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What is your opinion on Crossdressing?

Colon Leftbracket

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Is it really such an unserious reason, though? "Because I like it" is the motivation behind quite a bit of things in this world.


I watch ponies because I like it, I play video games because I like them, I go to work because I like the things that I can buy with the money that I earn.


Doing something that is harmless and does not cause any problems for anyone else simply because you enjoy it is a perfectly valid reason for doing it, I would say. I don't see why it's any less 'serious' a reason for doing something than the explanations regarding it making people feel more comfortable or in tune with their desired gender identity.



Referring back to my first post here, because it's the one Envy was [partially] quoting:



I think it's taken way too seriously by those who support and oppose it.


I'm saying the arguments and reasons in support of cross-dressing are not actually very serious.


They may be good enough of a reason to encourage someone to do something. I like this game, so I play this game, for example. But I wouldn't call that a serious reason.


I like this game, perhaps I can't play this game. I'm not going to shrivel up and die over it. I'm not going to enter clinical depression over it. Therefore I don't consider it very serious.


Liking something in and of itself is not serious at all.


People do place into consideration whether they like something before they make a decision, but can it actually be called a serious reason in and of itself?


You like video games, but liking is not enough.


You look at whether you can afford the video game, you look at whether you have free time to actually play it, you look at what effects it may have on you.


Yes, liking something is a motivation to do or get something, but it's an emotional motivation and not an intellectual one.


Emotional motivations mean something, but alone, without the intellect, they are nothing.


Thus, unserious.


Maybe I'm still over-analyzing things?



LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply.

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Hi Hi everypony,


I'm new to the forum but I need to put in my few cents of free advice. I personally am all for self expression. If you want to crossdress, then do it. Really the question isn't whether TO Crossdress, its more of WHERE to cross dress. I would start in the privacy of my own home actually. Get comfortable with yourself and see if you are happy just doing what you like privately. But if it turns out you want to go public, you MUST be aware there can be some serious repercussions.


1.) If you are living in an open minded town, great! Many towns are not so open minded and yhou risk exposing yourself to verbal abuse and possible harm.

2.) Make sure if you go out in public that someone may notice and realize its you. Rumors and gossip spread so make sure you either don't get caught or be prepared to explain yourself if confronted by close friends or family.

3.) I have no idea if you work or not but people have been fired for crossdressing. Its illegal but in Right to Work states, then just let you go with out explaination.


Not trying to scare you, just making sure you think it through before going public.


Truly yours,


Obsidian Winter

  • Brohoof 2

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My personal feelings on it are that it's awesome, and I enjoy it.


My opinions, though... I feel that people shouldn't get so up in arms about it. We're not bound by our genitals to only wear certain kinds of clothing, and any idea that is as such is completely absurd. Besides which, it is completely 100% harmless. It's benign. So any idea that this is a bad thing, that it rips the fabric of society or that it's "unnatural" (as if clothes are something found in nature) are completely misinformed, unfounded and really need to be rethought. If you wanna wear the clothes you wanna wear, fine. Allow other people that freedom, too.


Personally, I think it's really stupid that it's socially unacceptable for a man to wear a skirt. I may be over-thinking this, but to me, this goes back to the patriarchy and the value of one sex over another. In society, it's, repeatedly, been demonstrated that it's okay to be a man, but it's not okay to be a woman. That's not to say that women acting like women isn't accepted. After all, they were born female, and nothing will change that (except in the case of trans men, but that's another story completely.) However, women acting like men has come to be acceptable. No reason it shouldn't be, because the notion that men and women "have to" act a certain way is stupid to begin with. But this is the way things have developed. Women can have jobs, wear pants, get dirty, participate in sports, etc, thought to, previously, be things only men did. And for the most part, everyone is okay with this. Men can do all those things, too, because it's accepted of men. However, men doing things that are feminine is really strongly looked down on. It's seen as getting rid of your manhood, getting rid of your male privilege, and that should be something that no man wants. If a man does want those things, he's a sissy, and not a real man. Worse, he's not a real person, because no real person would want to give up the great thing of male privilege. Then men like this get beaten up.


And, I get, I'm generalizing, here. White women with shaved heads are thought to be lesser, because they're valued on their looks. (Though, interestingly, many of these standards don't apply to black women. Interesting to get into, but not on topic.) However, in general, this is the idea that goes on about this issue. If you think about it, it's incredibly ridiculous. It's a piece of cloth. That's all it is. You wanna know the difference between a skirt and pants? That extra piece of cloth between the legs. That. Is. It. Isn't it a really minor thing to quibble over? Look at parachute pants. They have a piece of cloth in the middle. Doesn't matter that it doesn't start until mid-calf. They're still pants. But cut the same cloth below the knee? Suddenly, it's a skirt. Now, it's unacceptable to wear. The exact. same. piece. of. clothing. Now you can't wear it.


I'm sorry, I'm ranting and rambling. And I realize that this is unprovoked. I just think it's absurd that anyone should object to putting pieces of cloth on your body. Anyway, that's my opinion on it, I guess...

  • Brohoof 5

maudpie_zpsh8n7erzx.png You're the most basic of jokes.

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I don't have a problem with it, and you can do it if you want, but it doesn't mean I'm not going to flash you a funny look if I see you...


(1 character off? Really?! Now I have to type this...)

This is a signature.

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I don't have a problem with it if they only do it in private clubs and private property.The problem isn't crossdressing itself but the crossdressers tend to wear very revealing outfits and they tend to do inappropriate acts.


Well this is a complete misconception. What crossdressers "tend" to do is make themselves appear similar to what society deems the opposite sex to look like. Crossdressing, whilst it can be some people's fetish and some people get off on it, isn't in itself a sexual act.


I crossdress sometimes. I don't get that many funny looks because I am female and not as good at it as I wish I was. But at the end of the day, it's only clothes. It's only fabric cut and sewn into different shapes.


That's it.

  • Brohoof 2


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Whatever floats your boat, as long as you're not harming anyone. I love to cross dress, mostly in private. But I do regularly wear makeup and a bit of flashy jewelry in public, and every once in a while go full on out dress-and-high-heels. I get some weird looks and snickers, but if you let every stranger's perception of you dictate who you are, you aren't really living your own life IMO. Do what feels right.

  • Brohoof 1


"Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears."

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Honest opinion? Sure, why not?


My first reaction would be a typical "WTF?" thought going through my head, followed by "Why would anyone dress like that?". After a few moments, when I actually have had the time to form an intellectual response to the scenario, I just go about my day as usual with a "Ah who cares? People can dress as they want" opinion. 10 to 15 minutes later the scene is more or less forgotten.

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I had a cross dresser in my last math class of my high school career. It took me quite awhile to find out that she actually was a he, knew for sure after he spoke in class once. He/she had serious skills if they were able to fool me for weeks.


I've got nothing against cross-dressing, though I was a little taken off guard by it at first. I remember reading that an Israeli Special Forces unit crossdressed in one operation, I thought that was awesome.

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  • 5 years later...

This tilts right into my particular windmill.  Fashion is my passion, and, as a male, I  have always resented the fact that men have such limited fashion options compared to women.  I have always felt like I have a lot of Rarity in me, and I've always wished I could wear beautiful things, including dresses and the like.  I started testing the waters with androgynous skirts and things like that about....mmmm.....I wanna say seven or so years ago.  I have grown bolder ever since and I have expanded my wardrobe considerably, both with things I've bought and made myself.  I design a lot of outfits myself.  It's a hobby.  Many of the things I wear would be deemed "crossdressing" by society, (which is fine; I really have no problem with that) but I have argued that, from a certain point of view, there's really no such thing, as clothing is just arbitrary cloth.  E.g. if a man wears a skirt, then it's not a woman's skirt, it's a man's skirt (especially if he designed and made it for himself!)

I love wearing all kinds of unusual, elaborate things, including skirts, dresses, and all manner of sexy (but tasteful) outfits.  Absolutely love it.  I'm often asked if I'm cosplaying.  People get a big kick out of it when I say, "Nope, this is just how I dress everyday."  They flip.  (In a good way.)  I believe that it's silly and ridiculous that we have such strict social mores surrounding clothing.  I just find it absolutely bewildering that we've created this society where everyone feels like the only things they're allowed to wear are exactly what's sold at Target or Kohl's or whatever, and anything out of the ordinary is unacceptable.  It's just so arbitrary.  What does it matter?  I say that people should have fun with clothing.  Y'know, if that's something a person wants to do.  If you want to wear a costume, then do it!  Why not?!  Within reasonable limits, obviously.  Can't wear a mask into businesses all the time.  That's a bit sinister and unsavory.  People would be like, "What are trying to hide?  What are you up to?"  But I really think people should feel free to dress up and have fun.

Clothing is, after all, just a human invention, and our standards for masculine and feminine attire are purely social constructs.  There is obviously nothing in our DNA about which fabric shapes are for which sex.  And, as we all know, many of these standards used to be reversed or different.  Long ago, men only wore skirts or similar things.  Pants weren't even invented yet.  High heels were originally invented for men, and it was thought unacceptable for women to wear them.  Your perception of what is for men and what is for women is based on how your were raised and taught, and the culture you grew up in.  If I were to raise you in an isolated village a la M. Night Shyamalan's The Village, and taught you that pants are only for women and dresses are only for men, then that's what you'd think, and if you got out into the rest of the world, you'd be completely shocked.  All arbitrary.  Now, I'm not saying that particular sexes don't have biases towards particular things.  They do.  I think they've done these studies where they give gorillas a choice of toys, and in the majority of cases the females pick the Barbie dolls and the males pick the monster trucks or whatever.  Or maybe they only did that study with baby humans.... whatever.  Point is these biases exist.  But the larger point is that if men want to wear dresses, then they should be able to, because they're just arbitrary inventions, anyway.

I can't finish without mentioning how unfair and bas-ackwards it is that this phenomenon only seems to run one way: crossdressing, by and large, tends to refer to men wearing women's clothing.  We don't think about the reverse quite so much, or in the same way.  Women can get away with wearing anything much more easily, because they've already broken the clothing barrier--they got pants.  It used to be scandalous for a woman to wear pants.  We obliterated that social rule like an MLP baddie being blasted with friendship rainbows.  Women can cross the gender line very easily, and it's not even really....crossing it....per se.  I mean, if a woman wears pants a t-shit that fit, then it's not even remotely considered crossdressing.  Why would it be?  But if a man wears a skirt that fits, ho boy--different story.  But why?  Why is it a different story?  Why do women get the best of both worlds with so much less resistance?  This phenomenon goes so much deeper than apparel.  It's obviously rooted in a deep-seated and toxic mindset that it's distasteful and shameful for men to be effeminate, or to like feminine things, or to be more like a woman in any way.  Conversely, when women appropriate something that was traditionally masculine, they are often praised for becoming stronger and fighting the power.  Not always, I know.  Women get sh*t all the time for not being lady-like, but I think it's far more difficult for men to feminine.  Here's an example: If a young girl is seen playing with a G.I. Joe, her parents are often praised for letting her be who she is and not bowing to societal pressure, yet if a boy is seen playing with a doll, he and his parents are often ridiculed.  My mom actually bought a Barbie doll for my brother when he was little because he wanted one, and she was criticized and told that she was going to warp him or turn him gay (which didn't happen--surprise, surprise!).  I believe this phenomenon to be the result of a very long history of patriarchy.  It must be acknowledged that this unidirectional double standard cannot exist without a mindset, subconsciously at the very least, that women are inferior.  These ideas cannot be jettisoned soon enough.

On 11/23/2012 at 3:58 PM, Colon Leftbracket said:

I've always found myself a bit uncomfortable having to assume the masculine role in life when the feminine things seem more appealing, so I guess its something I'd like to try to see if it helps me feel more comfortable in my own skin.

I am much the same way.  You also remarked that a man wearing a skirt is extremely frowned upon in society, but I'd like to provide a ray of hope by letting you know that I wear all kinds of skirts all the time, and I've gotten nothing but compliments.  I'm sure not everyone likes it, but they haven't said anything.  So, it might not be as bad as you think.

On 11/23/2012 at 4:22 PM, CloudFyre said:

However, I really don't see the attraction - are you trying to become something that you're not?

I can only speak for myself, but no.  Not at all.  Why should simply wearing what appeals to a person, what they like, and what they feel good in, and what they think looks good--why should that be thought of as trying to be something they're not?  I'm not trying to be a woman.  I just like wearing dresses and I think they look good on me.  Smatter wi'that?

On 11/23/2012 at 4:55 PM, Nohbdy said:

It's also interesting to note that the Romans considered wearing pants to be barbaric, even for men. Funny how times change.

YES.  Yes.  Exactly.  Arbitrary and learned cultural standards.

On 11/23/2012 at 7:10 PM, Envy said:

This notion that cross-dressing is indecent by default is asinine. It is archaic and meaningless

Thank you!  Well put.

On 11/24/2012 at 7:30 PM, Envy said:

Or maybe somebody simply prefers the style of the opposite sex's clothes. I just don't get it why so many have such a hard time understanding that concept.

Exactly!  Yes!  Hear, hear!


And sorry for being so long-winded, everypony!

Edited by Justin_Case001
  • Brohoof 2


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Real story here,


As a child I cross dressed at the age of 9 because at that point in time I was being curious on how girls dress like and see if what they wear is comfortable. That and I was gender confused at the time since I looked frail, physically weak, and too innocent for my own gender. I was bullied. A lot.


So I wore a Cinderella (Disney Version) like dress my sister wore on parties and it was alright. Nothing special with how it felt. It was a little tight. I didn’t take comfort in it. So I went back to being male.


That is as far as I’ve cross dressed. I did not wore any woman undergarments or anything like that.


My Opinion: As long as you’re doing it in private with no one looking then I don’t see why not explore on what you take comfort in. Just please don’t cross dress as Kim Kardashian.

Edited by ZethaPonderer
Giving off my opinion
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I personally think it is cute. I have seen many images of guys in girls clothing that I find quite good looking and I myself have many times considered dabbling in the same thing myself, though I have yet to try it. 

  • Brohoof 1


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I honestly couldn't care less what clothing people wear, as long as they don't force it onto someone else, regardless of what it is. :)

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It can be done well if you have the body for it, I do it to an extent, but I recognize what looks good on me and what doesn't. Dress for the body you have, not the one you wish you had.

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I would say if somebody wants to wear women's clothes and they're a man, or vice versa, then fuck it. 

The first time I wore women's clothes was a women's croptop back in 2015 I think and it was awesome. It was so pretty and there was so much air. 

As of right now, I plan to get some bras/bikinis, and some more crop tops, but don't care much for women's clothing beyond that. Maybe one day I'd wear a dress as I think they're beautiful and have a visual appeal suits, tuxedos, etc. don't have. 

I'm not exactly looking to change my body to be more "feminine" (I do shave my legs). I want to have a body like Chris Hemsworth tbh and as of right now I definitely am more on the muscular side. But I'd stil wear women's clothes cuz it looks pretty. (also don't like the fact men can expose their nipples while women can't, but that's a different story). 

Nothing wrong with wearing clothes that makes you feel more comfortable with yourself, and just in general, it's just clothes, so fuck it. 


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I have no problem with it. In fact, I think being dressed in girly clothing is one of my kinks.
However, I'm pretty certain I don't have the body for it.

That being said, I wouldn't be opposed to trying on girly clothing in private.
The only thing I'd wear out in public though, is thigh high socks cause I can easily cover them up with my pants.


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What's behind the closed doors of your home is none of my business. You do you in your own environment.

Just be ready to take some hits outside.

As far as I know religion strongly connects clothes with gender and forbids one imitating the other, so it's a given that religion is against crossdressing. However I also believe clothing is a good topic of debate within the construct of religious rulings.


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Crossdressing much like the idea of gender fluidity, due to shared characteristics, are confusing to most people, myself included. Eventually we reach a point in our lives where we find our selves pretty cemented in our identities, and observe others doing the same. Cross dressers break this norm as my understanding is that most are heterosexual males who from time to time for the lack of better words, feel the need to look "pretty". I can kind of understand the mindset as someone who role plays, I create a different identity, one that likely shares many habits with my real self since that can't be avoided, but in other ways can be very different. Most people picture the more extreme side of cross dressing, the drag queens, who are far more open and provocative when portraying this other side of themselves. It could be an outlet for expressing yourself against societal expectations, or it could just by their kink. My only experience with a crossdresser was at a flea market once and nothing strange happened. I was mildly surprised, then went on to ask the price of an item for sale. The only thing out of place was their appearance, but they are still human and need to be treated with mutual respect, so long as we're not crossing one another's personal boundaries.

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Personally I don't care whether people are crossdressers or not.

Hell, I had a run in with one. The fucker confused me sexually for weeks. :V

“Discovery is dangerous . . . but so is life. A man unwilling to take risk is doomed never to learn, never to grow, never to live.” - House Harkonnen

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Oh boy, that's an old thread.

Well I really like it, I'm currently doing it sometimes for fun and sometimes I think the clothes look pretty good on me as I don't really have the most masculine body in the world. Of course everyone should be allowed to do it if they want to, but I think you should at least consider whether it will actually look decent on you or not, super hairy and big guys or those who are overweight will rarely look feminine even if they wear such clothing. It usually just looks creepy.

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On other people? You do whatever you like! Confidence is all it takes! A strong mind, and strong hopes yield good visions for those who wish to fulfill their wishes in the future.

But on me? I wouldn't know what counts, I can go either way! I dress pretty plainly as it is, so I guess going for a full dress or a straight up men's outfit would count as crossdressing on both sides. I don't wear makeup, though, I draw the line there. Feels icky, like paint on my face. I can understand why other people would like it, though, all colorful and pretty. Maybe someday I can learn to like it a little.

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