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Would you like to know the date of your death?


epic banana  

71 users have voted

  1. 1. Would you rather...

    • Continue to live normaly.
    • Greedily grab the 50 million and die in pain seven years later.
    • Neither (trelele)

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I was surprised to see, on some other forums, that some people would like to know when they are going to die... While for me it's the exact opposite! And one argument that came back often, is that they could do the stuff they wanted, knowing they were going to die. Oh well...


So to make your decision simpler, let's say that you are 18, and Discord appears, and he have a proposition...

-Either you continue to live normally;

-Or he makes you rich, let's say 50 million bucks, but you will die in pain as soon as you hit 25.


What would you choose?

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TBH, the day I die is the day, the Heavens call me.  So enjoy life to the fullest and push death to the side, for it would only depress you.  True fact, if you think about it, :D  So, you can say my answer is continue to live normally.

Edited by Promethean Alicorn
  • Brohoof 4
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Eh, I don't think that's much of a decision.  Who on Earth would want to die that young just for some stupid money...


But as for the general question, no I wouldn't want to know when I was going to die.. I stress enough about stupid shit, I can't even imagine how horrible the stress of knowing that would be.

  • Brohoof 4

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Choose normally.


A true life is experienced by yourself, not by enchantments given by magic or luck.


I prefer to live my life aa it is, than knowing I would die out very soon thanks to greed and no thought.

  • Brohoof 2
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The original post poses an interesting question, and it's not really what I was expecting when i read the thread title.  Now, I chose to live normally, but I can honestly see the appeal of taking the money.

Here's my question, and maybe this isn't the first thing people would think of.  Is this 50 million before or after tax?  Now maybe I shouldn't be questioning the logic behind receiving money out of nowhere, but I am a bit curious.  If I'm receiving money for doing nothing (other than the cost of my life ending in less than a decade), I want to know of any possible stipulations behind the money first.

Anyway, even though I chose no (and for the record I'm a few years past the question's death date) I would like to explore what I would do with the money.  I'd naturally like to spend some on myself so that I could actually enjoy the seven years I have left to the fullest.  The thing is, I also think I'd invest the money in various things.  Some of it would go towards helping to secure my ancestor's future, and the rest would probably go to some charities.  I can't really give any actual numbers unless I properly look into the costs of things I'd want to actually do with it - and whether I'd have 50 million before or after taxes.

I suppose a third option (as provided by the poll) would be to commit suicide or something right there, or to take the money, donate it, and then commit suicide painlessly at some point before the painful death.  The thing is, unless you're insane enough to refuse the deal AND suicide, it's possible that Discord might put some kind of special magic on you after taking the deal that will do one of two things.

1)  Allow any suicide attempts to succeed painfully, reviving you until your marked death date.

2)  Literally not allow you to die.  How it's implemented would probably play a roll in how suicidally risky I'd behave.  That is, would I still be able to become crippled or in extreme pain/be bed ridden for extended periods?

Edited by Gyruss
  • Brohoof 1
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Never, ever, ever... there's more than one way to get that money, and no one should have control on your life expectancy. Not ever.

Edited by IncognitoKiwoy
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Never, ever, ever... there's more than one way to get that money, and no one should have control on your life expectancy. Not ever.


[devil's advocate]

If you did know the day you'll die - and let's assume that once you know it's impossible to change (including shortening) - there would be advantages.  Doubly so if you suddenly had a large disposable income like in the original question.  For starters you'd really have the chance to live a very rich life full of unique experiences.  Heck, you'd likely get the chance to live more in the time you have left than most people get to live in several decades.  Secondly, you could take the time you have to make a real impact on the world around you.  It's not like you wouldn't be able to spend some of the money on unselfish things.

[/devil's advocate]

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[devil's advocate]

If you did know the day you'll die - and let's assume that once you know it's impossible to change - there would be advantages.  Doubly so if you suddenly had a large disposable income like in the original question.  For starters you'd really have the chance to live a very rich life full of unique experiences.  Heck, you'd likely get the chance to live more in the time you have left than most people get to live in several decades.  Secondly, you could take the time you have to make a real impact on the world around you.  It's not like you wouldn't be able to spend some of the money on unselfish things.

[/devil's advocate]


Truefor most, but not completely true. Almost everyone's hard work in life is handed to you if you do agree, but then again, a long life isn't all dull and boring and selfish. With all the chances and changes I've had, I can never just assume the more time I have would almost always leave to a unaccomplished and regrettable long lifestyle. Anything could happen to anyone.

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No deal! I can get a job and make as much money as I need to live a modest life; it's just not worth a painful death over 50 million dollars in exchange for a severely shortened life. Knowing me as well, I'd be constantly thinking about how much time I had left, reducing my ability to live the rest of my days happily.


Of course I do have a price where I'd break and take the offer, but that price isn't wealth.

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Not really. My clock will stop ticking eventually. I just gotta make the most of what I got, y'know?

When the lord calls me up, I will know it's my time. Until then, Just live life to the fullest and be happy :)

  • Brohoof 1


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There is so much more to life then just money guys, geez come on! I mean sure it would be nice to have, but what are you going to do with it? 

Not really. My clock will stop ticking eventually. I just gotta make the most of what I got, y'know?

When the lord calls me up, I will know it's my time. Until then, Just live life to the fullest and be happy :)

Amen brother, well said. Brohoof!

  • Brohoof 1
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I would never throw away my life for money.

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I'd take the deal, it would mean I had five more years. I wouldn't care if I knew the of my death. Actually there is a way to know by asking some type of doctor that can calculate it.


If I had 50 million bucks I could do whatever I want. Five awesome years, I'd take it.


Besides, one painful death or years of pain. Not a hard choice for me.

Edited by Fluttershyfan94
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Just live normally and take everyday as if it was the last, knowing almost anything could happen, and also stop worrying about the possible outcomes, for I that's the way I prefer to live than thinking too much and not living at all.

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On 2014-03-08 at 7:58 AM, Anti-Villain said:

Quality over quantity; I'd take the money.

Better than hitting old age as a hobo.

And even then, not until after double-checking the "contract." Don't want any Mephisto (Marvel) shenanigans, after all.


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