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Rhythm Red

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Status Replies posted by Rhythm Red

  1. Once summer rolls around I am considering a name change perhaps.

  2. Good morning, everyone! 

  3. Goodnight everypony! ^^

  4. So, quick update just before I take myself off to bed. From this moment onward, until around mid-to-late June, I'm not going to be around very often. Tomorrow, my GCSE's begin, and while I typically take a very laid-back approach to exams, tests, school in general, these are the most important school anything, that I have ever endeavored in my entire life, up to this point.:pout:

    Bottom line, as much as hate to admit it, I HAVE to revise from now on. I HAVE to bring my A-game, get a good night of sleep, focus my spare time to my education as much as I possibly can. So, I'm sorry in advance. This is somewhat of a temporary goodbye. I may pop in whenever I see an opportunity to do so, but please don't expect anything that major.:rarity:

    So, before I make my departure, please take these complimentary boops and cuddles, hopefully enough to make up for the lack of them in the near future.

    With that in mind: Boops (AND) Cuddles for @Rainy_days, @Sparklefan1234, @Foxy Socks, @Lunalicious Alexshy, @goofyg65, @Fluttershy Friend, @Mickey Adaptus, @Sketchy Tune, @Holiday Agnaktor, @Leere, @CypherHoof, @CrystalBloodMoon, @SolarFlare13, @Larrydog, @Barpy, @meck-can-ik pony, @Rikifive, @DashYoshi, @ChB, @Cyralicious, @Baymax, @Nightfall Gloam, @MiragetheChangeling, @Midnight Blaze 98, @SoberStarlight, @TigerGeekGuy, @Lore Finder, @TBD, Scoffer of TBA, @Duality, @SparklingSwirls, @iNachos10, @Wannabrony@Prospekt, @Azul Maya, @Valencia, @Flutterstep, @Sherbert Music-Guard, Scoffer of Shortbread, @Nye, @ZethaPonderer, @Alexshy@Techno Universal, @PoisonClaw, @luftschloss, @Summer Breeze, @Pvt. Cerberus, @Connie, @Nature Tune@ultrairongorilla, @ShinGoji, @ShootingStar159, @Hierok, @WiiGuy2014, @TheRockARooster, @Faulty Circuit, @UltimateGhost3, @Alpakachii, @Kyoshi, @Cherry-Pie, @Chrysalis14, @Dreambiscuit, @Drunk Not I Am, @Frostcrystal, @Ganondorf8, @Lunar Echo, @Mlppotterwhoovian, @Mirage, @Silent, @King of Canterlot, @Yoye Wolfgrel, @Arid_Blitz, @Mesmelicious Rize, @kimba90, @Zachary, @CHA0SXIII, @ThunderCrush, @Gabosor@Deae Rising Shine~, @Titans08Mariota, @Sylvester, @RainbowDashPrincess, @Morose, @meme, @We_R_VeNoM, @cuteycindyhoney, @Gone Airbourne, @Jonny Music, @Johnny1226, @Misty Shimmer, @Denim&Venom, @Snake Eater, @Vintjack Greasymane, @Olly, @Dark Horse@Sherem, @Sunset Rose, @IronM17, @Panzy, Scoffer of Rings, @Simcity11100, @SkyPie, @DasCapschen, @Tempest Feri, @Tao, @Catsle, @NightmareLuna1996, @Penguinbrony2409, @Divine plywood, @Frostgage, @Yumekai, @Kitty_Cat@Jeric, @Rhythm Red, @Kronos the Revenant, @Trotteur Sauvage, @Snake Eater, @A.V., @Lucky Bolt, @shadowwarp940, @Cyclone 1066, @strongwilled_pegasus, @Momento Mori, @LPS MLP, @Dark Qiviut, @Sylveon, @Captain Clark, @The Shyest One, @princess celestia2, @Recherche, @Widdershins, @Tacodidra, @Moondancer is best, @Matraxial Artemis, @marc trainfan, @Rising Dusk, @Butterscotch Pony and a true, true friend, @The_Gobo.:grin: (Boops and cuddles TOGETHER?! Revelution, I know.)

    So, with that out of the way, goodbye and goodnight everypony. Trust me, in the time that we are apart, I will miss you all greatly. I have treasured the moments that I have had here in the last year or so, and I am so looking forward to our next encounter, in a time not so long from now.:grin: 

    MLP Rarity by Elekitelik


  5. I have to go sleep now, everyone. Even though I have tuesday off I think I should get a good amount of sleep tonight. Goodnight everyone!

    Listen to this, it's really great:


  6. I feel so confused and upset. Confused about myself and upset with how I have ended up being the way I am from the life I have lived thus far. Mother's Day is tomorrow. Yay! So exciting... Not. Maybe it's just this cortisone shot messing with my brain. I don't know. I still get these feelings when my head is totally clear. Whatever. Good night. Maybe sleep will help. Sweet dreams to all who see this. :adorkable:

  7. Well then, there's a severe thunderstorm heading in my general direction, so I think I'm just going to head to bed so I don't have to sit through it! :lie:


    Good night, everyone! I hope you all have great days tomorrow! :squee:

  8. I've been having a yet another idea for a game...


    A ponified adventure platformer shooter. :yay: 

    Basically what the game would be about is -- hmm.. actually I won't be saying much at the moment. All I can say is, that along with progress, you'd have more elements of harmony available to use. Now what these do - each element is a different spell; think of having few guns and collecting some ammo here and there. As can be seen in the top right corner, these contain their own magic energy (as mana/ammo) and Twilight can switch between them. That non-element-of-harmony spell is Twilight's basic projectile spell, that doesn't require energy. So... That would be one of the features. The rest of things visible in the image above are pretty much obvious. :derp: 

    The game would be called "My Little Pony: Shattered Harmony" ... or at least that's the first thing that came to my mind... (MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE)


    :yay:YAY OR :mellow:NAY? 

    jk :D 


    It was just nice to take a little break and do something else for one moment.


    Goodnight! :) 

  9. Goodnight all.

  10. Happy Friday, everypony! :D This week’s pony is none other than the GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE! :P 


    Good morning! :) 

  11. Good morning everypony

  12. Track of the night: 

    see you in the morning everypony!

  13. I'm going straight to bed, tomorrow HAS to be a productive day!:ph34r:
    Goodnight, everypony! Sweet dreams to all of you!:icwudt:

  14. Good morning, everyone!

  15. Alright I'm back earlier than I had expected. I thought I'd be out for at least another week. 

    I've had time to think over things and I feel a lot better. 

    Also, over 30 notifications? Guys, calm down :P

  16. Well then, I suppose it's about time for me to head off to bed again, guys and gals~! :fluttershy: The number of exams I have to do these days is slowly creeping downwards... and I couldn't be happier! :yay: With that out of the way..


    Have a great night, everyone! I hope you all have great days tomorrow! :grin:

    Oh, and I would appreciate it if these gifs would spell "Night" correctly. :eww:

  17. Once summer rolls around I am thinking about starting mlp over from scratch. Season 1 and then onward. If I have the time.

  18. Good night everypony 

  19. Oh yeah Comrades, this Communist Party is just getting started! :lol:

    aw yeah comrades.png

  20. Oh yeah Comrades, this Communist Party is just getting started! :lol:

    aw yeah comrades.png

  21. Good night everypony. :orly:


  22. good morning everypony

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