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Green Cider Day

Lyra Heartstrings

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Hey, everypony! In honor of St Patricks Day, you can share a mug of green cider with somepony special or just to spread the cheer! While we are sharing green things what are your favorite foods and recipes for today be they green or not? 


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XD Was wondering why everything is so green. Happy Green Day everyone!

But favourite food? Pizza and cheese is definitely at the top! There is also bread and butter, Nasi Ayam and Tomyam. Oh! And Pão De Queijo! 

Green food..... If we are talking vegetables, Brocolli and mustard green works for me. Oh and (I have no clue what is it in English) kesums! Corriander.

But if just any green food? Not sure if I have one.

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Favorite recipe for today has to be corned beef and cabbage (which is green before cooking :adorkable:)

Favorite green foods would be broccoli, snap peas, brussels sprouts, ripe bananas, and granny smith apples. Speaking of today's not just a day for the younger green-ish ponies:


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*notices ponies without the mug of green cider*

You shall no longer be ciderless! post-25189-0-33094200-1412626540.png

*poof and everypony here has green cider*

Enjoy! post-25189-0-33094200-1412626540.png 

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