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Boop a snoot, any snoot

Totally Nyx

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10 hours ago, Totally Lyra said:

*boops all the kind ponies, just to name a few because I can't name all, boops  @The Cerberus, *

And of course a special welcome back boop for ! post-25189-0-33094200-1412626540.png

Image result for lyra octavia boop


9 hours ago, SolarFlare13 said:

Boops  @The Cerberus,and every-pony else in response OwO :catface: :catface: :catface: :catface: :catface: :catface:









  • Brohoof 4


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Alexshy Tell me more of these Seekers. Could be true that they are behind this. I saw I see this out east, but that be only because that is where I was at of late. Could be true that this is happening elsewhere. Though, it hasn't hit here yet, apparently. Do you know of any way to defend against this? I know of no cure, but my abilities are limited.Though I be a unicorn, I prefer to solve problems with my hooves. *makes a gesture of fighting. Follows you onto the train, looking around the first class room* I suppose this will do *he says with sarcastically* 

  • Brohoof 1

This is my new signature.

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*nests gracefully on the seat, draws the curtains to avoid curious snoots from outside and nods to @BronyNumber42 to close the compartment door* Mine gratitude! *Throws back the hood and leans onto the backrest, while the train starts moving and slowly gaining speed and the lights in their compartment blink several times, before burning evenly*

Tis a complicated question - whither to start from... We may safely assume the Seekers appeared first in the Crystal Empire, or, better say at the outskirts of it. Actually the substance which can finally materialize into them did. First we, me and Tia, thought those were some remnants or aftereffects of King Sombra's magic, which in the earnest was hardly possible considering his defeat. But, to err is pony... even if 't be true thou art an alicorn. *chuckles sadly* We kept teams of mages in the field to dispel the Dark Mist, as we called 't. It was only a matter of time and luck, at which hour some parts of Dark Mist appearing were missed. Thus the first Seekers appeared, namely from the concentrated and materialized (at the very least partically) Dark Mist. The mages appeared to be capable to take down them, but quite a few of mages were needed to take down one Seeker. *mutes for a while to take breath and think about most important parts of the story to tell possibly brief, throws a look outside of the window* They started appearing in random corners of Equestria, not on the far North only...

We call them Seekers, because their behaviour resembleth of that - seeking for something or somepony, when they are not disturbed. They could look like blood hounds, if 't be true they didn't look like mutilated centauri *another sad smile curls her lips* But different to centauri both in our and in human mythology... Yes, yes, I was shocked as well to find out from the Guardian, they have similar creatures, totally mythic as he claims! So, different to centauri, those abominations devour all kind and light feelings in a pony, bringing instead the feel of fear and despair, painful memories, all of that kind. Tis soundeth awful, but at which hour a common pony is objected to their "sight" (we don't yet know if a Seeker can see in the common meaning of that word), they lose their... "life essence", becoming inert, "hollow". *the train rocks louder crossing the bridge at the edge of Canterlot and speeds up more*

*Raises voice a bit to overshadow the train car noises* Fortunately, or the lucky day, Tia found a remedy recently. ((the book spoiler, reading discretion advised))


By pure accident, she invited the Guardian and Fluttershy... well *raises an eyebrow* she invited the Guardian and Fluttershy followed... to have a look at the victim of the named Seekers. Due to an accident the affected unicorn became enraged and... it happened that way, that Fluttershy used her famous Stare on him. Tis worked wondrously to everypony's bemusement, the victim turned to the state of deep amnesia instead of being completely irresponsive, at least he started talking, answering, but remembered nothing.

So, no we have a cure, but *raises eyes on @BronyNumber42* don't rely on it too much, mine friend! If 't be true we come across a Seeker, both of us must flee, at which hour it is possible.

The only po... person, who can feel their presense, but stay unaffected... even at direct contact... is the Guardian. Moreover, he can take them down, destroy and consume the Dark Mist without any detrimental effects for himself *smiles, her hoof draws a random pattern on the seat casing, showing affection* I witnessed that. Last time we travelled to the Crystal Empire with him, we have taken down a few. *chuckles* Actually, he hath taken.. with mine humble aid, my magic is enough to effectively distract and contain the monster, not to destroy it fully. Even Tia is to use the ultimate spell to eliminate one and it costeth her lots of energy.

The worst thing is, the human appeared in Equestria almost at the same time with the Seekers... and Tia is still undecided, if their even indirect connection is not dangerous to our domain. I nev'r suspected him of puppet mastering the Seekers, any plots against Equestria likewise. *smiles dreamily* But it seemeth mine insight is not enough for her in that case...

*lets out a sigh*

Tis all we know 'bout the so called Seekers. Can't say whether they are the "boop ability depriving force" thou speakest 'bout or not. But they naturally can be...

Now, if 't be true thou dost mind some questions not... What dost thou know 'bout that force, except it is from the East supposedly?

And pr' mine curiousity... Fortunately, I'm not a cat *chuckles* What dost thou need from Tia, so thou cravest the personal audience? Unless it is that personal, so thou can't tell even her sister *throws sly glance*

*the train comes through the tunnel in the mountain, then starts descending around it to the forested plain area*

Edited by Alexshy
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6 hours ago, Duality said:

@.Wolfe.: Behold, your ultimate boopage has come full circle. *retaliatory boopage*

@The Resident Brony: Me and Frostgage are a dangerous combination. Are you sure you're prepared to handle the combined might of our boop? *DBZ boops*

@Flutterstep: YOU AND ME RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW MY BOOP-FINGER CAN TAKE YOU. *tinily flutterboops*


@Sparklefan1234 (x6): SPARKLE MAN WE GET IT YOU LIKE BOOPING ME *sparkleboops x36*


also i no badfriendo just my comment lagged my computer because it was so big so had to separate boops and counterboops

also also hai friendo

also also also ow mai snoot why you violence me like this

@Alexshy (x7): AAAAARRRRRGH TEH BOOPMEISTER HAS ANNIHILATED MEH MY REVENGE SHALL BE SLOW AND BOOPFUL *boops redacted due to excessively extreme boopfulness*

@Prospekt: how could you boop meh like dis i thought we were fwends *melodramatically boops*

@CypherHoof: ewwww you icky user *returns dampboop*


@TigerGeekGuy: attempt at booping water successful. water returns boop.

@Penguinbrony2409: GUESS WHAT? YOU GET A SNOOTBOOP TOO!! *snootboops*



Miscellaneous other shout-out boops:

@TheOneGuy0000: here have boop mein anzug

@ShadowDash13: *boops gudflappy*

@Frostgage: frosty the snowman needs a boop, kids! will you help mister duality give him boops? [kids agree happily] let's do it, then, kids! let's boop frosty the snowman! *kids collectively boop*

@Totally Lyra: *lyraboops for starting up this insanely boopified thread*

But it will not be the last. Boop.

  • Brohoof 2

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

!Feel Free To Talk And Walk Where Ever You Like On This Forum!

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Boops every pony on the page. @Alexshy I had passed through villages where ponies had lost their will. I would try to boop someponies and they would shy away. I sensed something magical. When I asked, nopony would have an answer. "Huh?" "I'm too tired to talk" would be the responses. Bad mojo. I felt that I had to get back before something happened to me. 

In one town, I spent the night at an inn. I could hardly sleep, and there were moans and distant cries outside. *shudders* I stayed up all night with my sword in hoof. 

  • Brohoof 2

This is my new signature.

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The following film short is a work of fiction totally not taken from an available source doctored up for the amusement of others I totally swear. It has also been condensed from it's original format. Go buy the DVD you mooches!

Not A real productions company is proud to present...

"Boop Kong"


@Lightwing as Lightwing Denham

@PiratePony as Captain Englehoof

@SparklingSwirls as Swirly Darrow

@Gone Airbourne as Airborne Driscoll

@VenoM_LP-4 as Boop Kong

@Maple Bat as Upset chief

@Mesme Rize as appetizer

In New Canterlot, filmmaker "Lightwing" Denham, famous for making adorable films about kittens booping their owners, is in the market for the next BIG thing in booping film entertainment. He looks into llamas, rhinos, jellyfish and in one very painful turn of events a swarm of bees... but finds no inspiration.

As the scene opens, we find him chartering Captain Englehoof's ship "The Honker" for his new secret project, but he is unable to sucker...  *ahem* secure a talented actress for the female role the script calls for. Due to set sail that very evening, Denham desperately searches the streets of New Canterlot for a suitable actress. He meets penniless and bubbly Swirly Darrow and suckers... *ahem* convinces her to join him for what he proposes as the adventure of a lifetime to France. Since it is either France or waitressing, she quickly agrees. The Honker quickly gets underway and, during the voyage, the overly-dramatic first mate, "Airborne" Driscoll, gradually falls head over heels for Swirly.

After weeks on the high seas full of secrecy, Denham finally fesses up to Englehoof and Driscoll that their destination is in fact Boop Island, an uncharted land shown on a map in Denham's possession. It is said that on this island the boops run aplenty, and they are filled with a magical, ethereal quality. Denham also cryptically alludes to some monstrous creature rumored to dwell on the island, a legendary entity known only as "Boop Kong".

Duh duh duh duh!

When they find the island and anchor offshore, they see a colorful village, bathed in pinks, lavenders and other assorted party colors, separated from the rest of the island by an enormous gingerbread wall.  A landing party, including the filming crew and Swirly, witnesses a group of natives dressed like a certain pink pony preparing to sacrifice a giant chocolate cream pie to the "hunger of Boop". The intruders are spotted and native chief @Maple Bat angrily stops the ceremony. When he sees the lovely Swirly, he offers to trade a box of ding dongs for the "blue haired vixen", to which he is turned down. Swirly offers to go with them if she gets to have the giant chocolate cream pie in exchange, but the crew rebuffs her, dragging her away sobbing and staring longingly at the delicious dessert. They return to the Honker.

That night, a band of pink colored natives kidnap Swirly from the ship and lead her through a huge hinged gate in the gingerbread wall. She is then tied to a giant Twinkie, and then offered to Boop Kong, who turns out to be an enormous Venom-Ape-like creature.


She screams and calls Spider-Man on her emergency phone, but he says "To hell with that!" and hangs up, leaving her alone with the awe-struck beast.  Boop Kong carries her off into the jungle as the Honker crew, alerted to Swirly's abduction, arrive.

They open the gate and Denham, Driscoll and some volunteers dressed like a certain rainbow pony enter the jungle in hopes of rescuing Swirly. They soon discover that Boop Kong is far from the only giant comic book creature on the island when they are charged by a Booposaurus, angry and intent on booping trespassers in its territory. After the rainbow hued natives attempt to fly and end up falling all over themselves in a ridiculous display, the booposauras goes into an uncontrollable laughing fit allowing everyone to slip by it.

Reaching a stagnant swamp with water bubbling thick like tar, they construct a raft in order to cross the fetid lake, only to be capsized by a schnozasauras... spilling them and their supplies into the thick murky water... several of the men are quickly captured and eaten while a scant few manage to make it to shore, filthy and slimy... but alive. Continuing on through the jungle, they soon encounter Boop Kong, who tries to stop them by first doing a terrible stand up comedy routine, then an awful ventriloquist act, and finally his rendition of "who is on first" with Swirly, who refuses to participate, leaving the monster embarrassed and unable to complete the routine. In a rage he starts throwing barrels at the heroes, but having played Donkey Kong the group know how to dodge them... as a last resort he breaks the bridge sending all of the remaining men except Driscoll and Denham, madly flapping their arms plunging to their doom...


Suddenly the booposauras from before appears, seeking to boop the nose of the heroine Swirly... but Kong won't hear that crap, and ends up wrestling with the best for a while, performing several cheesy wrestling moves before finally signaling to a nonexistant crowd... he then gives the booposauras a titanic boop sending it straight up to the moon... a few minutes later a letter drifts down from Nightmare Moon wanting to know "what the hell man"! During the course of this battle Driscoll continues to shadow them, while Denham returns to the village for more victims... *ahem* reinforcements.


Upon arriving in Boop Kong's lair in a mountain cave, Swirly is menaced by a snek pone... @Mesme Rize as the Mezmolosaurus, which having dreams to be the first giant snek pone doctor tries hypnotizing Swirly, she almost succumbs when he promises her hours of show tunes, but upon seeing this Boop Kong flies into a rage... he and Mezmolosauras get into a titanic battle with the snek pone trying to wrap the large beast in his coils while simultaneously hypnotizing him... unfortunately for the Snek Pone Kong hates show tunes, and he ends up finally pinning the snek pone and booping him into oblivion.

While Boop Kong is distracted. a flying Boop Bird tries to swoop in and make off with Swirly. However at the last minute Boop Kong snatches it out of the air and starts booping it in the most unmentionable of ways. At this moment Driscoll charges in rescuing the damsel. They proceed to escape by climbing down some obvious vines which are very obvious. Boop Kong sees this and rages threatening merciless Boops upon the pathetic human... however to prevent capture they leap off to safety in the water below. They swim to safety and quickly hail a cab and hurry back to the village. Since no cabs will stop for him, Boop Kong is forced to walk giving our heroes precious time to escape.


They make it back to the village where Denham and Englehoof are waiting, followed closely by a cab less Kong who is royally pissed off. He quickly goes on a booping rampage taking out villagers by the fistful. Denham is determined to bring Boop Kong back alive, and thus reveals his master plan. Earlier he had dined on a hearty meal of cabbage and double refried beans, and now all his preparations had lead to this single moment. Swirly, Englehoof and Driscoll charge to the ship while Denham assumes the position, and waits until Kong is upon him, mouth agape and nostrils flaring, before releasing a gas bomb that overpowers the senses of the rampaging beast, causing him to pass out into a comatose state. Sadly half of the island is also devastated with all of the plants wilting, the gingerbread wall crumbling and the milk going sour... Chief Maple bat being highly upset demands the intruders leave, which they do after tying up and hoisting the unconscious Kong into the ship.

Shackled in chains to hold even the mightiest boopers. Boop Kong is presented to a Broadway as "Kong, the Booping Wonder of the World". Swirly and Airbourne are brought on stage to join him, followed by an enthusiastic group of wildlife photographers. Kong, believing that the ensuing flash photography is his secret fan club out to get his autograph, breaks loose and the audience makes a collective mess in their seats in terror.

Swirly is quickly whisked away to a hotel room on a high floor, but Kong, scaling the building, soon finds her anyway by the lingering smell of chocolate cream pie. Swirly how could you!? Kong's hand smashes through the hotel room window, knocking Airbourne both airbourne and then unconscious and seizing Swirly. Boop Kong then frolics through the city merrily. He stops to smell the trees, wrecks a crowded elevated train, orders a dozen pizzas and sends them to Boopzillas house and finally climbs the Empire State Building.

At its top, he is met by four Anti-Boop Aircraft armed with giant anti-boop feathers... Kong sets Swirly down and battles the planes, managing to boop one of them hard enough to send it plummeting from the sky, but he finally succumbs to their circling him and tickling him fervently, he then stumbles, trips and falls over the edge, catching the side at the last minute. He struggles to pull himself to the top giggling heavily... but then Swirly bravely walks up to the beast, and gives him a solid boop.


The monster is so shocked he loses his grip and falls to his death. Spider-Man is seen cheering in the background. Swirly and Airbourne are reunited. Denham arrives and pushes through a crowd surrounding Kong's body in the street. When a policeman remarks that the feathers got him, Denham tells him, "Oh, no, it wasn't the anti-boop planes. It was Beauty booped the Beast."

The End or is it?

Duh duh duh!

The non-existant film crew would like to boop @Alexshy, @Lucky Bolt, @Driz, @Fluttershy Friend, @Jeric, @Sunset Rose and @Widdershins for not helping with the film but being present to fetch stuff for those making the film. Also for complimenting the film makers every few minutes and making them feel self important. It is appreciated.

  • Brohoof 8


~No profound statement needed~

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24 minutes ago, GrimGrimoire said:

The following film short is a work of fiction totally not taken from an available source doctored up for the amusement of others I totally swear. It has also been condensed from it's original format. Go buy the DVD you mooches!

Not A real productions company is proud to present...

"Boop Kong"


@Lightwing as Lightwing Denham

@PiratePony as Captain Englehoof

@SparklingSwirls as Swirly Darrow

@Gone Airbourne as Airborne Driscoll

@VenoM_LP-4 as Boop Kong

@Maple Bat as Upset chief

@Mesme Rize as appetizer

In New Canterlot, filmmaker "Lightwing" Denham, famous for making adorable films about kittens booping their owners, is in the market for the next BIG thing in booping film entertainment. He looks into llamas, rhinos, jellyfish and in one very painful turn of events a swarm of bees... but finds no inspiration.

As the scene opens, we find him chartering Captain Englehoof's ship "The Honker" for his new secret project, but he is unable to sucker...  *ahem* secure a talented actress for the female role the script calls for. Due to set sail that very evening, Denham desperately searches the streets of New Canterlot for a suitable actress. He meets penniless and bubbly Swirly Darrow and suckers... *ahem* convinces her to join him for what he proposes as the adventure of a lifetime to France. Since it is either France or waitressing, she quickly agrees. The Honker quickly gets underway and, during the voyage, the overly-dramatic first mate, "Airborne" Driscoll, gradually falls head over heels for Swirly.

After weeks on the high seas full of secrecy, Denham finally fesses up to Englehoof and Driscoll that their destination is in fact Boop Island, an uncharted land shown on a map in Denham's possession. It is said that on this island the boops run aplenty, and they are filled with a magical, ethereal quality. Denham also cryptically alludes to some monstrous creature rumored to dwell on the island, a legendary entity known only as "Boop Kong".

Duh duh duh duh!

When they find the island and anchor offshore, they see a colorful village, bathed in pinks, lavenders and other assorted party colors, separated from the rest of the island by an enormous gingerbread wall.  A landing party, including the filming crew and Swirly, witnesses a group of natives dressed like a certain pink pony preparing to sacrifice a giant chocolate cream pie to the "hunger of Boop". The intruders are spotted and native chief @Maple Bat angrily stops the ceremony. When he sees the lovely Swirly, he offers to trade a box of ding dongs for the "blue haired vixen", to which he is turned down. Swirly offers to go with them if she gets to have the giant chocolate cream pie in exchange, but the crew rebuffs her, dragging her away sobbing and staring longingly at the delicious dessert. They return to the Honker.

That night, a band of pink colored natives kidnap Swirly from the ship and lead her through a huge hinged gate in the gingerbread wall. She is then tied to a giant Twinkie, and then offered to Boop Kong, who turns out to be an enormous Venom-Ape-like creature.


She screams and calls Spider-Man on her emergency phone, but he says "To hell with that!" and hangs up, leaving her alone with the awe-struck beast.  Boop Kong carries her off into the jungle as the Honker crew, alerted to Swirly's abduction, arrive.

They open the gate and Denham, Driscoll and some volunteers dressed like a certain rainbow pony enter the jungle in hopes of rescuing Swirly. They soon discover that Boop Kong is far from the only giant comic book creature on the island when they are charged by a Booposaurus, angry and intent on booping trespassers in its territory. After the rainbow hued natives attempt to fly and end up falling all over themselves in a ridiculous display, the booposauras goes into an uncontrollable laughing fit allowing everyone to slip by it.

Reaching a stagnant swamp with water bubbling thick like tar, they construct a raft in order to cross the fetid lake, only to be capsized by a schnozasauras... spilling them and their supplies into the thick murky water... several of the men are quickly captured and eaten while a scant few manage to make it to shore, filthy and slimy... but alive. Continuing on through the jungle, they soon encounter Boop Kong, who tries to stop them by first doing a terrible stand up comedy routine, then an awful ventriloquist act, and finally his rendition of "who is on first" with Swirly, who refuses to participate, leaving the monster embarrassed and unable to complete the routine. In a rage he starts throwing barrels at the heroes, but having played Donkey Kong the group know how to dodge them... as a last resort he breaks the bridge sending all of the remaining men except Driscoll and Denham, madly flapping their arms plunging to their doom...


Suddenly the booposauras from before appears, seeking to boop the nose of the heroine Swirly... but Kong won't hear that crap, and ends up wrestling with the best for a while, performing several cheesy wrestling moves before finally signaling to a nonexistant crowd... he then gives the booposauras a titanic boop sending it straight up to the moon... a few minutes later a letter drifts down from Nightmare Moon wanting to know "what the hell man"! During the course of this battle Driscoll continues to shadow them, while Denham returns to the village for more victims... *ahem* reinforcements.


Upon arriving in Boop Kong's lair in a mountain cave, Swirly is menaced by a snek pone... @Mesme Rize as the Mezmolosaurus, which having dreams to be the first giant snek pone doctor tries hypnotizing Swirly, she almost succumbs when he promises her hours of show tunes, but upon seeing this Boop Kong flies into a rage... he and Mezmolosauras get into a titanic battle with the snek pone trying to wrap the large beast in his coils while simultaneously hypnotizing him... unfortunately for the Snek Pone Kong hates show tunes, and he ends up finally pinning the snek pone and booping him into oblivion.

While Boop Kong is distracted. a flying Boop Bird tries to swoop in and make off with Swirly. However at the last minute Boop Kong snatches it out of the air and starts booping it in the most unmentionable of ways. At this moment Driscoll charges in rescuing the damsel. They proceed to escape by climbing down some obvious vines which are very obvious. Boop Kong sees this and rages threatening merciless Boops upon the pathetic human... however to prevent capture they leap off to safety in the water below. They swim to safety and quickly hail a cab and hurry back to the village. Since no cabs will stop for him, Boop Kong is forced to walk giving our heroes precious time to escape.


They make it back to the village where Denham and Englehoof are waiting, followed closely by a cab less Kong who is royally pissed off. He quickly goes on a booping rampage taking out villagers by the fistful. Denham is determined to bring Boop Kong back alive, and thus reveals his master plan. Earlier he had dined on a hearty meal of cabbage and double refried beans, and now all his preparations had lead to this single moment. Swirly, Englehoof and Driscoll charge to the ship while Denham assumes the position, and waits until Kong is upon him, mouth agape and nostrils flaring, before releasing a gas bomb that overpowers the senses of the rampaging beast, causing him to pass out into a comatose state. Sadly half of the island is also devastated with all of the plants wilting, the gingerbread wall crumbling and the milk going sour... Chief Maple bat being highly upset demands the intruders leave, which they do after tying up and hoisting the unconscious Kong into the ship.

Shackled in chains to hold even the mightiest boopers. Boop Kong is presented to a Broadway as "Kong, the Booping Wonder of the World". Swirly and Airbourne are brought on stage to join him, followed by an enthusiastic group of wildlife photographers. Kong, believing that the ensuing flash photography is his secret fan club out to get his autograph, breaks loose and the audience makes a collective mess in their seats in terror.

Swirly is quickly whisked away to a hotel room on a high floor, but Kong, scaling the building, soon finds her anyway by the lingering smell of chocolate cream pie. Swirly how could you!? Kong's hand smashes through the hotel room window, knocking Airbourne both airbourne and then unconscious and seizing Swirly. Boop Kong then frolics through the city merrily. He stops to smell the trees, wrecks a crowded elevated train, orders a dozen pizzas and sends them to Boopzillas house and finally climbs the Empire State Building.

At its top, he is met by four Anti-Boop Aircraft armed with giant anti-boop feathers... Kong sets Swirly down and battles the planes, managing to boop one of them hard enough to send it plummeting from the sky, but he finally succumbs to their circling him and tickling him fervently, he then stumbles, trips and falls over the edge, catching the side at the last minute. He struggles to pull himself to the top giggling heavily... but then Swirly bravely walks up to the beast, and gives him a solid boop.


The monster is so shocked he loses his grip and falls to his death. Spider-Man is seen cheering in the background. Swirly and Airbourne are reunited. Denham arrives and pushes through a crowd surrounding Kong's body in the street. When a policeman remarks that the feathers got him, Denham tells him, "Oh, no, it wasn't the anti-boop planes. It was Beauty booped the Beast."

The End or is it?

Duh duh duh!

The non-existant film crew would like to boop @Alexshy, @Lucky Bolt, @Driz, @Fluttershy Friend, @Jeric, @Sunset Rose and @Widdershins for not helping with the film but being present to fetch stuff for those making the film. Also for complimenting the film makers every few minutes and making them feel self important. It is appreciated.

Grim you have -way- too much time on your hands. 10/10 post, and I'm quoting the entire thing for the glorious enterprise of its contents.

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@GrimGrimoire Pssht, and I didn't even get to play the part of the sympathetic comedic relief first mate? Pyah, your screenwriting leaves much to be desired! The humore was irrelevant frequently and you surely missed out on the last hammy line! It should have been "T'was Boopity that booped the Boopst!"

  I am disappoint! I know what you're booping & I intend to but a boop to it! 

   Boopers! AT your marks! Get set, and boop him down! I want his snoot mounted on my wall!  For truly...this is the most Dangerous Boop!...

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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5 hours ago, Gone Airbourne said:

Boops @SparklingSwirls :icwudt:, @Hierok, Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony., @Sparklefan1234, @Woohoo, @haven, @amarisnsane 💚 you, @Stormfury, @infernus, @Johnny1226, @princess Moonlight, @jorge123esp ahh I could go on and on and on I love ya


I give you a lovable boop back. :)

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

!Feel Free To Talk And Walk Where Ever You Like On This Forum!

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"Be bopped by some ponies"

Oh! It was really not the best moment. I'm a little busy.......

Oh. I want to say of course: What a suprise and yay!


*comes out of the tub and puts on a bathrobe*



I suppose you want to be rebopped?

You are all nice ponies so why not? Prepare your colour noses please!

*Boops @Alexshy @CypherHoof @Totally Lyra @GrimGrimoire@Sparklefan1234@Rikifive @ChB @The Cerberus @Hierok, Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony. @Prospekt

Edited by Fluttershy Friend
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1 minute ago, Fluttershy Friend said:

"Be bopped by some ponies"

Oh! It was not the best momment. I'm a little busy. Oh. I want to say of course: What a suprise and yay!


*comes out of the tub and puts on a bathrobe*



I suppose you want to be rebooped?

You are all nice ponies so why not? Prepare your colour noses please!

*Boops @Alexshy @CypherHoof @Totally Lyra @GrimGrimoire@Sparklefan1234@Rikifive @ChB @The Cerberus @Hierok, Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony. @Prospekt

Damn it. Now my mussles hurt. :P Boop.

  • Brohoof 2

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

!Feel Free To Talk And Walk Where Ever You Like On This Forum!

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((OOC: *tries her best to hold herself* I must fight that... But. I. Can't! GAAAAAH!!! *starts frantically booping @ChB @Totally Lyra @Celli @Fluttershy Friend (nice bath curtains :P) @Mirage77 @Denim&Venom @Lucky Bolt@ScruffyTheStallion @Duality @The Cerberus (I promise to take some coffee from Shy, if Alex (The Guardian) or Discord didn't consume the whole reserve :orly:) @Gone Airbourne @ProbablyNotLyra @RDFan89 @Baby Dashie @Princess Aurora Wolf @Dark Qiviut @GrimGrimoire (ROFLMAO at the movie :D Thanks for the mood!) @Trottermare Galamane @Ganondorf8 @PoisonClaw@PathfinderCS @Randimaxis @Arid_Blitz@Leere @PiratePony @ooReiko @Jeric @Mesme Rize @Zyrael@Stormfury @Foxy Socks as herslef* Don't relax anypony, I'll return as omnibooping princess soon, and the unbooped will envy the booped ones! Muahahahahaha!!! Now to the story...))

9 hours ago, BronyNumber42 said:

Boops every pony on the page. @Alexshy I had passed through villages where ponies had lost their will. I would try to boop someponies and they would shy away. I sensed something magical. When I asked, nopony would have an answer. "Huh?" "I'm too tired to talk" would be the responses. Bad mojo. I felt that I had to get back before something happened to me. 

In one town, I spent the night at an inn. I could hardly sleep, and there were moans and distant cries outside. *shudders* I stayed up all night with my sword in hoof. 

*brings her hoof to the mouth, eyes dilate in terror* Tis awful... I'm ensured, in reality it looketh even more malignant than in thy telling, mine friend!

But 't looketh nowhere near those effects the Seekers could inflict *blinks, adds with a small sad smile* In the earnest, tis looketh more like King's Sombra magic and certain shenanigans of Starlight *groans* combined... If 't be true I didn't know the first is destroyed... I avoid saying "dead" as we can't be 100% sure in that, dealing with powerful magical entities... and the second one hopefully brought to sanity *huffs ironically* by the girls... I mean Twilight and her friends, which thou might hath heard about aplenty.

Mayhap it's changelings trying to sneakily invade our east border, contrarty to their usual raids at the south of Equestria? Tis could explain the strange things during thy night stand in the inn. Dost thou think not? *she mutes as there is some sound behind the compartment door*

*signalizes with her eyes only @BronyNumber42 to check the door, noticing his hoof already on the sword. Meanwhile, puts on the hood trying to cover her horn and sumptuous mane completely*

*when her brave companion slides the door slightly open, it appeares that it is the conductor, checking the tickets. Luna turns to the window to avoid curious eyes of the conductor, who is already puzzled by the 4 tickets in his hoof, while only two seats are occupied by the unknown lady and gentlecolt*

*the train car shakes on the rail joint and she is to lean on the table, the conductor spots the dark blue coat above the graceful hoof and the delicate snoot, calling for boops ((:P)) under the hood, his eyes dilate...*


Edited by Alexshy
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8 hours ago, Totally Lyra said:

*pops in to boop some of the frequent boopers, boops @The Cerberus, and any I may have missed due to it being late and I can't think*

*also boops the lurking * :P

I like your new avatar, also 847204__safe_animated_lyra%2Bheartstring

5 hours ago, Fluttershy Friend said:

"Be bopped by some ponies"

Oh! It was really not the best moment. I'm a little busy.......

Oh. I want to say of course: What a suprise and yay!


*comes out of the tub and puts on a bathrobe*



I suppose you want to be rebopped?

You are all nice ponies so why not? Prepare your colour noses please!

*Boops  @The Cerberus


3 hours ago, Alexshy said:

((OOC: *tries her best to hold herself* I must fight that... But. I. Can't! GAAAAAH!!! *starts frantically booping(nice bath curtains :P)  @The Cerberus (I promise to take some coffee from Shy, if Alex (The Guardian) or Discord didn't consume the whole reserve :orly:) as herslef* Don't relax anypony, I'll return as omnibooping princess soon, and the unbooped will envy the booped ones! Muahahahahaha!!! Now to the story...))

*brings her hoof to the mouth, eyes dilate in terror* Tis awful... I'm ensured, in reality it looketh even more malignant than in thy telling, mine friend!

But 't looketh nowhere near those effects the Seekers could inflict *blinks, adds with a small sad smile* In the earnest, tis looketh more like King's Sombra magic and certain shenanigans of Starlight *groans* combined... If 't be true I didn't know the first is destroyed... I avoid saying "dead" as we can't be 100% sure in that, dealing with powerful magical entities... and the second one hopefully brought to sanity *huffs ironically* by the girls... I mean Twilight and her friends, which thou might hath heard about aplenty.

Mayhap it's changelings trying to sneakily invade our east border, contrarty to their usual raids at the south of Equestria? Tis could explain the strange things during thy night stand in the inn. Dost thou think not? *she mutes as there is some sound behind the compartment door*

*signalizes with her eyes only to check the door, noticing his hoof already on the sword. Meanwhile, puts on the hood trying to cover her horn and sumptuous mane completely*

*when her brave companion slides the door slightly open, it appeares that it is the conductor, checking the tickets. Luna turns to the window to avoid curious eyes of the conductor, who is already puzzled by the 4 tickets in his hoof, while only two seats are occupied by the unknown lady and gentlecolt*

*the train car shakes on the rail joint and she is to lean on the table, the conductor spots the dark blue coat above the graceful hoof and the delicate snoot, calling for boops ((:P)) under the hood, his eyes dilate...*



  • Brohoof 5


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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Wowie, it's been how long since I've given yall a good boop? Well, I know you all were dreading it, but here they come:


I give @Alexshy and @Sparklefan1234 a few dozen boops for consistently booping me even though I have rudely not booped back, I also give @GrimGrimoire a good firm boop for the production of that awesome and quite hilarious movie, which has earned 5 stars and has become the most popular motion picture of the year, and I also give @Penguinbrony2409, @Prospekt, @Regal Shadow, @LilCinnamon, @ThunderCrush, @strongwilled_pegasus, @nascarfan2442, @Crosswind99, and @Totally Lyra a boop just because I love you ponies. :fluttershy:

I also give a boop to @Hierok, Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony. for that surprising name change, and suspiscious boops to @Lightwing and @SparklingSwirls....

Also special boops go out to these ponies I haven't talked to in a while: @Meson Bolt, @Twisted Cyclone, and @CinnamonPop I miss you guys where have you been hiding? :okiedokieloki:

Whew, I think I got you all, hope I'm not forgetting anypony :dash:

Edited by Lucky Bolt
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13 hours ago, Totally Lyra said:

*pops in to boop some of the frequent boopers, boops @Alexshy, @CypherHoof, @BronyNumber42, @The Cerberus, @Fluttershy Friend, and any I may have missed due to it being late and I can't think*

*also boops the lurking @Sylveon* :P

*boops @Totally Lyra and wonders if there is some sort of frequent booper loyalty card we can collect brohooves on?

*boops @Sylveon too, just because :D

  • Brohoof 4

ᚾᛖᚹ ᛚᚢᚾᚨ ᚱᛖᛈᚢᛒᛚᛁᚴ - ᚦᛖ ᚠᚢᚾ ᚺᚨᚦ ᛒᛖᛖᚾ ᛞᛟᚢᛒᛚᛖᛞ


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