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Boop a snoot, any snoot

Totally Nyx

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*finds a stool and sits down. Takes off his feathered hat and fans himself* Tis hotter than a Saddle Arabian ... *sees the ladies and rephrases the expression* ... horticultural convention. And all this booping makes a pony thirsty. Come, let us find the nearest establishment and I'll get every pony a round. I might even pay for it. *winks at @Alexshy *

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31 minutes ago, Holiday Agnaktor said:

*boops @Alexshy and dings @Windchime*

I went to get my blood drawn today, and it was, uh, interesting.

When the doctor put the needle in my arm, they missed. The doctor  m i s s e d  my vein. My veins stand out on my skin like azure mountain-ranges, inverse rivers of liquid lapis, heckin' giant blue veins.

So of course the doctor wiggled the needle to position it better.

W i g g l e d   T h e   N e e d l e .

She didn't take it out and stab better, she kept wiggling to position it properly for each of the 4 tubes. While it was literally inside of my arm.

So, uh, that was fun.

Most docs are poor at that, but too arrogant to take their nurse's advice and let them do it.

By contrast, the nurses at the blood donation service could get a pint out of a raisin, using a #4 brad nail, and have it gushing with the first stab... Seriously, I think they recruit vampires or something.

(oh, and *boops*)

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47 minutes ago, Fluttershy Friend said:

Oh. Yay! That's better. Thank you Princess! *Bops and then hugs blue alicorn. Then goes to sleep again even if it is not so easy to do after cup of coffee* :)

*hugs yellow pony in response* Well, I saw thine eyes closing mid-conversation, thus supposed thee wast in need of a fine cup. Mine deepest apologies, if 't be true tis messed with thy sleep pattern *lets out a silvery laugher* I promise to send a special soft yellow fluffy dream full of butterflies thy way *nuzzles sleepy @Fluttershy Friend*

46 minutes ago, BronyNumber42 said:

*Rubs his chaffed hooves and politely boops @Snow @Flutterstep @Totally Lyra @Mirage77 @Baby Dashie @Lucky Bolt @Windchime @Holiday Agnaktor @Alexshy and any other pony present.* 

Much appreciated. Now, *makes a show of wiping off the dirt from his clothes* about this princess? Might'n she need the services of a dashing young pony?

Dashing? Tis we hath noticed *nods with a smile* Hmmm... Methinks the Night Watch is always in need of new blood, I extend mine hope they shall welcome a capable and dashing (and not every unicorn dareth to jump a chandelier risking the fall and harsh snoot landing, being unable to fly) broth'r. That is if 't be true thou art fine with shifting thy sleep schedule a fair bit *winks*.

43 minutes ago, Count Werdowp said:

Okey @Alexshy  summon me an she get a boop 

As usual *sighs, casually returns a boop to @Count Werdowp inwardly celebrating, that he didn't attempt to hide in her mane and tickle her this time* Remindeth me of one more thing - I need to check if the cat-a-pult on the balcony is enabled... simply in case of a certain cat-powered pony trieth to sneak in.

42 minutes ago, Holiday Agnaktor said:

*boops @Alexshy and dings @Windchime*

I went to get my blood drawn today, and it was, uh, interesting.

When the doctor put the needle in my arm, they missed. The doctor  m i s s e d  my vein. My veins stand out on my skin like azure mountain-ranges, inverse rivers of liquid lapis, heckin' giant blue veins.

So of course the doctor wiggled the needle to position it better.

W i g g l e d   T h e   N e e d l e .

She didn't take it out and stab better, she kept wiggling to position it properly for each of the 4 tubes. While it was literally inside of my arm.

So, uh, that was fun.


Also my mom still doesn't get that "getting started again" should happen when I'm getting better, not when I'm still definitely too sick to do anything at school.

And the problem here is, that she told the relevant teachers at school what's what. AKA that I'm fine and that I should start going to school again slowly now. Even after yesterday, where I just sort of collapsed on my table at school in every single lesson.


~ Holiday Agnaktor being really tired, as per usual; 2017, colourised ~

"No mom, 'you're not sleeping so you're fine' isn't true"

*risks to lose her jaw* I know they do this oft... but... I'm truly speechless, mine friend. And for each of the four... *facehoofs* *hugs @Holiday Agnaktor, offers some chocolate to compensate the blood, and to be honest nerves likewise, loss*


10 minutes ago, BronyNumber42 said:

*finds a stool and sits down. Takes off his feathered hat and fans himself* Tis hotter than a Saddle Arabian ... *sees the ladies and rephrases the expression* ... horticultural convention. And all this booping makes a pony thirsty. Come, let us find the nearest establishment and I'll get every pony a round. I might even pay for it. *winks at @Alexshy *

Hmpf... *mutters aside* Tis positively pert and direct gentlecolt reminds me of a certain gascon musketeer, I knew long ere, at which time I sneaked into the dreams of Earth beings for pure fun. *sighs* The human life is so fragile, yet the brave fellow reached certain goals.

*louder, addressing to @BronyNumber42* So, which drink the dashing young pony prefers this time of the night? We have almost anything, including even the Old Alicorn whisky... but beest aware of possible after effects in the latter case. *inwardly wonders what else can he tell in a more relaxed atmosphere*

Edited by Alexshy
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4 minutes ago, Alexshy said:

*hugs @Holiday Agnaktor, offers some chocolate to compensate the blood, and to be honest nerves likewise, loss*

My mom did actually give me chocolate afterwards. I ate all of it.

I just hope that school won't push me too hard, since they're already asking when I'm going to go back to school.

Actually, let me mail my mentor and tell him what's what right now.


~ Holiday Agnaktor sitting in class; 2017, colourised"

"No mom, I'm not 'never going to recover if I don't go to school', that's not how viruses work"

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11 minutes ago, Count Werdowp said:

Wel Do not worry about it    its will be soon   :icwudt: evil smile

I didn't expect any less *giggles* *waves her mane most gracious way* Well, it's easy enough, as it is truly omnipresent (omniflowing- hmpf, is 't even a word) for 't being the Night. *boops @Count Werdowp once again prophylactically*

9 minutes ago, Holiday Agnaktor said:

Actually, let me mail my mentor and tell him what's what right now.

Tis a good idea, mine friend!

*soars high into the night sky, floats for a moment*

Now, fine pony folks, mine deepest apologies, I need to attend mine nightly duties... and mine writing *small sigh* I have more on mine plate than pretending to be a pirate, in the earnest *wink-wink*

Be kind to our potential Night Watch recruit ye all.



((OOC: Thanks for the RP everypony and have a valorous... oh, ahem...:P good night. Back to AFKastle))

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20 minutes ago, Alexshy said:

didn't expect any less *giggles* *waves her mane most gracious way* Well, it's easy enough, as it is truly omnipresent (omniflowing- hmpf, is 't even a word) for 't being the Night. *boops @Count Werdowp once again prophylactically*

HMM you have  smooth mane (yes im in your mane again ) boop nose and Get out of the mane  i told you it willl be soon

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*Looks at the list*

Oh, no! Some noses are unbooped! Sorry ponies! I must do something quick!


*Boops quick*

@Alexshy (of course!:squee:) @BronyNumber42 (premier boop to you:fluttershy:) @Nature Tune (boops always back:P) @CypherHoof (boop with warning! Where's my coffee?:dry:) @Rikifive (you can't stop me to do this!:D) @Sparklefan1234 (I want to see more boop pictures^_^) @ChB (boop in revenge:ph34r:)





Edited by Fluttershy Friend
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It's time for boop revenge boopenge. :sneer:

*boops @Fluttershy Friend (but I can do this in return! :D ) @Sparklefan1234 (the boops will never end :D ) @Alexshy (get boop'd! :D ) @anditbrokeagain! (*sigh* refreshes page) @Mesme Rize (boop da hypno doctor snekpone! ^_^ ) @Snow (inb4 I'll get shot by boop cannon :D) @nuuuitbrokeagain (...) @Totally Lyra (totally boop'd! :D )

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11 hours ago, Fluttershy Friend said:

*Looks at the list*

Oh, no! Some noses are unbooped! Sorry ponies! I must do something quick!

*Boops quick*

@CypherHoof (boop with warning! Where's my coffee?:dry:)

You drank it, @Alexshy posted a picture of you drinking it, then you complained it was keeping you awake?

(I am told the memory is the first thing to go, then the memory :D)


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*boops @Alexshy and @Fluttershy Friend to draw their attention to the fresh coffee; Going for their Italian house blend rather than SOE today, quite a dark roast too, but hoping it won't come out too bitter.  Best to get it while it's still hot :D

(tastes the coffee)

Hmm. Not as mellow as the yirgacheffe, but has a definite chocolate tone to it. Going to pair this with some Tiffin sorta-cakes I have, which are also bittersweet.

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15 hours ago, GrimGrimoire said:

I have not booped anyone in awhile. So.... without further ado....


@SpookySpoop @Alexshy @shadowwarp940 @Lucky Bolt @Jeric @PiratePony @Sylveon @Twilight Witch @Mesme Rize @The Mint Pone @Sunset Rose @BronyNumber42 @Stormfury

.... Consider yourself booped!

And some of you...


JUST BOOP ALREADY!  Here... I'll help!

You know who you are.

*boops @GrimGrimoire* Nice avatar, mine friend!

12 hours ago, Fluttershy Friend said:

*Looks at the list*

Oh, no! Some noses are unbooped! Sorry ponies! I must do something quick!


*Boops quick*

@Alexshy (of course!:squee:) @BronyNumber42 (premier boop to you:fluttershy:) @Nature Tune (boops always back:P) @CypherHoof (boop with warning! Where's my coffee?:dry:) @Rikifive (you can't stop me to do this!:D) @Sparklefan1234 (I want to see more boop pictures^_^) @ChB (boop in revenge:ph34r:)




*boops and hugs @Fluttershy Friend* Coffee? ;)

12 hours ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

*boops @Sparklefan1234*

9 hours ago, The Cerberus said:


*boops @The Cerberus* The cat-a-pult is waiting *wink-wink*

2 hours ago, Rikifive said:

It's time for boop revenge boopenge. :sneer:

*boops @Fluttershy Friend (but I can do this in return! :D ) @Sparklefan1234 (the boops will never end :D ) @Alexshy (get boop'd! :D ) @anditbrokeagain! (*sigh* refreshes page) @Mesme Rize (boop da hypno doctor snekpone! ^_^ ) @Snow (inb4 I'll get shot by boop cannon :D) @nuuuitbrokeagain (...) @Totally Lyra (totally boop'd! :D )

*boops @Rikifive* Guess what? Get boop'd too! Teehee!

10 minutes ago, CypherHoof said:

*boops @Alexshy and @Fluttershy Friend to draw their attention to the fresh coffee; Going for their Italian house blend rather than SOE today, quite a dark roast too, but hoping it won't come out too bitter.  Best to get it while it's still hot :D

*boops and nuzzles @CypherHoof* Mine gratitude as usual, mine friend!

So... not to miss anypony *boops @Totally Lyra @Flutterstep @ChB @RDash11 @Mirage77 @Sylveon @Deae Rising Shine~ @Lucky Bolt @BronyNumber42 @Wolfgrel @Baby Dashie @Denim&Venom @Princess Aurora Wolf @Mesme Rize @Count Werdowp @Holiday Agnaktor*


 Apologies, but I have loads of paperwork tonight...


So, boop quietly and politely :orly: For other questions please address Tia, y'all. She mercifully agreed to stay awake till midnight. *whispers* Tis shalt cost me a few pancakes with caviar, but... shhhhh!

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2 minutes ago, Alexshy said:



*boops @The Cerberus* The cat-a-pult is waiting *wink-wink*


 Apologies, but I have loads of paperwork tonight...


So, boop quietly and politely :orly: For other questions please address Tia, y'all. She mercifully agreed to stay awake till midnight. *whispers* Tis shalt cost me a few pancakes with caviar, but... shhhhh!

*Sends first about 15 clones of himself at once before teleporting in and going for your snoot*
das_treffen_mit_dem_tier__meeting_the_be  :3

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