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Happy Birthday to MLPF and MLP:FiM


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I have only been into this stuff for two years and already I’ve had so much cool experiences and made friends as well. The fandom has been going through a lot of things recently tbh, but the posts I am seeing here give me hope for us bronies. So a happy birthday to the forums and to Friendship is Magic! :D 

  • Brohoof 7
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Aww a happy birthday to the show and the MLP forums!

Seriously, I sometimes forget how much I've enjoyed watching the show.... seeing Pinkie Pie acting all silly and stupid, Rainbow Dash with her Sonic Rainboom, Fluttershy being cute and cuddly as always, Applejack bucking those apples.. Rarity and her fashion... and of course good old Twily writing all those letters to Celestia. (What the heck, let's throw Spike in there too) This show has given me so many great memories, that I sometimes wonder... where would I be without it?

Of course, I can't forget about the forums which brought everyone so much closer and made the community feel like home... I made many good friends here, all who are awesome pones... ah, the memories. You guys rock. All of you;)

  • Brohoof 3


Tell me this isn't the cutest thing you've seen all day?

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I have so much I want to say about this fandom, this community, the wonderboltful people i've met online and irl, the creativity, the consideration, the silly, the openness, the support, the supporters, and the supported, the laughter and the tears, and the volumes I've learned about so much, including, oddly enough, friendship... I'm overwhelmed just thinking about it all and don't know where to start, or stop.

So, just, thank you everypony!  I love you all!

Our book has opened and can never be closed because it never ends.

  • Brohoof 4
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I've been on the forums just recently but this place is so different and unique on its own. Of course none of that would have been possible without this amazing show that has brought us together, that has taught us lessons to make us better persons and in turn make the world a little better. 

Happy birthday MLP forums!


(edit: never mind bros. I've discovered some nasty nasty stuff on going on behind the scenes in here so... oof. Trans people are not welcomed here by the staff or admins, I'm not welcomed here.)

Edited by TheVoidIsCalling
  • Brohoof 6
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Happy 10th anniversary FiM! It almost seems like yesterday when I first started watching the show way back in the days of season 1 and wondering if we'll get a second season or not. Well here we are 10 years later and almost one year since the show concluded, time sure does fly on by doesn't! I wouldn't say that the show changed my life in any deep meaningful way, but it did being me some happiness over the years and for that I'm grateful for it's existence.

  • Brohoof 4
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Today's gonna be A-OK! Cuz we're celebrating your birthday! Happy birthday, MLPF! :pinkie:

I've admittedly had my highs and lows on this site, but I love it for the highs and the awesome people who have been there for me! MLP: FiM definitely deserves to have a happy 10th anniversary too, I can't imagine what almost a whole decade of my time on the internet would be without it! :kirin:

  • Brohoof 4


Comet meets the original Comet.

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I’ve spent the 10th anniversary of MLP FiM by mostly watching tributes of certain MLP characters and commemorating them for their efforts in the show for the past 10 years. But I’ve also played with my MLP action figures by styling them, watched some other iconic MLP videos as well as played some MLP games on my iPad. I’m so proud to be a brony and I’m proud of what the characters in My Little Pony have achieved throughout the years, because My Little Pony never fails to amaze me, even its 10th anniversary was really special and I have been enjoying it.

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Time really flies when you have fun, doesn't it? :P

I've been both a part of the forums since almost the very beginning (save the first four-plus months) and a brony for well over nine years now. When FIM started, no one would imagine how big the show got or how impactful is became to a whole lot of people. This show has a beautiful, intangible charm that speaks to so many people regardless of age or background. FIM helped establish what became a cartoon Revival Era, which you still see in some of the newer, ongoing family-friendly animations. Happy birthday, FIM, and may its legacy live on! :yay:

  • Brohoof 5

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4


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Happy 10th to FiM! If nothing else, it showed how a franchise that was so often the butt of jokes can turn itself around to something that can compete with more mainstream shows. And of course, it has that special quality of truly inspiring one to be a better person: to listen closer, to believe in the general goodness of humanity, and of course, to have a bit of fun every now and then with people you love amd trust. 

  • Brohoof 5

Hablo español--Je parle français--日本語を話す--我说中文--...and sarcasm (yeah right!)

I compose music.  Six Pony Rags

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Here's a little something I've made for the 10th Anniversary of MLP:FIM. :twismile: If anypony thinks I should submit this anywhere, please let me know! :squee:

My Little Pony

You know something?

Well, I know something about something. 

But have you ever heard of a few friends of mine? 

I’m going to assume their names will stick in your mind. 

I’ve got six of them actually. 

I can never decide between them honestly. 

This may be long, it may be small. 

But I think I’ll talk about them all. 

First, we got our friend, Fluttershy. 

Lives in a beautiful cottage tree, 

Deep in the heart of the country.

Safe and sound away from the Everfree.

I know her story well.

When she needs to, she can come out of her shell.

She may not know it but she can really stand up for herself.

And she can sing so phenomenally well.

Those turquoise eyes look at you and say,


With her beautiful woodland creatures on her mind,

And she is oh, so kind!

She gives me butterflies.

Because that is Fluttershy.

Now, let’s go and find Applejack.

See that barn on the haystack?

Oh, don’t worry, she’s not at all lonely.

She only has a massive family.

And there are oh, so many!

Ranging from Granny Smith, to Big Macintosh, to Apple Bloom,

But our favourite hat-wearer is always the honest charm in the room.

Those green eyes,

Sing lullabies.

And she really is full of honesty.

And is without a doubt, friendly.

She knows the barn is her destiny.

And she’ll always pick up the slack.

That is Applejack.

Next up is the one and only Twilight Sparkle.

What’s hard to miss is her beautiful castle.

She’s the one who’s done it all.

Through it all, she can never falter,

And now she’s Equestria’s ruler.

To think she was once a student,

Who had no idea what Friendship meant.

Then one day, she came to Ponyville.

With no idea about Friendship still.

And when she met her friends,

They knew to stick together to the end.

With her friends (And Spike) by her side.

They’re always together for the ride.

With so many adventures to marvel,

That is Twilight Sparkle.

Now, why don’t we head over

To Sugarcube Corner?

Where we have our friend, Pinkie Pie.

She’s quite funny, not gonna lie.

She is the one who will go the extra mile,

To make everypony you know smile.

And she knows that a party a day

Keeps the frowns away.

Yes, it always makes our day!

With the balloons on her side,

And the fun inside and outside.

When you’re having a bad day,

She’ll make the tears go away,

I see those blue eyes,

Because this is Pinkie Pie.

Now you want a real lady?

Well, here’s my darling Rarity.

Lives in a dazzling boutique.

I won’t take a critique.

She’s by far the best fashion designer,

And she never misses a beat does her!

With a beautiful coiffure,

She has an eye for making you look better.

Her boutique is rarely a mess,

Because she knows the Art of the Dress.

It’s no wonder we all love her.

And to you she’ll always be generous.

The one who is always pretty,

To me, that is Rarity.

Now, I’ll save the awesomest for last.

This one truly is a blast.

In the clouds, we have Rainbow Dash.

Here’s a pegasus whose records she’ll smash.

Look up and see that rainbow.

Look at how she flows.

The loyal one in the room,

Can nail a Sonic Rainboom.

She is most definitely confident,

And will never leave behind her friends.

She can be there like a thunderbolt,

And she may work for the Wonderbolts.

There in a flash,

This is Rainbow Dash.

And there you have it.

You may have to see them to believe it.

To the Mane Six, from me to you, this is a thank you letter.

My way of returning the favour,

For all you’ve done for me through the years.

And now here we are at ten years!

Everywhere and everyday,

You take my breath away.

Whenever I see you,

Whenever I hear you,

I’m reminded of what you do.

As long as you’re together,

As long as you have each other.

Then everything in life is worth it.

Please don’t ever forget,

That’s my only request.

Whatever challenge or quest,

May fall on you,

I hope I can be there to help you through.

As all of you stand tall,

They’ll never be a time when I won’t catch you when you fall.

I’ve never loved you more than I do right now.

The Six of you make my world go around.

As long as we’re best friends until the end of time,

We’ll have each other’s backs and let our true selves shine.

Then I can always smile,

With these happy friends of mine.

Our light of Friendship grows everyday,

And nothing can stand in our way.

I used to wonder what Friendship could be,

Until you all shared its magic with me.

We got this together until the end,

Because we know you are my very best friends.

I love you…


For MLP:FIM...

  • Brohoof 4

Signature made by the amazing @Sparklefan1234


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Welp, today's the tenth anniversary of MLP:FIM, pretty crazy that it's been ten years now huh? Ten years ago my life was very different, and the last thing I would expect to be into was a show about ponies, but here I am :muffins: I love all you guys, this community, this fandom, the show, it's all just so amazing and it's been absolutely a blast to be a part of :fluttershy: Here's to the future and that we continue to make new memories with our friends, brought together by the magic of friendship and a little help from a show about candy-colored talking equines :pinkie:  


So cute! :wub:

  • Brohoof 3


                                                    RA RA RASPUTIN

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Wow, this has been going on for 10 years! And for the last 5 years I've been a part of it. MLP: FiM helped me through hard times and restored my faith in animation. Over these years I've changed as a person, but I never lost interest in MLP and its fandom, discovering new great things all the time. Happy birthday, MLP: FiM! Thanks for wonderful memories!

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To think that a show I saw on a TV listing and immediately figured was just another modern flash cartoon on a franchise that I definitely wasn't going to be watching.

And then being told about it by a friend, and how it's actually real good. (Wait, what?) Then getting into it, watching some episodes, then finally watching the first. Then I was hooked.

Edited by Toastypk
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Happy Birthday MLP!  It's hard to believe that is already 10 years old.  It feels like it was just yesterday when I first got into the show.  Man did time just fly by.  I never would have imagined that a cartoon about pastel colored ponies learning about friendship would have been a large part of my life, but I wouldn't have had it any other way.  Thanks FIM for what you have given us over the years.  :fluttershy:

Edited by cmarston1
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Today isn't just the 10th anniversary of FIM! It's also the fifth anniversary of one of the greatest episodes of the series, Crusaders of the Lost Mark! :D That episode was emotional, only the second to make me cry, with an amazing twist that caught the fandom completely off-guard. :pinkie:

  • Brohoof 1

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4


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And as expected, Hasbro didn't acknowledge this occasion. I'm not surprised by this given how they've moved on and embraced a new toy line in order to earn more profit because they are a business after all. For me, Equestria Girls is how I came into this fandom many years ago so I'm waiting for its 10th anniversary in about three years from now. Still, I can congratulate Friendship is Magic having reached this particular milestone.

  • Brohoof 2


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Something something happy birthday to the show and the forums, something something show ends but legacy continues :nom: .

This is my internet home :fluttershy: .

  • Brohoof 1


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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