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Scary Stories to tell in the Dark👻

Princess Luna

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Now that we get the excitement and the scares started, here's mine own favorite parteth of nightmare night, scary stories! Shareth with us thy scary stories, it can be fictional tall tales or perhaps something unusual and spooky that you have encountered! If you wisheth to writeth thy own poetry or thy own stories, thou art welcometh too, since I myself would love to read some nice horror literature. You shall have the whole week to contribute and those who participate shall be rewarded!


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The one scary moment of my life.

I was camping with my friend It was super fun, but this random scary thing happened, We heard foot steps but no one was there, so we went into the tent and hid under the blankets, the footsteps got louder and then it was next to the tent, the weird thing was nobody was there, So we Started freaking out, screamed 100% like men, holding onto each other out of fear, we couldn't sleep that Night 

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What I find annoying about nightmares is that they always seem to end before there's a resolution.

So for my scary story I want to talk about a nightmare that actually does have a bit of weirdness to it:

For example several months ago I was having a dream I was in the Disneyland Resort just having some fun when suddenly out of nowhere a meteor shower started crashing down all over. But it wasn't all scary and as for some odd reason the Grinch and just not some guy in a costume, the actual Grinch who's normally a Universal Studios own character were there. And he actually tried to help me escape the apocalypse by running dragging me along but my dream ended up ending before I got anymore answers.

I think the dream was just me subconsciously worried about the fate of Disney Parks due to the economic loss caused by covid-19

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A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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scary moment of my life? Everyday i have to go out since spring 2020


otherwise i once got hit by a car when i was like 6. luckily only on my knees, nothing too serious luckily. the women driving stopped immediatly and walked home with me(Was like 2 minutes away) and explained too. probably more scary moments, but this the first i got in my head.

  • Brohoof 3

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Scariest moment of my life is visiting a scare place in my area one Halloween!

I was in the place and had my friends phone in my pocket. I got such a fright that it fell out, in the pitch black. My friend ran off in fear and never came back. I had to go through the whole thing all by myself, defo terrifying. :blink:

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Scariest moment of my life?

Well...could've been seriously injured or worse when I was mountain biking and nearly fell off a 30ft embankment if it weren't for my reflexes grabbing onto a tree and my bike simultaneously. 

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I still have nightmares of college and grad school. Usually they involve taking a final exam and I never went to class all semester. Sometimes I will be stuck in endless hallways, trying to find an exit. This sort of happened in real life when I was in grad school. Part of campus was built on a hill and the buildings were close together, it was hard to find a way to the street I was trying to get to. I entered some building, went down a floor, then went outside. But I found myself in a courtyard that was enclosed by the building, so I was trapped outside. Basically all of grad school was a living nightmare.

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Well, I have more than my few tales to tell in my life,  given I have always been in a haunted house of some kind,  the strange lands of AZ, or the deep forest of the U.P of MI.  Yet I will go with my recent moment with the unseen forces in our world......

I live in a mansion built in 1868,  she's a grand old dame of white ivory that stands three stories high,  handcrafted rails of oak cast her stairs to the top,  alone tower her crown and casting forming.   Once grand parties of old from Lumber Barons filled her hallways,  kitchens filled with cooks and maids to feed guests a many those long-ago days. Yes the house I live in is an example of the Victorian era long sense past in both grandness and style.  

She was turned into an apartment in the 1920s,  16 of the former with no number 13 to cast its thorn.  Which I claim as my own,  top of the 3ed floor and my windows facing a funeral home.  A week I was home,  my roommate sleeping in the bedroom,  quiet it was around 12 am,  knowing I should be in bed.   On my labtop I sat,  watching anime and this and that, when not knowing I heard a:


From the lamp is turned on,  its lights reflection  cast in the tv and making shadows to see.  Thinking not much,  I did look up just as in a moment I heard once more:


As the lamp went dark, what got me, I was the only one in the room that night you see.   So who turned on the light and off ,  well you got me.....

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Scary story, huh? Well, they say it's frightening how fast our ozone layer is depleting, but I told it around a campfire and no one got scared.

Seriously though, let's see. I was sure there was an alligator just outside my bedroom one night when I was 4 or 5 years old. I could see it moving in the dark and everything. There was no sleeping that night.

  • Brohoof 4

Signature made by @Sparklefan1234 (Thank you!)

Want to know something? Ask me, Nyx, Lyra, or Roseluck anything.

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Not so much a scary story. Because life experiences are not thematically structured like fictional narratives.

But there was this time I returned to my body from the astral plane, which is a residue plane that was formed when a faction of the ancient builder races went rogue by unplugging the human DNA to appropriate earth, around 30.000 years ago, causing immense trauma to humanity, which was left disconnected from the universal source and their infinite nature, and locked inside this entropic closed circuit system that resulted in planetary amnesia.
So, where you naturally would be able to link to your multidimensional existence through the universe, now there is a dark threshold filled with distortions produced by the traumatized human collective unconscious, where the tower of babel was previously stationed, which is metaphorical representation of the ascendant column of energy centers that acts like a multidimensional gateway to different stations of our multidimensional being. Which is currently unavailable for the great majority of the planet due to the genetic damage incurred on humankind, that is infamously refered to as junk DNA by modern science.

This astral realm is the source the negative ego in humanity, that is product of the disconnection, and it is inundated with miasmatic black substance that resulted from massive trauma human beings experienced when they were disconnected from source. So, during my process of astral traveling, I sensed something had become aware of my presence, it feels like self-aware tendril latching to the current position of your aware energy body. So, in such cases I create an emergency retrieval, which feels like falling back into your physical body at great speed. It is basically, a get the hell out of dodge, and take dodge with you, because that's what my dog is called. And I love him very much.
Well, that, and also because the inhabitants of the lower astral realm are clingy because they are starved for love outside of the light, and have grown parasitic, to put it politely. That is the negative human ego that co-exist with our consciouss light body to give you spoilers about how things work o fallen earth. But I still use the lower frequency range, aka the lower realm to move around, which is like a really dark version of earth with regressed laws of physics, you know, floating walls and weird geometry, as you don't really want to go to the higher astral realm. Because, even if the place looks warm, light and there is chorus of beautiful singing voices, it is in this portion of the realm that reside the most dangerous entities in the cut off arm of this galaxy, which are the synthetic rogue angelic/anti-particle gestalts nesting in the stolen sophianic cosmic body part, that use the false light tunnel to systematically recycle severed human souls back into the earth. Impeding their evolution. They are ones related to the Melchizedeks, and the ancient anunnakis who are responsible for scrambling the human dna, making humanity effectively fall from grace. They are the nephilim, which are still in control of planet earth through the various power structures that link to rome, and essentially the vatican. Anyways.

Well, so. I believe I open my eyes to see my bedrooms still in complete darkness, because that it is what best facilitates my astral projection. But somehow the room feels unnaturally cold. Then I watch to the door, and I see this small being drawn on the wall against the light coming from the corridor, it looks like the living shadow of a child, and it seems afraid of something. I turn my sight to the right, and there it is an adult humanoid silhouette contorting violently at the side of my bed, it is lying on its knees with its hands around my body.This all happened in an fraction of time. But I realize I am stuck in my body and cannot wake up. I cannot move. And more start coming off the walls. It is in this moment that I catch a glimpse of the dark silhouette to my right, and it has the face of a family member who is very much alive in this time. Then, I realize every single one of these "shadow beings" has a familiar face, some of them departed ones, some others not so much. And they start gatherimg around my body like it is flame in the cold emptiness, they are there to take comfort in the warmth of my life. But the thing is that this entities are like living voids, they literally suction light. They feed on it, and I believe are the consequence for the entropy befalling this closed circuit system.
Meaning that by being in the presense of these entities, I start losing consciousness. I start struggling, because I am increasing becoming more scared and desperate. And I see them struggle as well, but also I hear my voice mumbling on the other side, like my body is calling for help, because I am sending the order to do so.

They start getting closer, because my signal is fading, and they cannot keep feeding and my sight starts to fade more, and without light, there is no consciousness. Until I finally feel the hand a friend in my shoulder, shaking my body to wake me up. And I see his face, and it is the very face the shadow being was wearing. He heard me mumbling like I was suffering from across the other room. I looked around and nothing. But it not the first time I experience an entity atachment, nor is something uncommon for the people here. Because we work on the astral to repair myriad damage across the global energetic system. But it is the first time I interacted with shadow beings in such capacity.
This, of course, started my research in the matter. Because, even though I worked with some truly talented individuals, I was never too involved with planetary grid work. I am more a freelancer. I like creating dreamscapes to enjoy myself. So, lucid dreaming is my speciality. But some of the people here can remote view, produce physical bilocations. And, as usual, they remained silent when I asked about the subject. Because, they know that the best teacher lies within oneself, and therein is the path to wisdom. But, I am certain they came across these entities, as I've heard them talk about myriad of energy entities, like forty feet tall insectoids and all manner of variations of the humanoid theme, like avian, amphibian, feline, reptian, etc. That I believe now are hybridized in the genetic cocktail of humanity.


Also, some years ago, I was contacted by an MLP forums user. Because I am weird, and I talk weird, and I reminded him of some druid friends he came to know on his travels, which happened to correlate with a couple of druid friends I know, not physically, somewhere in north america, because the husband of this lady, that apparently is a long time friend of mine, lent me his body to paid her a visit in a dreamstate. And we spent a lovely afternoon meditating on a beautiful clearing, next to their trailer, which has wi-fi, by the way. So, they are smart druids. Anyway. This forum user, told me have had experiences with these shadow beings, and he had made friends with these shadows on the walls, over the years, as they seemed to simply observe him. He told me he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. So, I didn't want involve myself in the matter. As I considered it a delicate situation. But, on the contrary, I do believe he was a rather gifted individual. Because it is a rarity to come across people like him in this sleeping world.


So, yeah. That is my experience with shadow beings. Which may not sound scary, but when you are in that situation. It IS. I also want to send regards to my my dog, which is actually my beloved golden cat, that is the light of my life, my guardian and my sun.

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When I was in fourth grade, I was staying at a friends house, she told me about poltergeists. I was terrified, and absolutely couldn’t sleep. I finally drifted off about 4am only to be awakened by a violent shaking, which was obvious an angry spirit out to get me. Turns out it was actually just a massive earthquake. I slept with my dad for a week after, but he had a TV in his room that a poltergeist could obviously invade, so my own room was clearly safer. Dumb kid brain is dumb. :ButtercupLaugh:

  • Brohoof 1


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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The one and only time I went on a school camping trip was a strange experience. We spent the first night in these huge tents and I spent hours unable to sleep. Just as I started dozing off, there were some funny noises and then a bunch of cows nearby started losing their minds and woke everyone else up before suddenly stopping. Everyone then started making theories that the cows were being abducted or something. The next day we were booked in for cabins and lucky we did, because a huge tree fell on the tents we were staying in the night before. It shook a lot of people up and while I wouldn't call it scary myself, it was definitely a set of unusual events.

  • Brohoof 1

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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You have never heard this one before:

A couple was parked at Makeout Pointe, when all of a sudden, they heard a scratching noise on the roof of the car! "What was that?"... "Let's get out of here". So they drove home as fast as they could. And when they got home. He went around to open the car door for his girlfriend, and there, hanging from the handle, a bloody hook!




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Story 1


I had sleep paralysis one time. I was awake but could not move. I was terrified. I eventually could move my foot. I was afraid that if I stopped moving my foot then I would never move again. I eventually kicked and woke up completely.

Story 2


I was in my apartment, lying on the couch trying to sleep. There was enough light coming through the window for me to see the objects in the room. For whatever reason, I was thinking about what would make a scary movie. I decided that something with demons would be scary.

Apparently, I fell asleep, but it was a smooth transition. There was no “lights out,” now I’m dreaming kind of thing. I remember seeing things in my room: desk, TV, chair. But then, at my feet, between the wall and the couch, a shadow demon came up. That is what it looked like. A silhouette of a demon, with white eyes. A smaller demon came up to my side. It was hissing at me. I woke up and everything in the room snapped back to normal. I had heard the term “waking in a cold sweat,” but I didn’t know how true that was. My heart was racing, I was sweating, and I felt cold. I turned the lights on and went to sleep.

Once I was giving blood and they took too much and I started to pass out. My vision went fuzzy and started to fade. My hearing faded and I heard a buzzing. I think this might have been similar. Maybe the hissing from the demon was my hearing going out. It was strange because it was not an obvious dream. Like I said, it wasn’t like I was suddenly in some surreal world. Maybe I fell asleep with my eyes open. Whatever it was, it was scary.


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a cold hand grabbed me while I was sleeping. it was so cold it woke me up but I felt a struggle from its grip even though I have woken up already. with great force I got out of it's grasp turned around and went back to sleep..... I was so spooked and scared that I decided to give it zero shit and never bothered to know what grabbed me.... if I wake up, I wake up. if not........just sleep, it might not do it again.

Edited by Kujamih
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Only really scary thing I can remember in my life was when I was around six years old we were driving to a school event for my sister one night.  We came across a wreck involving a motorcycle right after it happened, and I remember looking out the window and seeing the lifeless body of the motorcyclist lying in a gas station parking lot around 50+ feet away from the accident site. 

I’ve been terrified of motorcycles ever since and refuse to ride em.  


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Moments ago, Kujamih said:

did you know that the name frank is not the most used name word....

it's DiCK!!!! BUMP BUMP BAAAAA!!! BADUM TSS....:laugh:

unless there's someone out there who is named F#ck then that is the most used name word....

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I have a few to tell of my own (this one is an embellished for storytelling points truth)...


Since I was little, I have had a love of the macabre, slightly unsettling even to myself. For many nights when I would go to sleep, I would ponder over those stories I had read in my head. It kept me in bed all night with fear. Not from the stories, but from what liked to feed off of my terror. It never would come out in light, and it did not like sacred symbols. I only saw it occasionally, a figure in white and grey robes, black gloves, and a two-toned black and white mask.  As I started to take up reciting the bon mantras my mother taught me , and started to take darker stuff more seriously, he came less and less, but I still see him occasionally out of the corner of my eye. Even as I write this, it watches me through the window, smiling... Dear God... I've let him in for this night...

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The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

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