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Who is your favorite person of history?

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charles george gordon, who fought in china and the sudan fought against the slave trade and rescued random kids from poverty. Then defended a small town for over a year against all odds, and only died when reinforcements didn't come. The city was overtaken, he put on his best uniform and went out fighting like a boss.

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This one man is probably the most inspirational in US and perhaps world history.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt.




Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Known as FDR for short) was the 32nd president of the United States of America. He had saved America from obliteration twice in 12 years (as he was the only president in US History elected for FOUR TERMS), all while being confined to a wheelchair because of Polio. His leadership during the Great Depression helped the economy grow and prosper, and US was the first nation that experienced the depression to really get out of it, in about 1938, using New Deal programs that provided economic relief and independence from the horrid state of the Stock Market, while also inspiring the public with his quotable phrases such as this one: ". If the country had re-elected Herbert Hoover instead, the economy would have been completely ruined and the US would not be able to recover. The recovery took at the very least 20 different social programs in unison to happen, all under the determined, great leadership of FDR.


FDR also provided substantial leadership to America during the Second World War. He worked with his military advisors to plan the three invasions that allowed America to penetrate into Nazi Germany (Not supposed to be an inappropriate joke). POf course executed by top generals, such as the legendary (though he made a few blunders, such as one D-Day practice run that went badly and resulted in 800 casualties) Eisenhower (who later became easily the most liberal Republican president since FDR's fifth cousin Theodore Roosevelt). He convinced everyone in the country to work together for the sake of Democracy itself to defeat Nazi Germany and Japan, to make such as an Arsenal of Democracy. This unity of the American people was yet to be achieved and still has not been nearly matched (particularly not in more recent history).


Though I do agree he did some things I wouldn't endorse, such as emprisoning the Japanese (which the survivors in 1988 were awarded restitutions for their suffering)  or slightly overasserting his power in some instances, he did what seemed to be the best for the United States at the time otherwise. He still did all of this while suffering from Polio since 1921, twelve years before he would be elected the US president, and in my opinion while suffering this disorder, he was still able to help America through perhaps the hardest time in US History other than the Civil War and the most deadly war in the history of the human race. That is why I consider him to be perhaps the most inspirational person in history, due to his resilience and his devotion to the principles of democracy.



But, Martin Luther King Jr. would probably be no.2 and no.3 would probably be Mahatma Gandhi.

Edited by TwillyFSniper


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   Tsar Peter the Great of Russia, a progressive leader, that led a medieval, landlocked nation into a superpower, of enlightenment and created the Russian Navy, making Russia into a maritime nation, after centuries of isolation, Russia was a major power in Europe and Asia. Peter also brought rococo art to Russia, replacing the bland, wooden appearance of many structures, his palace in Saint Petersburg, the Peterhoff, is a example of the new age in architecture, and I have been to the Peterhoff before, and it is simply extravagant. Peter the Great, also gave us the beginning of the Romanov jewels, I have seen the jewels before, in Russia and when they came to the Houston Museum of Natural Science, the jewels are amazing, so opulent and gleaming, Peter had a great appreciation for the arts, but he is also a great military leader. The Great Northern War with the Swedish Empire, was the moment Russia ascended into a superpower, its new navy defeated the sophisticated Swedish Navy, and won control over most of the Baltic Sea, and the Russian Army revamped its strength and harassed the invading Caroleans, all the way to Poltava, Peter won a decisive victory and is one of history's most important battles. Peter the Great still has strong influence on Russia, there is even a class of guided missile cruisers that bears his name, so his legacy lives on, he was more than the father of the Russian Empire, he was the founder of Russia as a modern country, that could have struggled on into obscurity, but the intellect and imagination of Peter is shared by many Russians.



He was also a tyrant with reputation for cruelty and abuse. I was born in St. Petersburg, so I've learned a lot about him in school. His achievements were great, but came at an incredibly high price for the common man. Thousands of people were buried in the marshes that lay underneath modern day St. Petersburg when the city was commissioned to be built.


For my picks, I would have to go with Jesus Christ, and if excluding religious figures, Socrates. Third would be Maimonides for his contributions to medicine.

Edited by Shargrath
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  • 1 year later...

William Herschel:

He was an astronomer, who discovered the planet Uranus and built his own reflecting telescopes. He also discovered infrared light, while measuring the temperatures of each color of light refracted from a prism. He placed his control thermometer just outside the red and noticed the increased temperature.  :ticking:

I find his work to be inspiring and enjoy doing small experiments in optics and such.

William Herschel.jpg

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On 4/18/2015 at 3:39 PM, King Sejong said:

   Tsar Peter the Great of Russia, a progressive leader, that led a medieval, landlocked nation into a superpower, of enlightenment and created the Russian Navy, making Russia into a maritime nation, after centuries of isolation, Russia was a major power in Europe and Asia. Peter also brought rococo art to Russia, replacing the bland, wooden appearance of many structures, his palace in Saint Petersburg, the Peterhoff, is a example of the new age in architecture, and I have been to the Peterhoff before, and it is simply extravagant. Peter the Great, also gave us the beginning of the Romanov jewels, I have seen the jewels before, in Russia and when they came to the Houston Museum of Natural Science, the jewels are amazing, so opulent and gleaming, Peter had a great appreciation for the arts, but he is also a great military leader. The Great Northern War with the Swedish Empire, was the moment Russia ascended into a superpower, its new navy defeated the sophisticated Swedish Navy, and won control over most of the Baltic Sea, and the Russian Army revamped its strength and harassed the invading Caroleans, all the way to Poltava, Peter won a decisive victory and is one of history's most important battles. Peter the Great still has strong influence on Russia, there is even a class of guided missile cruisers that bears his name, so his legacy lives on, he was more than the father of the Russian Empire, he was the founder of Russia as a modern country, that could have struggled on into obscurity, but the intellect and imagination of Peter is shared by many Russians.

I was going to mention him but you beat me to him (edit: I just realized this thread is about three years old). But I will add on to some of the things you have said.

After I post my preferred version of the portrait you posted of him.

Image result for peter the great

Forgive me for any mistakes as it has been some time since I have read about him.

Beyond the influence of his father Aleksey who was already somewhat of a progressive minded monarch, what may have greatly influenced Peter to become a Westernizer to due to childhood trauma. Because he had an elder brother, Ivan was supposed to become the successor; but due to his inability to lead due to his illness, it was decided that Peter was a more suitable successor. Due to rumours and superstition, the Streltsy believed that Ivan was disposed of and that, essentially, the monarchs were possessed by the devil. Due to an unfortunate circumstance, the Streltsy was triggered to storm the Kremlin and massacre many of Peter's relatives and other close associates. The Streltsy demanded a co-reign between Peter and Ivan, establish Sophia as regent, and be honoured as the saviors of Russia (I believe there were also demands concerning wages and benefits). After a senseless massacre, Peter has despised Moscow for the rest of his life as he saw that it symbolized the backwardness of Russia. It is ironic in a sense that the Russian leader I respect the most was in a way very much anti-Russia. It is interesting to note that St. Petersburg was built during the Great Northern War when there was little certainty that Russia would maintain hold of the territory; it is rather fitting of him though the point that he was reckless with the timing would be a valid one.

I believe his love of ships began with the meeting of these Dutch sailors who lived in an enclave; he would spend much of his time learning, helping with the construction of ships, and spend much of his time sailing in a lake much to his mother's disapproval. She arranged her son to marry Eudoxia as an attempt to have him settle down and stop his antics with no success (after meeting Catherine, this marriage would eventually end sourly by forcing Eudoxia into a convent and executing the son they had together). Beyond geopolitics, Peter had his personal interest in sailing as a reason to expand Russia's borders to a body of water; initially this was the Black Sea but was later changed to the Baltic Sea due to a failed campaign against the Ottomans and Europe's shifting focus from the Ottomans to what would become the War of the Spanish Succession. Much of the time during the Great Embassy was spent on learning about the navy; he had great admiration for the Netherlands; St. Petersburg was much inspired by Amsterdam and I believe it is the case that the present Russian flag was inspired by that of the Netherlands.


On 4/18/2015 at 1:57 PM, Twisted Cyclone said:

My favorite person in history is John F. Kennedy. 

  • He pretty much stopped World War III from occurring when he stopped Soviet missiles from entering Cuba.
  • He also got the space program going.
  • He was also a strong believer and supporter of racial equality. 

I would dispute the first point. Had the Soviets missiles reached Cuba, Americans would have simply been in the ever-present treat of nearby Soviet missiles as was already the case with American missiles stationed in turkey threatening the Soviets from a very close distance. The figure I would credit in the prevention of WW3 is Vasiliy Arkhipov as he was on a submarine during the Cuban Missile Crisis and opposed the deployment of nuclear weapons despite everyone else on-board supporting the firing of those weapons.

Image result for vasili arkhipov

Edited by Luna the Great of all the Russias

Pony Art Thread

Brony since ~25 July of 2011.

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Marcus Aurelius 

Albert Goering ( Not the one you are thinking of. This is his brother and he was awesome ) 

Margaret Thatcher 

 Frederik the Great 

These are just a few of those I admire. Though there are some still living people that would be on this list too if they had passed. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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  • 7 months later...

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk


He was the founder of the Republic of Turkey and served as its first president from 1923 to his death in 1938. He instituted multiple reforms in his quest to transform Turkey into a modern, secular state. He abolished the Sultanate and the Caliphate, abolished traditional clothing in favour of Western dress, granted women the same social and political rights as men as well as replacing Islamic law with a new civil code based off the Swiss civil code, the Italian penal code and the German commercial code. He strongly promoted science and education, building many new schools throughout Turkey, making primary education free and compulsory and replacing the Arabic script with a Latin alphabet as it was much easier to learn, allowing the literacy rate to increase from 9% to 33% in just 10 years. The Surname Law was introduced in 1934 and Mustafa Kemal adopted the surname "Ataturk", meaning "Father of the Turks". Ataturk is practically omnipresent in Turkey, with his portrait present in public buildings, schools, on all Turkish lira banknotes and many homes as well as being commemorated with many statues and monuments throughout Turkey.

Edited by MaresalCakmak
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Jesus Christ, without a doubt. Words he said and speeches he kept get never too old - not to mention his deeds. They inspire me nowadays still.

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Probably Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, for what they both contributed to political/economic philosophy.

3 hours ago, Thuja said:

Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson!!!  Inspiring trans women and they were there at the stonewall riots.

And these two as well, for what they contributed to the LGBT+ rights movement.

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Now that I think about it, almost any person I could say here could get absolutely ruined in a heartbeat. I think the two best would be Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Martin Luther King Jr. Though if I could count people who are still alive today, I think Noam Chomsky would be my third choice.

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gonna sound weird that a Nazi is my fave person from history but 

Albert Speer


Born in Germany, 1905, Speer was one of the most interesting members of the Nazi Party. He joined the NSDAP in 1930 after being enthralled by the charisma and promises of Hitler. He eventually became a very close friend of Hitler and was appointed as the lead architect of the party. He and Hitler would cooperate on the Germania Project, a plan to transform Berlin into a grand megalopoils. Following the death of Fritz Todt in 1942, Speer was entrusted by Hitler with the very important role as Minister of Armaments and War Production. What makes Speer interesting is that there's a lot of controversy and debate over whether he was one of the "Good Nazis" or simply a lying scoundrel attempting to elude the noose. Speer claims that he had no clue about the "Final Solution" to the "Jewish Problem" and that he was simply doing his job for the betterment of Germany. However, he did concede that his actions did lead to the deaths of many lives. At the Nuremberg Trials he was given a 20-year sentence for the exploitation of forced labour. 

Historians such as Gitta Sereny think that Speer was an innocent architect enamored by the charisma of Hitler and that he was simply a technocrat that wanted to "get the job done" in the most efficient way possible. Other historians such as Dan ver der Vat and Matthias Schmidt are more critical of Speer and argue not only that he willingly partook in the persecution of Jews, but that he was well aware of the "Final Solution". 


I'm not gonna write another essay over whether I think he was good or bad, because I've already written that essay a million times for my HSC exams last year and there's a lot of historiography to delve into. But imo Speer is no better than Goering or Himmler; he crafted a meticulous web of lies to escape the death sentence. 

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Jesus Christ. The Way, The Truth and The Life. Everything about Him is perfect and shapes my life for the better. 

Nikola Tesla. Superior scientist who thinks outside of the box, and one of my greatest heroes. 

Werner von Braun. Another brilliant scientist. He was always about the science and achieving great things for the human race.

Walt Disney. Artists are some of the most important people on earth and he was one of the best.

George Lucas. Another great artist who revolutionized his craft and changed the industry. 

Charles Ludwig Dodgson (aka Lewis Carroll). Brilliant writer and a good man.

Fred Rogers. A blessing to the kids (and adults) of the world).

There are so many more I could name, but I've already gone far beyond the one person implied by this thread. 


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  • 1 year later...

I have yet much to learn about historical persons but here are some I've read about and admire:

Stephen Hawking

Albert Einstein

Friedrich Niezche

H. P. Lovecraft

J. R. R, Tolkien

William Shakespeare

Nicolaus Kopernikus

Jesus (only to some degree what comes to he's teachings about humanity, since I'm not christian anymore)

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