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How Do You Talk?  

431 users have voted

  1. 1. Do You Have An Accent?

    • Yes: British
    • Yes: Australian
    • Yes: Southern
    • Yes: New Jersey
    • Yes: Irish
    • Yes: Russian
    • Yes: Other
    • No, I Do Not Have An Accent
  2. 2. Do You Have A Speech Impediment?

    • Yes: I Can't Say R's Right Sometimes
    • Yes: I Can't Say S's Right Sometimes
    • Yes: I Can't Say TH's Right Sometimes
    • Yes: I Have A Speech Impediment Like Spagatta Nadle. I Sometimes Switch The Vowel In A Word With A Different Vowel
    • Yes: Other
    • No, I Do Not Have A Speech Impediment
  3. 3. Do You Often Digress With Conversations?

    • Yes: I Usually Can't Stay On Topic
    • Kind Of: Sometimes I Digress, But Sometimes I Don't
    • No: I Never Go Off Topic No Matter What The Case

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I have a southern accent I forced on myself (because I think accents are cool and I like southern accents), and have difficulty saying my R's correctly. However, I can go between it but I'm used to the southern accent part, I usually just normally talk with it.

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I think we all have an accent of some kind, just some are more pronounced than others. I don't thin,k I have any speech impediments other than stuttering if I get to excited about something. Digressing though, I tend to do that a lot, mostly when I am rambling on and on. I often switch to a bunch of different things on the fly.


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I have a generic American accent. People can tell I'm American, but they have no idea what region I'm from. I'm guessing I must have picked it up from watching TV, or something. My father has a Boston accent, and my mother has some sort of British accent, yet I don't sound anything like either of them.


I don't know if it would be considered a speech impediment, but I tend to mumble, use lots of "uhhhs" and "ummms", and I have trouble expressing any kind of emotion in my voice. It's not automatic for me like it is for most other people. I sometimes have to fake it, and then I end up sounding insincere because I can't do it convincingly.

Edited by Detritus
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I apparently have a Finnish accent even though I'd rather call it "I don't always know how to pronounce things". Since English isn't my first language either, I tend to speak slowly and sometimes have small breaks between words. I also have to think about my sentences before I'm able to say anything. 


Either way I'm not good at talking.  ^_^

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As many as said, everyone has an accent. I have what I believe to be a neutral American accent. Granted, I've always lived in Georgia, so many people around me have southern accents. I would likely sound southern to people in other parts of the country.

To be clear, I never say "y'all" or "ain't" or anything of the sort. NEVER! xD

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I don't have an accent but sometimes, for some reason I just do this British accent and averyone stares at me like, what?!? But it may be just a talent. I can have a British accent without even trying hard.



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Yes, I have a midwestern accent. I don't know if I have a speech impediment or not; I can pronounce everything correctly in English but I can't roll an r for the life of me so I sound really dumb when speaking in Spanish :c.


I'm not really sure how the last question is related to this :confused:. But I voted for the middle option.


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I usually have a pretty neutral accent but at times there is a slight tinge of Bostonian to it. I was born and raised in new england and I also get it from my family.

Edited by demonwolfspirit

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I don't speak with an accent of any kind. I lived in the midwest for a few years and the accent tried to take root, but I always fight against such things, no matter where I live. Some accents are beautiful. I'd have no problem developing an English accent, it just sounds so musical and elegant, but otherwise, I try to keep it universal.

I speak well enough normally, but occasionally if I'm tired or have been talking too much, I stammer a bit. It's like I have too many words all trying to get out of me at once and they trip over each other. Sometimes they just lock up in my mouth and I can't form any words at all. 

I do digress in conversations too. I talk too much and too fast, and one subject often runs into another and another. But that's okay, it just covers more ground that way.  :rarity:

  • Brohoof 1
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Where I live, in the Southern US, there is an abundance of Southern accents xD However, I actually don't like them very much. I am not against people who talk like that, but I would rather not have one, which I don't really. It kind of gets weird.


I don't have any speech disabilities, perhaps I may speak unclearly. However I sometimes 'modify' my accent to sound different, and I cannot explain it easily. While I don't have a (or at least a noticible one) accent, I sometimes change it to sound different, like foreign. (Yes I know it is stupid, but sometimes I feel more comfortable doing it). For example I may slip into a I don't know 'British or Cockney' (Yes I know it is the equivalent of our accent). accent, or 'Japanese accent'. I probably sound nothing like it but that is what I try, for no reason other than feeling more confortable with it than the standard Southern accent here


I do have a tendency to stray from topic, but not too often. I just like to talk about a lot, and sometimes I feel like I should stray a bit, and sometimes worry it is annoying to others. Other than that, nothing too strange.


I know I probably sound idiotic, but it feels better for me to do it.

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  • 2 years later...

I've been told I have a southern accent but I don't believe it. And yes I have a speech impediment, it's called being a redneck. There's some words that I say "wrong" like piano and Hawaiian. And I don't usually go off topic but sometimes I'll be reminded of a conversation weeks ago that was never finished and start talking to the person like it never stopped.

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On 5/5/2015 at 7:51 AM, Lightwing said:

As far as I know, i don't have a notorious accent that makes my voice to stand out from the others.


I don't know about what the other people thinks, but I don't think I got accent.

You definitely 100% have a discernable notorious accent, snrk 

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  • 1 year later...

I have a slight southern accent. Where I grew up actually had a really wide range of people, but the majority of people I was friends with were southern, so I think that's where it came from. Two of those friends were full-blown rednecks, and I have so many hilarious stories about those idiots.

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