest of places though (military school comes to mind), it's always been my faith that has kept me going.

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I keep going because I know that I have a whole life ahead of me, and I need to accomplish the goals I've set for myself, and I have so much more to find out about life and culture. 

  • Brohoof 1


                                                | Sig Made By: Azura |

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... I never actually asked myself this before. And I tend to ask a lot of things... Dang, this is tough...


Well, I guess it's just the excitement of going through the things the things life throws at you. Wether it gives me great happiness, or deep sorrow, or even the rush of being chased or something, it doesn't really matter. I simply keep going for things to happen. To experience what fate has decided to give me. And when the time comes, thats just when I have experienced all the things I was meant to. Then, I will move on, ready or not, to what death has in store to me. Whether it'll be a paradise, a new life, maybe even endless darkness, I do not know, but whatever it is, It is out my control. So, really, what makes me keep going? Experiences. Future things I will have to endure, like it or not. That's what keeps me going. Simple Curiosity.


Even right now, I'm currently waiting for Fate to do its job. "Ya hear me! I'm getting bored over here!"

Edited by Lord Bradley

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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I've got a lot of things to be happy for in life: A loving family, a warm home, food on my plate, education, and more entertainment to consume than anyone in the last millennium. But still, I live for the small things.


Relationships-- Every relationship I make with someone, I try my darnedest to remember. Family, friends, acquaintances, and even the random stranger that wishes me a good day is important to me. Even if those relationships were good, bad, long, or only lasted seconds, they've all had an influence on how I grew up. Some taught me how to be generous, others taught me how to stand up for myself/others, and many have allowed me to learn from others' mistakes.


Smiles-- Just this morning I failed a test that made a hard impact on my grade, and I was pretty glum. But on the bus ride home, I saw a man talking on his phone with the biggest smile on his face and tears in his eyes. Idk his story. Maybe he got promoted, maybe a family member survived a surgery, idk. But seeing someone else being so happy made me smile too. I try hard to make more people smile, just so they can get that same feeling.


Winter Warmth-- Living in Minnesota, I've come to appreciate that wave of warmth you get after getting assaulted by snow and frost and stepping inside. The feeling reminds me of snuggling up to my mom when I was small.


Sunlight-- I've wasted a good chunk of my free time indoors, on this very computer. I regret to say I've also missed out on a lot of opportunities because of this screen. That's why, on the occasions when I walk to the park and play basketball with a complete stranger, I take it slow. the greenery, the animals, and the air relaxes me, and reminds me life's still worth living. For this, if nothing else. I might die tomorrow, but at least I got to smell fresh air and feel the sun's warmth on my skin one more time.

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I keep going because I've already given up, and turned my back on things that I know I shouldn't have. One in particular I should never have given up on really got to me. I had a gun in my hand one day and almost made the worst mistake ever, when I realized. If I do this, I'm giving up again.. And that I'd be letting down everyone I know. I realized that day that I'm not done on this earth.. Not yet. Since then I've turned my life around. And never stopped going.


§I Was Born Awesome, Not Perfect§

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