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general Appreciate a fellow pony!


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4 hours ago, Chrysalium said:


You aren't active all that much but I enjoy our friendship. You were probably one of the first few I met when I joined that are still around, I like our conversations and our chats.


You are also one of the first few that I have met on here, about a month before me. You are a very good friend to me and will always remain that way, I like our discussions about dreams, but I want to see some of yours aswell lol. I enjoy being around you.


Your drawings for me are simply amazing, your a really good person at heart.


We share many of the same beliefs, and you live in what I consider to be an interesting area. I greatly enjoy discussing things with you. You are a cool guy.


Weve been friends for a good amount of time, and I find it funny how we are basically the same person. Always there to chat with lol.


One interesting person I have met, thats for sure. You draw really nicely from what I have seen, I enjoy our friendship.

@SoberStarlight @Misscellanio @Valencia

While we don't know each other the best of yet, I know we'll be good friends, I enjoy our chats and discussions.


Probably one of the most unique members I met, I remember that day clear as day. I like our discussions about dreams, I love dreams.

@Star Mist

You are a really good friend to me, and I'm glad that you had came back. I like your drawings and your OC choices.

@Millennium Shadow

You have very interesting theories.

@Rarity the Supreme

We share the same beliefs when it comes to school, I'm glad we are good friends

@A Honorable Mentioned Hierok

Your my best friend on here, I wish we could chat more, really. I like discussing things with you.



@Once In A Blue Moon

Your an interesting friend, and I agree with you when it comes to mlp

Thanks! I do too, so maybe we have to catch up again. ^_^

  • Brohoof 3

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

!Feel Free To Talk And Walk Where Ever You Like On This Forum!

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I want to appreciate @Fluttershy Friend For always commenting or brohoofing my stats, topics or replies. It’s been so nice knowing that there’s someone who looks forward to seeing me post!

Also, much love to my new friend @Trotteur Sauvage who messaged me happy birthday! I really didn’t expect anyone to have noticed, seeing as I hadn’t been active for a while before that day. It was a pleasant, heartwarming surprise to see a personal message along with the wall posts. 


Much love friends :wub:

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One important pony I will append to my list is @Jeric. For being one of the most thoughtful and model people I can think of on this forum. Jeric is full of ideas and levelheadedness. Every time I read a post of his it always seems to have an uplifting and thought-provoking effect on me, so thank you for being you. Hopefully you and I can get to know each other a bit more. ^ ^

Lastly for now, @JonasDarkmane. Once again, a pony I don't have the pleasure of knowing all too well, but Jonas is another very level-headed poster but also hilarious, open and self-aware. I can appreciate a complex personality like yours, Jonas. ^ ^

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While I do greatly appreciate so many of those whom I have interacted with over the time I've been here, there are a few standout specials who deserve a special mention here:

@Mesme Rize For being all around one of the closest friends and uniquely gifted people I've had the pleasure of meeting on this forum. Hard to believe that I was once afraid to even approach him at first. Under that scaly snake exterior and those dangerously hypnotic eyes beats a gentle heart of gold. (Still no Mesme banner though. :P)

@PathfinderCS Such a deer. <3 Much fawnderful moments and general goofiness over numerous staff chats, but also a keen, level-headed individual that never fails to demonstrate why he is best lead admin and deer overlord (if there is such a thing.. o.o).

@Crecious One of my favorite fandom artists and the one who brought my Ponysona to life for the first time. Thanks for unleashing me into the world of commissions! Also owe them a coffee or two (maybe three!). A reliable and understanding friend to have by my side. Together with @FancyHorse, we form one of the most insane (and yet strangely rewarding ;)) triangle of friends that I've ever been part of.

@Stardust Balance Quite possibly the first and longest running friend I've really had on this forum since before I was even staff. A writer of considerable talent; "A Journey Beyond Sanity" has kept me coming back for almost 130 chapters now, which is about 129 chapters more than most other fanfics tend to keep me for. Asides from his skill with the pen (or keyboard), he's also a great guy to talk to on just about anything, has some uniquely interesting theories, and is simply the kind of friend I would want by my side in times of trouble.

@Randimaxis Someone who has shown me that even when times are at their most difficult, there is always the resolve to keep pushing on to the end of the tunnel. To say Randi has been an inspiration for me would be under-credit. He is someone who never gave up faith in his friends in the same way they never gave up faith in him, and that in turn inspired me to always push that little bit further in life. Also the very spirit of letting yourself go and just having a bit of FUN!! sometimes. :umad:

@Jeric Similar to the above, Jeric is another who has shown remarkable resolve and an undying positivity even in those moments when things seemed at their darkest. There are few individuals whom I feel instantly inclined to trust in life, but Jeric had the rare distinction of being one of those people. From my initial interview on Skype to the odd 3am Staff call, he was always a fun guy to listen to for hours at a time. And, of course, who can forget 'Button's Mom'? Some memes will just never die. :orly:

@JonasDarkmane GOLD-PLUNDERING VIKINGPONE!!! :angry: Ahem.. ancient rivalries aside, Jonas is another who is simply a lot of fun to be around. Partially inspired me to take a current job at a Viking museum (where I am secretly building an invading army) and helped to pitch a number of interesting commish ideas for our OC's. Still can't figure out which one is Dumb or Dumber. :muffins:

@Rikifive If there was ever a real life element of generosity, Rikifive would be it. Not only put together a wonderful sprite image of my OC that was both animated and came in various outfits, but did this for about 20 other lucky Christmas members as well. This is only scratching the surface. Riki has put together some amazing and very helpful pieces of art for the sole purpose of making the forum a more convenient and user-friendly place for its members. An inspiring reminder that even a little act of selfless kindness can go a long way for some. :kindness:

@Kyoshi The other half of the generosity element on this forum. Kyoshi has been providing us with most of our signatures, headers and banners since long before I even joined. Even a few of the system icons are of his design. He does this all because, like Riki, he wants to see the forum grow and give something back to the place that has given him so much in return. Definitely one of most friendly faces on the site. If you haven't visited his signature shop yet, then what are you waiting for? :catface:

Alright, that's as far as I'm gonna go for now. While I don't usually like to pick favorites, the above are just a few of the names who have had the biggest overall impact on me since my time here began. I am immensely grateful for having had the opportunity to know them. No matter how minuscule, they have all left their mark in some way.

  • Brohoof 8

"Psst...Psst (Do your best, even if you don't stand out.)"

"The golden rule is: Think about what you're saying, then don't say it, and then just run away somewhere!"


Signature by @Kyoshi

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A Special Thanks to all my great friends in MLP Forums:

@Sunwalker: It has always been nice talking to you, these past two years. Thank you for always being an encouragement to me in my walk with Christ, and for always supporting me in times of trouble. It has always been a pleasure conversing about our trips and, of course, about ponies. 


@Dreambiscuit I know it's been a long time, but it was always nice talking to you in PM. I hope you are doing well, and I wish you best, Disneyland and elsewhere!


@Steel Accord Thanks for always being a dedicated and supportive contributor in our Christian Bronies thread! You are always fun to converse with, you bring up interesting topics, and you always give good answers to other ponies who come visit. May the Lord continue to bless you in your walk. 


@Autumn Mist Thanks for being a great friend. Always been great talking to you about Fluttershy and other things!


@Prospekt I know we haven't talked much, but I appreciate all your brohoofs and your replies to my status updates. Thanks for being an awesome pony!


@Bit Boss Always been fun talking to you about MGS! ;) 


@Dark Qiviut Thanks for the great reviews! I enjoy reading some of your status updates, including your updates on sports and your reactions to Gravity Falls. 


@Northern Light Dashie Thanks for always being so responsive in the brief moments we talked, whether in PM or in Rainbow Dash Fan Club. You are a great friend!


@Princess Aurora Wolf It's been so nice rooting for the Dodgers with you, this year. Hopefully next season, we will win. And hey, we still got the Rams this NFL season!


@Totally Lyra Thanks for talking to me and my friends through PM, Lyra Fan Club, and Ask Lyra And Lyra. You are always fun to talk to!


@King Clark What can I say? You are one of the most awesome friends anypony can have! You are funny; you are very supportive to other ponies in times of need; you always make substantial points in serious discussions, and you are not afraid to call someone out when things go wrong. Thank you for talking to me about ponies and sports on Discord, EQDF, and here. I wish you all the best in everything!


@Celli Thank you being a great friend! You were one of my first friends, since I joined MLPF. Thanks for all the brohoofs in Twilight Sparkle Fan Club, and for having some nice chats in Discord and elsewhere.



And to my Best Forum Friend Forever: @Sparklefan1234!

I could go on, the list of thanks would be endless, but I'll make it brief: Thank you so much for everything!!! I'm so thankful for all the times we've interacted, both here and in EQDF. Thank you for always taking the time to talk to me, for cracking jokes and making parodies, for being fun and supportive in PMs, and most importantly, for being one of the most kind friends anypony can possibly be! You would make Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia so proud for exemplifying the Element of Magic (Friendship). Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For being an awesome friend!


  • Brohoof 9


Thanks to @Sparklefan1234 for this awesome sig!

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3 minutes ago, ChB said:

And to my Best Forum Friend Forever: @Sparklefan1234!

I could go on, the list of thanks would be endless, but I'll make it brief: Thank you so much for everything!!! I'm so thankful for all the times we've interacted, both here and in EQDF. Thank you for always taking the time to talk to me, for cracking jokes and making parodies, for being fun and supportive in PMs, and most importantly, for being one of the most kind friends anypony can possibly be! You would make Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia so proud for exemplifying the Element of Magic (Friendship). Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For being an awesome friend!


You're Welcome, BFFFF!

I'm honored that you consider me that good of a friend & I echo your feelings 100%! 





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21 minutes ago, ChB said:

@King Clark What can I say? You are one of the most awesome friends anypony can have! You are funny; you are very supportive to other ponies in times of need; you always make substantial points in serious discussions, and you are not afraid to call someone out when things go wrong. Thank you for talking to me about ponies and sports on Discord, EQDF, and here. I wish you all the best in everything!

I can’t even begin to explain how much I appreciate this, ChB. I feel the exact same way about you! :adorkable:

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8 hours ago, Dark Horse said:

While I do greatly appreciate so many of those whom I have interacted with over the time I've been here, there are a few standout specials who deserve a special mention here:

@Mesme Rize For being all around one of the closest friends and uniquely gifted people I've had the pleasure of meeting on this forum. Hard to believe that I was once afraid to even approach him at first. Under that scaly snake exterior and those dangerously hypnotic eyes beats a gentle heart of gold. (Still no Mesme banner though. :P)

No Mesme Banner? D:

Seriously though, i am also very glad that i have met you. You managed to keep me going and being an inspiration even in tough times and i am very thankful for that. *Lamiahuggles* hiss hiss :3

  • Brohoof 1

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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Oh boy, I could write entire essays but I'll try to keep it short(ish)!



@Lightwing– Ahh, señor hámster. What could I say? You're a joy to be around, you're always there when the going gets tough, and you're tons of fun. Whether chatting, playing games or doing drawings with ya, it's always a great time~ I have so many great memories of the stuff we did together, and I look forward to creating even more! Also, showing you bad mods and nonsensical games from my childhood has become my new favorite hobby. :P

@JonasDarkmane – My favorite dorkpone! Always so ever-helpful, by being a shoulder to lean on at rough times, by helping with problems, or by just offering a silly new staffer some advice on how to handle matters. Having lengthy conversations and playing for hours after hours with ya is always a blast. I look forward to having even more of these with ya in times to come. ;) (I swear, we must have conquered the world in a hundred different ways by now.)

@Bojo - ¡Mi hermano del otro lado del Atlántico! You've always been a great source of wisdom and advice, not to mention your positive energy and outlook on life has always spread over to me. Talking and playing with ya is always an awesome time! And of course, spotting our favorite number. :muffins: Just wish I could see ya more often nowadays. When will those exams and assignments end? D: (Seriously though, wish ya the best for those!)

@Yukamii (xOkamii) – My booping apprentice, and queen of the floof! Our conversations are always fun, random and weird – and usually end up about pasta or how to annoy Jonas~ Always looking forward to what crazy things we'll do next, what bizarre quizzes we'll be taking, and sharing silly stuff we found on the internet. Also, we should have calls more often~

@PiratePony – What can I say that hasn't already been said? You're a great person, ye scallywag! Honest, generous, a natural leader, and one who always stands by their morals. I'm very glad that I met ya here! Also, you still hold the award for best deer pun of all time. #GoTeamFiM

@The Senate – O hai Mark. Always fun to talk about slav memes, Poland, Greece, human stupidity, all those combined, and just about any topic with ya. Also, seeing your reactions to my HOI4 maps is always amusing. :'D Never forget the day Lechistan conquered the world!

@Leere – We may have met only recently, but so far it's been a great time interacting with ya! Whether about games, history, alternate history, or watching a movie. :D Glad to have finally met someone else who likes to brainstorm over alt-history scenarios as much as I do, hehe~

@PathfinderCS – Couldn't go without mentioning my deer friend, could I? Seriously though, you're a great fella! Even in the roughest of situations, you've been calm and level-headed, and you're one of the most respectful and understanding people I've met. Though, everyone says that you haven't watched 90% of the classic films that are "must-see", if it's any consolation, neither have I. :lie:

@Randimaxis – If you've taught me anything, good sir, it's that chaos is fun. ;) Whenever there's a division, I see you there trying to restore unity. No matter what, you're looking out to make sure no one is hurt. Your eagerness to help others, open-mindedness, and unique way of handling things has made me respect and greatly appreciate you and what you do. *takes a bow*



I never anticipated that coming to these forums here would amount to anything more than maybe 2-3 months of entertainment, and boy am I glad to be wrong. Met so many cool individuals here, forged quite a lot of bonds, have grown as a person, and just had (and am having!) an all-around great time.


And like many others have said already, thank you @Sweetcake for starting this thread! :) Great idea for a topic~

Now, with that wall of text done, I go back to lurking. *boops everyone and vanishes*

  • Brohoof 10

Check out my art thread for some cute ponies, cookies and boops. img-34212-1-img-34212-1-img-34212-1-img-34212-2-fluttershy.png



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  • 2 weeks later...
14 minutes ago, WisePie said:

 @Mirage @ScruffyTheStallion @Trotteur Sauvage @Wingnut @WWolf @The_Gobo @TBD @Flutterstep @SparklingSwirls


Y'all are some wonderful ponies, and thank y'all for giving me the great times I have on here.


Love y'all. ;) 

Here ye, here ye to you too. :smug:

  • Brohoof 3



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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Now that the hype is starting to die down, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who participated in the Swirly Avatar Army, even if it was only for a little bit :). It's been awesome getting to see all these creative versions of my avatar and getting to feel like the queen of the forums for a few days :D 

@Lightwing @Snow @The Gobok @Nightfall Gloam @VengefulStrudel @meme @CypherHoof @The_Gobo @Flutterstep @Lucky Bolt @WWolf @Sparklefan1234 @LeereSwirly @Midnight Blaze 98 @DefinitelyNOTTigerGeekGuy @TwilyFan13 @Twisted Cyclone @Duality @Gabosor @Der Kerzenwaechter @The Cerberus @Dawnchaser @Widdershins @Fillypino Fries @Silver Note @StrawCherry @That Guy with the Fries @Valencia @SolarFlare13 @Prospekt

And hey, look! I made a Swirly out of everyone's Swirlies! :muffins:


As you all change back to your old avatars (or keep yours, I don't mind), I'll be able to keep a piece of the SAA with me to remember this :)


I also want to dedicate this post to my old friend and avatar's creator, @The Mystical Writer. She's left the forums now, but maybe one day she'll wander back and get to see what happened to her drawing for me. Amelia, you were the best!

  • Brohoof 25


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Just now, SparklingSwirls said:

Now that the hype is starting to die down, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who participated in the Swirly Avatar Army, even if it was only for a little bit :). It's been awesome getting to see all these creative versions of my avatar and getting to feel like the queen of the forums for a few days :D 

@Lightwing @Snow @The Gobok @Nightfall Gloam @VengefulStrudel @meme @CypherHoof @The_Gobo @Flutterstep @Lucky Bolt @WWolf @Sparklefan1234 @LeereSwirly @Midnight Blaze 98 @DefinitelyNOTTigerGeekGuy @TwilyFan13 @Twisted Cyclone @Duality @Gabosor @Der Kerzenwaechter @The Cerberus @Dawnchaser @Widdershins @Fillypino Fries @Silver Note @StrawCherry @That Guy with the Fries @Valencia @SolarFlare13 @Prospekt

And hey, look! I made a Swirly out of everyone's Swirlies! :muffins:


As you all change back to your old avatars (or keep yours, I don't mind), I'll be able to keep a piece of the SAA with me to remember this :)


I also want to dedicate this post to my old friend and avatar's creator, @The Mystical Writer. She's left the forums now, but maybe one day she'll wander back and get to see what happened to her drawing for me. Amelia, you were the best!

I reconize myself twice. This looks amazing!

  • Brohoof 4

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

!Feel Free To Talk And Walk Where Ever You Like On This Forum!

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25 minutes ago, SparklingSwirls said:

Now that the hype is starting to die down, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who participated in the Swirly Avatar Army, even if it was only for a little bit :). It's been awesome getting to see all these creative versions of my avatar and getting to feel like the queen of the forums for a few days :D 

@Lightwing @Snow @The Gobok @Nightfall Gloam @VengefulStrudel @meme @CypherHoof @The_Gobo @Flutterstep @Lucky Bolt @WWolf @Sparklefan1234 @LeereSwirly @Midnight Blaze 98 @DefinitelyNOTTigerGeekGuy @TwilyFan13 @Twisted Cyclone @Duality @Gabosor @Der Kerzenwaechter @The Cerberus @Dawnchaser @Widdershins @Fillypino Fries @Silver Note @StrawCherry @That Guy with the Fries @Valencia @SolarFlare13 @Prospekt

And hey, look! I made a Swirly out of everyone's Swirlies! :muffins:


As you all change back to your old avatars (or keep yours, I don't mind), I'll be able to keep a piece of the SAA with me to remember this :)


I also want to dedicate this post to my old friend and avatar's creator, @The Mystical Writer. She's left the forums now, but maybe one day she'll wander back and get to see what happened to her drawing for me. Amelia, you were the best!

I recognize my former self a few times ^_^ It's been a lot of fun. Maybe there'll be an anniversary with twice as many Sparklings appear. Good job on the design too :) It goes without saying how many people appreciate you :fluttershy:

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