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Everything posted by IcyHaze

  1. What do I do? I go BLEEERRURUHHAAHAHUAHUAHGGGHH and then gasp for air
  2. If I had to choose a single videogame as a standalone entry, and not made better by nostalgia, its influence or its place in history, and judge it by its plot, gameplay, characters and voice acting, I'd have to go with The Last Of Us.
  3. Playstation and PC for me :3
  4. This is probably more suited to "Forum Games" in the Cloudsdale Collisseum...
  5. I don't know, but lately all I've had any interest for is living creatures, and the oceans. I'm thinking that maybe being a Marine Biologist would be great. But there's no jobs for that in Ireland, so I'd have to go abroad - which I don't want to do. Also, most marine biology seems based in the carribbean or other mediterranean climates...and I have a horrible fear of Spiders, or living near any animals that can kill me. (I could deal with sharks) So I'm studying programming. Yup. Fucking programming.
  6. Red Bull is the one for me - but I very rarely drink it. Maybe once every few months xD
  7. For your consideration.
    1. Jack Dirt

      Jack Dirt

      You listen to Primus too? Cool dude. I just got the Pork Soda album today. I also recently got Sailing the Seas of Cheeese.

    2. IcyHaze


      I do indeed :) I'd say Frizzle Fry, Pork Soda and the Brown Album are my favourites...

  8. Although I don't think I was near death, I would've been if I was left untreated. I was mugged, almost sexually assaulted, and stabbed a few years ago. Luckily my friend was with me and it was near houses, so an ambulance was called and I was patched up.
  9. Honestly, the stuff I've seen cannot be repeated on this forum. Eugh
  10. Ireland, despite being a nice place to live, has a lot of issues: The power of the Catholic church. (finally diminishing) Homophobia, especially in the older generation and lower class The obsession with sport and "The Gaa, boi" The immigration laws The corrupt, hypocritical government The police force - massively corrupt, and barely trained enough. Most are rude and igrnorant, no matter how you act. The laziness - Half-assed jobs, procrastination... The "Travelling Community" - protected by the government, despite being a group largely consisting of criminals and people of low moral. They're free to do waht they want, but if you stand up to them, you're accused of discrimination. Lack of common sense and care among the majority of the population.
  11. IcyHaze

    music About Rap.

    Ahh! Somebody actually read what I said!
  12. Valve is the best without a doubt. Anytime I see a Valve game, I know it's going to actually work, or be fixed quickly.
  13. I'm somewhere between Doug and Stu...I'm not sure which moreso tbh :3
  14. "It's gotta be a dark red :3 Especially if it's metallic" In "Favourite Colour" @Wingnut Was the one to brohoof it, too. I didn't know that :3
  15. I actually like being pale - I can use makeup to darken my skin if necessary
  16. They really suit some people. If they suit you, go ahead. If you're a neckbear... well... pls.
  17. Well, my go to vegetable is the potato - so versatile! Onions add a delicious, savoury kick to msot dishes or sandwiches. Mushrooms I poersonally love the taste of Carrots...I tolerate, but they're healthy and use din many dishes so I'll add them here
  18. Death. I'm loathe to leave this world without understanding it better, or seeing the ideas which are forming now become reality.
  19. Wow. People have really strange tastes... Oblivion and Witcher 2 being the worst games EVER? Woah. Well, to each their own.
  20. Occasionally I'll be in the mood, but it's rare. I much prefer going to a pub for the relaxed, friendly atmosphere and tasty, well poured alcohol
  21. Going with popular, well known companies, McDonald's fries. But nothign will ever beat the chips (fries) from an Irish/English chipper.
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