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Posts posted by Alexshy

  1. 6 minutes ago, CypherHoof said:

    Isn't that how she ended up with a rainbow-coloured mane in the first place? :)

    Nope. But seeing Tia's eyes, at which hour she exits the bathroom with green-blue mane with sparkles, is priceless!!! mischief.png.298add6e4c729e7bf8217c985cd58097.png

  2. 1 hour ago, Mirage said:

    Whatever dost thou mean?


    Ummm... Exampli gratia changing the regular shampoo to the one with colourizing effect :-P

  3. 46 minutes ago, Mirage said:

    Man! Not during a game!!!!

    We thus put up with this:

    Image result for luna my wings are so pretty


    Ugghhh... She bugs us while gaming, we like to troll her, at which hour Tia is cooking in return... *giggles ruffianly* But nothing compareth to bath-time pranks :orly:

    • Brohoof 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, Mirage said:

    Beautiful Luna...what do you dream of when the stars are reflected in your eyes?



    Of ponies finally learning to be in peace with themselves, in mine domain or their daily life. Me included...

    • Brohoof 1
  5. I messed the topic, guess I'm still not arrant in the flow. Apologies. Tis another story about mine OC Dawn, written as the response to the social experiment by Flutterpriest on FimFiction: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/421341/just-reply

    More than two years passed since Bittersweet story, Dawn passed fire and ice and trumpets. One day she got a strange letter. After reading and prolonged hesitation whether to reply or not, she grasps her nerves and... Hither goeth:


    Hi Melody! Nice to meet a beautiful pony (I think everypony making art is beautiful and I’m not talking about the looks only… and mostly) with a beautiful name. It sings.

    No need to call me Penny… Heh! My name is Dawn. Quite optimistic, isn’t it? I would like to match that name completely… Anyway, that should lessen the awkwardness, shouldn’t it? Awkwardness… For an IT mare, which spends more time with machines than living ponies, it’s almost the second name. Your letter is pretty normal; believe me – the one who reads the fault notifications (with user suggestions) daily. For one who came through an incident with a stalker, awkwardness tends to become the first name even. The same reason makes me the last pony to judge you, completely open or not. I stopped judging ponies since long ago…

    So, I’m a mare, as I have already said. As for the looks… I have a few scars from the less happy years with my husband my previous life. Nothing too critical though. Truth be told, I learned to judge ponies by the look not. I wish I learned it earlier the easier way.

    I live in Ponyville. Currently… Actually, I’ve driven half of Equestria hiding from several years ago. Canterlot. A beautiful city… Well, it depends. I’ve seen both sides of it, Melody. I think, regardless of where you are – big city or some village, troubles can find you, even if you don’t seek for them. Sometimes at the least expected moment. And the shady ponies aren’t the worst of them. When the one you lived happily with for a few years turns shady… or

    I think it’s simply easier to overcome all those, staying closer to Nature… Have you ever thought of moving to Canterlot outskirts at least? It’s not much of a difference for the delivery and agents. But the look, the air. You are lucky, having a beautiful tree under your window, Melody. I remember, we had a brick wall, when we [blot]

    Well, about me… I live alone in my house. Never thought I could return to that place after the cli two years ago. But that’s all I have and… it brings happy memories. More than Even if it’s too big for a single mare.

    Employment in a big IT company has its undoubted advantages: I can work remotely, rarely hitting the road to Canterlot or Manehettan branch office. I prefer driving; can’t make myself enter a train compartment for quite a while. In practice, the remote work means typing, typing and again… typing. All day long. Which, with my hobby – writing (although, I don’t have much time for it, unfortunately), gives even more typing at the end of the day. You can’t imagine Writing to you was such a relief. Pen, paper… I hope my hoofwriting is readable at least. Haha!

    I signed for that Penpal service, because I feel lonely, more and more each day. Even in the middle of the large herd which I’m not a fan of, even if almost everypony here is friendly, despite… I get along with a few mares here, but I’m still behind the glass, sorta…

    We were going to be open with each other. Well! Do you want to know what I fear most of all, Melody? Not silence. There is a much scarier sound. The sound of the storm and rain drumming the house, when you are inside [blot] The worst thing in my life happened under that “music”

    Alas, I can’t avoid it, when I’d like to, most often I curl under my blanket hoofing my ears shut. When it’s warm outside, I ran to the open. The rain is not scary there. Often to the field nearby. You can see everything around It is more bearable that way.

    I know how you feel, Melody. Maybe not to the letter, but… Interesting fact, the most awful things in my life happened to me inside, in the “tranquil and homely” atmosphere, when those I supposed to trust, were near. If you want, I will tell you someday. I’m still working on my trust issues I need to grasp my nerves for that.


    It’s big indeed. Enough space for one to escape expect for some help, if it’s needed. Although, I admit it turns out weird sometimes. Even with lots of nice ponies

    I think I have too much space in my house as well. But that’s different. Never mind.

    I love how dedicated and inspire you sound, when it comes to your art, Melody. How responsible. I always valued responsibility high, maybe even to it becoming my weakness some tried to abuse Still, it awesome how involved you are in your artwork. Please, Melody, don’t be too involved all the time.

    No art is too dark, Melody. Even for Equestria. Maybe it’s your agent, failing to track the target audience, not the art. Threatening is not an option, regardless of the situation.

    Anyway! I got an idea. I happen to know a few art agents The only useful legacy of my husband I’m still on good terms with two of them. Well, if a few e-mails a year can be called that way. Still, they used the company service and… I’ll write you the names, being a painter you know them well most likely. If you are okay with that idea, I’ll suggest them to have a look at your art. Then, well, it will depend on your agent.

    Any autumn tree painted with soul and feel involved is unique, even if there are millions of them. Mind that coming from an IT mare. The idea with the night scene is… I don’t know how you make the accents visible in night light, but, well, I’m not an artist. I believe you can do that. Although, I see the scene a little differently. I’ll elaborate later.

    One more idea… Two unrelated to IT ideas a day! Ohhhh, that makes my coat crawl.

    So, to the point, right? I’m going to be in Canterlot that weekend. Under the certain tree. Simply being there. You won’t mistake.

    You can see me then. I can’t promise, my lungs allow you to hear me, nor I assume you want that. Do you?

    You can use that rope properly then, Melody… Throwing one end out of the window, so I can clip another letter to it. Screw that post service. From hoof to hoof. I’m taking a sketchpad with me, a nice change from the keyboard. I’ll tell you my story what I can I can’t promise to be lighter. And then we’ll see.

    Maybe you want to paint that autumn tree in the moonlight then. And two mares under that tree. Talking.

    That, of course, doesn’t mean that you and I shouldn’t write any more letters meanwhile. Right now I need at least one. A single word is enough, if you are okay with that idea – simply yes or no. While I have nerves to go

    You have a friend now, Melody! I’m not pretending to be the best one or simply a good one, only time will show. Just keep going.

    I care,


    P.S.: Speaking of scratched out parts… It took me some effort to actually dare to send this We could make a contest someday!

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I usually take a pill (beest careful though, minding thy allergies, etcetera) and fall asleep as soon as I can (getting home from work and so on). Mine experience telleth me that "sleeping the headache out" worketh nicely. Thou needst a dark, nicely ventilated room (must be relatively cool) and silence.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. luna_by_monochromaticbay-d4hw850.png

    *flexes and soars high spreading her wings and sending the imminent Boopage to the domain below*

    Muahahahaha!!! Hereby we, HRH Luna Selena of Equestria declare... May the Booping commence!!!

    *boops @Fluttershy Friend  @Mirage  @Cypherhoof  @Jade Fire  @Catpone Cerberus  @Out of Service aka Longhaul (mindst that I love the last variant more) @Nightmare Rechie  @Twilight Luna  @Yoye Wolfgrel (I'm glad that DA is finally working fine for thee!) @Snow @Duality @Valencia @Princess of Snow @Spooky Brony 2A  @TigerGeekGuy @Prospekt  @The Bone Soldier


    and the whole former Team Moon: @Loud Opinion @Disky Bolt @Coloratura (Rara) @~The Snowy Wolf~ @Pixel Dusk @JCKane @SugarCoatxMarblePie @PCutter @AlbaTross @Asbel Lhant @Grandmaster Slas @Woona :3 @Lambdadelta @Gainsborough @CoolConfucius @J.T. @Millennium Shadow @OG CHUCK @Sherem @Rainbow Cloud @K_Cast @RaphLuna @Raven Rawne @Theanimationfanatic @zerozoner @Alex2002ita @Amanita @Raririsu @Artrexus Hope @Calico @Wild Star @Don't Spy on Me @SkyPie @Hachiroku @Emperor Blu Traincrown @SBaby @.Wolfe. @Rising Dusk @Ganaram Inukshuk @NightmareLuna800 @Nightmare Muffin @Cwanky @Simcity11100 @Snow Frostflame @Regal Shadow @Script Chime @Glimmerlicious @Jonny Music @Tylad @Luna's Admirer @Loyal Defender @Acons @Feather Data @Dark Horse @Luna the Great of all the Russias @R.D.Dash @meck-can-ik pony @Princess Lulu <3~ @Goat-kun @Kyoshi @WWolf @Envy @Rixton @Stardust Balance @Handsome Changeling @Mickey Adaptus @Arid_Blitz @BornAgainBrony @DivineGlow1000 @TBD @MidnightDawn @AdorbzFangirl @Kind Claw @Twisted Cyclone @Krashface @SharpWit @Sir Floof @Califorum @Pripyat Pony @Jedishy @Gabosor @Ginger Ale @Nightmare Moon @Princess Luna @Princess Celestia * Thanks for being awesome, mine friends, and standing up for what is worth, despite... everything!

    • Brohoof 16
    • Thanks 9
  8. On 10/25/2018 at 5:02 AM, MidnightDawn said:

    What is it like going into other filly’s dreams? What do they usually dream about?

    Tis an interesting question forsooth. Contrary to popular belief, not all the fillies dream of shopping, colts and becoming princesses themselves. I've seen the whole variety of strangest and most unexpected plots within fillies' dreams... up to nuclear physics. But... I'm keeping secrets well. In the average those are forsooth different life circumstances thought through again and again, worries about acceptance by friends, parents, etcetera, romantic experiences. I'm trying mine best to keep them on the bright side.

    On 10/25/2018 at 5:17 AM, BlueBlur1000 said:

    Dear Princess Luna, what kind of gifts do you like?

    I shall accept both effective and quality weapons and classy dresses and jewellery :orly:

    • Brohoof 2
  9. 19 minutes ago, Twilight Luna said:

    Any ideas for this year? How did you get her last year? :ooh:

    Last year:


    This year - I'm still plotting, mine friend! ;)

  10. 13 minutes ago, Mirage said:

    What of thine dragon costume? :orly:

    A feasible variant. Although, it's not a costume practically... a magical transformation form rather.

    13 minutes ago, Mirage said:

    Together we shall be...although, in the shadows I will lie in wait for the right times...

    *nuzzles* Dost not miss all the fun "waiting for the right times" :-P

    2 minutes ago, Twilight Luna said:

    Don’t forget fit in your schedule a prank for Tia. :orly:

    Oh, tis a must, of course *laughs heartily*

    • Brohoof 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

    That sounds like fun! Do you have any ideas for a costume?

    Hmmm... Mimicking Tia is an old trick... Mayhap I should try Chrissy... Small revenge for mimicking me while driving drunk in high school :orly: Truth be told I have some companions this time, so making impression shalt be easier.

    1 minute ago, Mirage said:

    A what of the statue of Nightmare Moon!

    Sure thing! By the way, we could take the visits together or share the list, thus covering twice more places!

    • Brohoof 1
  12. 6 minutes ago, Mirage said:

    I shall gobble their plots as soon as they are found. 711831148_1041176__safe_artist-colon-gothicsugar_nightmaremoon_thecutiere-dash-mark_sceneinterpretation_solo.jpeg.f231677cea7f041d79d72f5aaeaa8831.jpeg

    /) They deserve nothing else for such a speculation about us, sis!

    2 minutes ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

    (That's what I put for Luna's birthday a *long* time ago! :D

    Do you have any plans for Nightmare Night?

    I have quite a schedule - to visit all Equestrian large cities at least... and some towns, which are dear to me. So many foals crave to be "scared" *giggles*

    • Brohoof 1
  13. 53 minutes ago, Cypherhoof said:

    *also boops Best Princess on their royal blue snoot.

    *hugs* Thanks! chilling.png.569f07ba87f06de38a675860a4c1594d.png

    53 minutes ago, Cypherhoof said:

    *boops also the yellow pone, and adds more for the cyan and grey snoots of @Nature Tune & @Longhaul  (who sadly seem to be distancing themselves from our friendship)

    I would like to have those two stay likewise *nodnods*

    • Brohoof 2
  14. On 10/19/2018 at 7:02 PM, Kevin Tang said:

    What are your thoughts about the future of Equestria?

    Methinks upholding the strategic partnerships and multiculturalism, Equestria shouldn't lose its own identity and face. The goal is not to be a part of Equus biomass, but the best among equals, yet unique nations. Peace is preferred, but that doth not mean that I shan't personally defend our subjects, in case they are threatened in any way or form.

    On 10/20/2018 at 1:38 AM, DivineGlow1000 said:

    Hey Luna, do you have a favorite food?

    I like fruits (dost not say "banana" at once), mostly juicy ones, I like cookies and cakes (preferably not too creamy). I like cheese, good cheese, but no mold (yuck!)

    On 10/21/2018 at 9:01 AM, Twilight Luna said:


    Did you have a favorite plush toy when you were a fillie?


    *blushes* A teddy bear... Mr. Cuddles...

    Ahem... and a plush Moon, of course :orly:

    On 10/21/2018 at 10:14 PM, Sparklefan1234 said:

    Greetings, @Alexshy/Princess Luna! 


    I was wondering: "What is your favorite Nightmare Night treat?"

    Candies are fine, not live sugar though. I'm okay with chocolate and fruit filling. Pumpkin cake is nice likewise; thou knowest, pumpkins ain't for shooting at targets only :-P

    On 10/22/2018 at 12:03 PM, Luna's Admirer said:

    Hi, Princess Luna and Nightmare Moon. It's so nice to be here once again. I have some questions which are bugging me for a long time, and now I'd like to have an answer.

    Q1: What's the history of Nightmare Night? I mean, as far as I can think, it seemed to be started as something superstitioous hoax, I mean Nightmare comes to Equestria to gobble the ponies, and if ponies are dressed up in costumes then they're safe? To me, I think that was a rumoure some mean ponies spread so they could sell the costumes easily and become rich by the night, and to make this more superstitious they must have said them to only eat sweets during that night, and over the time, this was revealed but ponies liked that tradition so much that they make this official?

    Am I right?


    On 10/22/2018 at 2:13 PM, Mirage said:


    That seems rather underhanded and greedy...even for me. The full history I do not know, but I indeed enjoy the opportunity to scare the little ones.

    Nightmare Night began as a way to tell the story of Princess Luna's fall. By passing on the fear of what I had become, the ponies were kept aware of my existence, and how to behave toward me. This was unnecessary of course, since the ponies were never in danger of me.

    But I've been having second thoughts about my restraint...

    Well, in general mine dear sister is correct *chuckles* Except a couple of... aspects *squints at Moony fixedly* I would so love to get the plots of those, who tried to speculate for the costume sales boost, gobbled arrant! But I was... unavailable at the moment those nefarious attempts were made.

    On 10/22/2018 at 5:41 PM, DivineGlow1000 said:

    Dear Princess Luna, when is your birthday?

    Our birthday is December, 21st!

    • Brohoof 1
  15. *Exosuit message (in sexy mare voice): "Maximum Mare!"


    *sneaks through the thread, planting a huge boop bomb loaded with the hoofpicked Feathers of Boop*

    *boops @Fluttershy Friend (a kiss to the yellow snoot) @Mirage (another kiss to the blue snoot) @Cypherhoof (nuzzles and hugs) @Jade Fire (covers sleepy fluffy-mane pony with the blanket) @Catpone Cerberus (offers a fish with stipulation not to leave bones in her mane) @Out of Service aka Longhaul (mindst that I love the last variant more) @Nightmare Rechie (How beest thee, mine friend?) @Twilight Luna (hugs) @Yoye Wolfgrel (Lock the Lady Inspiration in thy closet, for her not to vanish!) @Snow @Duality @Valencia @Princess of Snow @Spooky Brony 2A (I extend mine hope thy cloak and hat and sword are still ready for any adventures, life throweth at thee) @TigerGeekGuy (hugs) @Prospekt (I extend mine hope, thou ain't going to cancel thy story) @The Bone Soldier (I extend mine hope thou reconsidered and feeling better today) @Jeric (double... scratch that! TRIPLE boop :D)


    and the whole Team Moon: @Loud Opinion @Disky Bolt @Coloratura (Rara) @~The Snowy Wolf~ @Pixel Dusk @JCKane @SugarCoatxMarblePie @PCutter @AlbaTross @Asbel Lhant @Grandmaster Slas @Woona :3 @Lambdadelta @Gainsborough @CoolConfucius @J.T. @Millennium Shadow @OG CHUCK @Sherem @Rainbow Cloud @K_Cast @RaphLuna @Raven Rawne @Theanimationfanatic @zerozoner @Alex2002ita @Amanita @Raririsu @Artrexus Hope @Calico @Wild Star @Don't Spy on Me @SkyPie @Hachiroku @Emperor Blu Traincrown @SBaby @.Wolfe. @Rising Dusk @Ganaram Inukshuk @NightmareLuna800 @Nightmare Muffin @Cwanky @Simcity11100 @Snow Frostflame @Regal Shadow @Script Chime @Glimmerlicious @Jonny Music @Tylad @Luna's Admirer @Loyal Defender @Acons @Feather Data @Dark Horse @Luna the Great of all the Russias @R.D.Dash @meck-can-ik pony @Princess Lulu <3~ @Goat-kun @Kyoshi @WWolf @Envy @Rixton @Stardust Balance @Handsome Changeling @Mickey Adaptus @Arid_Blitz @BornAgainBrony @DivineGlow1000 @TBD @MidnightDawn @AdorbzFangirl @Kind Claw @Twisted Cyclone @Krashface @SharpWit @Sir Floof @Califorum @Pripyat Pony @Jedishy @Gabosor @Ginger Ale @Nightmare Moon @Princess Luna @Princess Celestia  (Thanks for your support, ponies!!! Don't forget to vote in MLPF Cup match )*


    I warned it was huge, didn't I? :orly:



    • Brohoof 16
    • Thanks 6
  16. 7 minutes ago, FlutterGuy999 said:

    Last but one?  Do you mean the penultimate chapter?

    If 't be true thou prefer that variant - yes. Second last, next to last, tis not changing the meaning.

    Anyway, it's a matter of large distance yet ;)

  17. Apparently we have different understandings of "reasonable", mine lief! *glances at you mischievously*

    • Brohoof 2
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