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Naiya The Brony

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Posts posted by Naiya The Brony

  1. On 2024-01-29 at 11:23 PM, Dashie04 said:

    Hi! I was wondering if I could commission you (provided they’re still open) for a simple shaded bust drawing of my OC wearing headphones.


    While I have no reference pictures I do have other pictures I could use and more specifics if you want to discuss.


    Of course, I am still open. Slr just got online today.

  2. On 2024-01-02 at 11:53 AM, Techno-Babble said:

    Hello!  I was wondering if you'd be able to to a detailed full-body of my OC, Techno Babble, wearing this anime outfit.  

    Techno Babble.png


    Sure I can do that no problem. I have sent you a message let us discuss it in DM's thank you :)

  3. On 2022-11-04 at 4:18 PM, Discombobulated Soul said:

    Salutations, Nihi! I have a humble request to ask, and do hope that you will oh-so-magnanimously oblige my commission.    

    I would love for you to draw a comic strip based on a scene from the fanfiction that I'm writing. Specifically, I'm interested in the detailed background option, as I feel that having one will greatly benefit the presentation. Rest assured, this will not be an overly long strip, merely five panels that summarize the ending of this chapter

    In the likely case that you do not desire to read my humble writings, I shall do my best to summarize for you:


    This story stars an original character of mine, a unicorn colt named Darkest Knight. He originally stems from a thought experiment in how far a victim can go before their mental state is irreparable. Darkest is an abuse victim who was kidnapped at age two because of his potential ability to create super strong magical shields. His kidnapper, named Broken Barrier, strategically traumatized him throughout his foalhood so that he would obey any commands without question, as well as some other desired results that are unimportant to this commission. 

    What is important is that Darkest eventually found himself getting taken care of by the entire town of Ponyville. What's critical information is that Twilight casted a magical charm on his mind that compelled him to trust ponies. Unfortunately, Darkest's mind had been made so magic-resistant by that time that the trust charm only activates for certain ponies, and only after they've fulfilled certain conditions. This brings us to right before the scene that I'd like you to draw. Essentially, Discord wreaks havoc on Ponyville and sets the monsters from the Everfree Forest, well, free to romp around through Ponyville. Darkest is scared by the chaos and chased through town by a giant hydra, which nearly eats him before Bon Bon--or maybe I should say Agent Sweetie Drops--ambushes the monster and proceeds to knock out all four of its heads with four successive blows. 

    Cue the process of getting the trust charm to activate, and what panel 1 will show. Bon Bon has to lay on the ground and remain stock still until Darkest is satisfied that she won't attack him. Behind her lays the KOed hydra with spirals for eyes, and all around them is an untouched section of one of Poyville's residential areas. In the distance, the top of the rainbow beam from the Elements of Harmony is barely visible from over a roof. 

    Cut to Darkest--who I'll describe in detail after this--cowering in fear where he collapsed to the ground ten feet or so away. Nothing of interest is in the area behind him, and you may decide to angle the view 'up', so as to display more of a top-down perspective. I lack the drawing skills to know whether that would look better or not, so I'm hoping for your advice on that. 

    In any case, the third panel will show him around half an hour later, as he calls Bon Bon's name and beckons her forward. At this point, the charm is in full effect, and he trusts her completely. I picture Darkest gesturing her toward him much like a toddler asks for upsies, all while having pleading puppy-dog eyes and a trembling mouth. Darkest is asking for safety at this moment, and is essentially begging Bon Bon to protect him with the power of snuggles. 

    Bon Bon hesitantly approaches the colt, metaphorically stepping on eggshells and really afraid of scaring him. The mare possesses an unfair amount of common sense, and has been really smart about helping him up to this point. She really doesn't want to set back all the progress they've made with his healing, so she's understandably hesitant in approaching him so blatantly. 

    Finally, the best panel of all, wherein the two cuddle like the cute, fluffy ponies they are. Darkest is completely out of energy by this point, and so falls asleep in her forelegs right away. This is the image that I most want to see brought to life, and I believe that you are the right person for the job. Bon Bon sits on her haunches, holding the snoozing Darkest gently in her forelegs as she tenderly strokes his heavily disheveled and grimy mane. 


    Well, that's what I came up with, anyway. If you feel that the comic would work better with differently-timed panels or a different number of them, then it's open to change. Really, what I'm after is that diabetes-inducing final panel. 


    In any case, allow me to describe Darkest Knight:

    As stated earlier, Darkest is a unicorn colt who size-wise is barely taller than the CMCs. Really, the height difference is practically negligible. At this point in the actual story, he has actually been dyed pink, but I'd prefer he keep his original coloration in the comic. Darkest Knight's name is really ironic, because he is completely pure white from horn to hoof. His mane, irises, and coat all have absolutely no color to them: they're just white. There's a very good in-story reason for this, but that's both spoilers and not relevant to this commission. (At least, I don't think it's relevant. If you think I'd help with drawing him, then I'd be happy to send you all the details.) As for mane and tail styles, he's never really been great at that self-care thing. This is made worse by the fact that at the point in which the comic will take place, he'll have been galloping through town and fighting monsters left and right for a while now. As such, while they shouldn't exactly be bird's nests, his mane and tail ought to be really disheveled to the point that no style is able to peek through, as well as on the long side for a colt. They'll also be pretty grimy from sweat and dirt, though not to such a degree that it changes the white coloration too badly. Darkest's complete whiteness is one of the most immediately striking things about his character design, so I would prefer nothing overshadow that.

    Hopefully I'm not sounding too bossy or impossible to please at this point--rest assured that I am in fact very reasonable and can be convinced to make what changes you deem more appropriate. I'd much rather have the art be different from how I pictured than not have the art at all. 


    I do have an absolutely hideous rendition of Darkest Knight from a 3D pony creator, and because you ask for any kind of reference picture, I shall--against by better judgement--release it to you. Rest assured that I am in no way proud of this monstrosity of an image, but maybe it'll help you in some capacity. Many details are inaccurate, including the scars in the picture. Darkest remarks to himself in the first chapter that his white coat is perfect for hiding scars, so really, they're not visible. At least, the physical ones aren't. 

    Darkest's cutie mark is described in the story with the following words: "The image was of a half-sphere, viewed from the side, and gradually fading out into smaller circles as it trailed out to the right. Rather reminiscent of a comet whose tail was separated into so many spheres." Rest assured that I have little to no artistic talent, so my poor rendition of the mark is pretty much nothing like the actual one, but maybe it will help you visualize it. The rounded side of the half-sphere faces toward Darkest's head, and every circle in the illustration is meant to be three-dimensional. Color-wise, the cutie mark is canonically a barely darker white than the rest of him, but in the comic I think it should be darkened more so as to be visible. I think a dark grey will suffice nicely, though the lightness of the color can be scaled if that makes it any easier to draw. 

    One final thing regarding Darkest is that if there's any way you can 'sharpen' his design, or make his plentiful mental trauma show in any way, regarding posture and facial expressions, especially compared to Bon Bon, then that would be great. 



    Alright! I do believe that's everything. I'm happy to supply more information should you require it. I look forward to working with you, Nihi, and know that this excursion shall be a fruitful one. That is, if you do choose to accept the commission. 


    Quick question: does the $15 extra character price apply to every panel or just one per character? (Said differently, if I were to commission a comic with three panels starring Rarity in all three and Rainbow Dash in two, would that be $60 or $45?) I only want to know so that I can pay the appropriate amount. I know that any price will likely be worth the end result!



    Heya it has been a while, I have sent you a DM.

  4. On 2022-11-08 at 2:25 PM, Discombobulated Soul said:


    Ah, I see. Very well, then.


    I admire your honesty and candor for clarifying the pricing concerns first and foremost--Applejack would be proud. In light of those changes, I believe I will scrap the comic idea and just commission the final and most-desired panel. With the new pricing, I believe (and please correct me if I'm wrong) that that would be an $85 project which fits under the 'Detailed Full Body Ponies' section. 


    To expound on that, I'd like the diabetes of Darkest and Bon Bon cuddling, with the detailed background of a KOed hydra possessing swirly eyes. I feel that it would be both heart-warming and greatly humorous at the same time. 

    I thank you deeply for your vivification on these matters, and look forward with great eagerness to work with you more. 

    (Oh, and the queue is absolutely fine: I am nothing if not patient, and especially so with regards to cute pone pictures!)

    Alrighty then I'll let you know if I am ready to work on your commission. I'll ask more of the speceific details on the drawing itself later on. For now, I'll be putting you onto my Queue List and yes everything would be $85 with the new updated price.

    I am looking forward working with you as well, I really appreciate for checking my shop and commissioning me :BrightMacContent:

  5. On 2022-11-04 at 4:18 PM, Discombobulated Soul said:

    Salutations, Nihi! I have a humble request to ask, and do hope that you will oh-so-magnanimously oblige my commission.    

    I would love for you to draw a comic strip based on a scene from the fanfiction that I'm writing. Specifically, I'm interested in the detailed background option, as I feel that having one will greatly benefit the presentation. Rest assured, this will not be an overly long strip, merely five panels that summarize the ending of this chapter

    In the likely case that you do not desire to read my humble writings, I shall do my best to summarize for you:


    This story stars an original character of mine, a unicorn colt named Darkest Knight. He originally stems from a thought experiment in how far a victim can go before their mental state is irreparable. Darkest is an abuse victim who was kidnapped at age two because of his potential ability to create super strong magical shields. His kidnapper, named Broken Barrier, strategically traumatized him throughout his foalhood so that he would obey any commands without question, as well as some other desired results that are unimportant to this commission. 

    What is important is that Darkest eventually found himself getting taken care of by the entire town of Ponyville. What's critical information is that Twilight casted a magical charm on his mind that compelled him to trust ponies. Unfortunately, Darkest's mind had been made so magic-resistant by that time that the trust charm only activates for certain ponies, and only after they've fulfilled certain conditions. This brings us to right before the scene that I'd like you to draw. Essentially, Discord wreaks havoc on Ponyville and sets the monsters from the Everfree Forest, well, free to romp around through Ponyville. Darkest is scared by the chaos and chased through town by a giant hydra, which nearly eats him before Bon Bon--or maybe I should say Agent Sweetie Drops--ambushes the monster and proceeds to knock out all four of its heads with four successive blows. 

    Cue the process of getting the trust charm to activate, and what panel 1 will show. Bon Bon has to lay on the ground and remain stock still until Darkest is satisfied that she won't attack him. Behind her lays the KOed hydra with spirals for eyes, and all around them is an untouched section of one of Poyville's residential areas. In the distance, the top of the rainbow beam from the Elements of Harmony is barely visible from over a roof. 

    Cut to Darkest--who I'll describe in detail after this--cowering in fear where he collapsed to the ground ten feet or so away. Nothing of interest is in the area behind him, and you may decide to angle the view 'up', so as to display more of a top-down perspective. I lack the drawing skills to know whether that would look better or not, so I'm hoping for your advice on that. 

    In any case, the third panel will show him around half an hour later, as he calls Bon Bon's name and beckons her forward. At this point, the charm is in full effect, and he trusts her completely. I picture Darkest gesturing her toward him much like a toddler asks for upsies, all while having pleading puppy-dog eyes and a trembling mouth. Darkest is asking for safety at this moment, and is essentially begging Bon Bon to protect him with the power of snuggles. 

    Bon Bon hesitantly approaches the colt, metaphorically stepping on eggshells and really afraid of scaring him. The mare possesses an unfair amount of common sense, and has been really smart about helping him up to this point. She really doesn't want to set back all the progress they've made with his healing, so she's understandably hesitant in approaching him so blatantly. 

    Finally, the best panel of all, wherein the two cuddle like the cute, fluffy ponies they are. Darkest is completely out of energy by this point, and so falls asleep in her forelegs right away. This is the image that I most want to see brought to life, and I believe that you are the right person for the job. Bon Bon sits on her haunches, holding the snoozing Darkest gently in her forelegs as she tenderly strokes his heavily disheveled and grimy mane. 


    Well, that's what I came up with, anyway. If you feel that the comic would work better with differently-timed panels or a different number of them, then it's open to change. Really, what I'm after is that diabetes-inducing final panel. 


    In any case, allow me to describe Darkest Knight:

    As stated earlier, Darkest is a unicorn colt who size-wise is barely taller than the CMCs. Really, the height difference is practically negligible. At this point in the actual story, he has actually been dyed pink, but I'd prefer he keep his original coloration in the comic. Darkest Knight's name is really ironic, because he is completely pure white from horn to hoof. His mane, irises, and coat all have absolutely no color to them: they're just white. There's a very good in-story reason for this, but that's both spoilers and not relevant to this commission. (At least, I don't think it's relevant. If you think I'd help with drawing him, then I'd be happy to send you all the details.) As for mane and tail styles, he's never really been great at that self-care thing. This is made worse by the fact that at the point in which the comic will take place, he'll have been galloping through town and fighting monsters left and right for a while now. As such, while they shouldn't exactly be bird's nests, his mane and tail ought to be really disheveled to the point that no style is able to peek through, as well as on the long side for a colt. They'll also be pretty grimy from sweat and dirt, though not to such a degree that it changes the white coloration too badly. Darkest's complete whiteness is one of the most immediately striking things about his character design, so I would prefer nothing overshadow that.

    Hopefully I'm not sounding too bossy or impossible to please at this point--rest assured that I am in fact very reasonable and can be convinced to make what changes you deem more appropriate. I'd much rather have the art be different from how I pictured than not have the art at all. 


    I do have an absolutely hideous rendition of Darkest Knight from a 3D pony creator, and because you ask for any kind of reference picture, I shall--against by better judgement--release it to you. Rest assured that I am in no way proud of this monstrosity of an image, but maybe it'll help you in some capacity. Many details are inaccurate, including the scars in the picture. Darkest remarks to himself in the first chapter that his white coat is perfect for hiding scars, so really, they're not visible. At least, the physical ones aren't. 

    Darkest's cutie mark is described in the story with the following words: "The image was of a half-sphere, viewed from the side, and gradually fading out into smaller circles as it trailed out to the right. Rather reminiscent of a comet whose tail was separated into so many spheres." Rest assured that I have little to no artistic talent, so my poor rendition of the mark is pretty much nothing like the actual one, but maybe it will help you visualize it. The rounded side of the half-sphere faces toward Darkest's head, and every circle in the illustration is meant to be three-dimensional. Color-wise, the cutie mark is canonically a barely darker white than the rest of him, but in the comic I think it should be darkened more so as to be visible. I think a dark grey will suffice nicely, though the lightness of the color can be scaled if that makes it any easier to draw. 

    One final thing regarding Darkest is that if there's any way you can 'sharpen' his design, or make his plentiful mental trauma show in any way, regarding posture and facial expressions, especially compared to Bon Bon, then that would be great. 



    Alright! I do believe that's everything. I'm happy to supply more information should you require it. I look forward to working with you, Nihi, and know that this excursion shall be a fruitful one. That is, if you do choose to accept the commission. 


    Quick question: does the $15 extra character price apply to every panel or just one per character? (Said differently, if I were to commission a comic with three panels starring Rarity in all three and Rainbow Dash in two, would that be $60 or $45?) I only want to know so that I can pay the appropriate amount. I know that any price will likely be worth the end result!



    Oh wow there's a lot to unpack here, before I move on to your commission i feel like need to say this first. Recently I have changed my price on all of my commission art socials. Therefore, the prices you see there are outdated. I am just waiting for the admins to change my price in my actual shop (link shop) and change the display shop right here (the one you currently see).

    Now that's out of the way onto the questions regarding with my shop.

    Firstly, the additional character is per panel that means if each panel there's more than one character additional character would be applied. In your example with the old price that would be $60 (though the actual price would have been $90).

    Anyways, the wording for my old comic category was easily misunderstood and outdated here is my new awaiting prices for my shop.

    *Note* that 1 page can have up to 5 strips of comic. It is not in the description here but I'll add once the prices have been changed.



    And also I have an existing commission working on from another site therefore if you accept the new changes and proceeded with the commission then you'll be put on a queue, (2nd in line waiting).

    I hope you understand these changes and I apologies with any misunderstandings and inconvenience. I am looking forward hearing from you again. 


    Edit: The prices has been updated in my shop.

  6. It's been a while since I've visited here again. As we reached Cherry's birthday, might probably a good idea to visit memory lane.

    Such Humble beginnings and oh how far have I, we've grown or come. Nostalgia is a very powerful feeling almost enough to make me cry. Happy Halloween everyone!

    • Brohoof 1
  7. 13 hours ago, JohnWannabee said:

    It's no problem! After I make the relevant purchases, do you have an email I can send the reference material to and communicate or do you want to do it by PM? I am unfortunately new and thus can't send PM's without you starting them first I think... I'm not sure to be honest, still very new to this site.

    I have an email but I think it is more convenient if we discuss the details here. I'll start the convo with you.

  8. On 2022-05-14 at 3:50 PM, JohnWannabee said:

    Hello there! I was wondering if you were still taking commissions? And if you are is there any sort of upper limit on the number you take? I was thinking about purchasing 3 different pictures, one with a detailed background and the two others simple full body pony pictures.

    Hi, Apologies for the late reply, I did not see the notification of your post. Anyways, As of now no, I do not have an upperlimit BUT my time on starting on new commission is varried depending how much I am currently working with other commissions.

  9. I want..... the Exposition train to come back in the series or at least a replica to its purpose. I know it's kind of unnecessary but I am gonna miss how it sticks out being forgettable and an important plot piece in an episode at the same time. It's kinda become the central hub for some theorycrafting or discussion from the main characters. At least Maretime Bay have its own trolley that's good enough I guess.



    2471801 - safe, screencap, growing up is hard to do, background, friendship  express, no pony, ponyville, ponyville express, scenic ponyville, train  station - Derpibooru


  10. 4 hours ago, Phatdragon 40 said:

    Hi!  I made the purchase on 8/30/21.  I was hoping for a full body OC along with a background  Unfortunately I am new to the forum and I don't have enough posts so I am unable to PM you.  If you PM me first I can message you back.  Would you mind messaging me so I can send you my files rather than posting them on the message board?  Thank you so much!!

    Sure thing, I'll leave you a PM

  11. On 2021-09-02 at 5:42 AM, Phatdragon 40 said:

    Hello!  I just purchased a commission but I am unsure if I should have checked with you first!  So sorry, I am completely new to this.  How do I get you details of the drawing I would like?  Thank you for your help :) 

    Heya! Sorry for the late reply. I did not see the notification of your post until I've actually checked my shop to see your post. Ah, you purchased a commission. You can send my the details of your commission over a PM, though if you still new to the forums and do not know how to then right here is also fine. :)

    Also, if you do not mind me asking. When did you made a purchase? I would just like to double check in my email. 

  12. Got this stupid Idea of the new Mane 5 alternate Ego, as to what I first Interpreted them when they were first leaked

    Pipp looked like a goddes of beauty, So I gave her like the  infamous toxic Twitch/Tiktok girl streamer
    Sunny is a brony
    Izzy hab a bol
    Hitch is like Chad, (Originally I joke about him having a harem because he is the only male)
    and Zipp is like RD V2


  13. Hey Hey, it's me again. Been a while since I posted here. Heh, probably because I haven't done any drawing on my characters since I have been focusing too much on my commission but I promised myself to draw some personal art for myself as a break from doing my commissions. Sooo... I have drawin my main OC, The mascot on about the majority of my online art account. Summer Solair . She has been my main OC since I have joined the fandom, tis a crime that I have not drawn her quite often so I redrew her, probably gave her a redesign a bit. So here is her latest drawing.



    Also this kind of serves as a redraw since her old design and my arts style change over the past few years. So yeah here is the evolution of Summer Solair's design.

    First Design, Made by Seeker Of Destiny



    Second design, Made by me Using Inkscape



    Third design is her previous lastest drawing, made by me



    Fourth design is her recent and probably the final one, made by me



    Anyway, Thank you for coming by.

    • Brohoof 3
  14. 5 hours ago, Lazy Ferret said:

    Hi there, I would love a character with a detailed background and an extra character. if you can do that for me, i'll pm you the details

    Sure, I can do two characters with the detailed background! :) 

  15. 8 hours ago, Splashee said:
    Splashee's  Happy  1  Year  Anniversary!

    Here at the forum: 13th June 2019 - 13th June 2020.


    During this time, I have met many amazing friends! Thank you for everything you have done for me! Have a slice of cake @ExplosionMare and @Emerald Heart and @Lord Valtasar and @Tacodidra and @WWolf and @Treeglow Flicker and @Stone Cold Steve Tuna and also @Pastel Heart and @TheRockARooster 🐔 and @Pentium100 and @ElectricEnergy and @SolarFlare13 and @Goofyg24 and @Muffinnz and @Bolt Number 42 and @Tacodidra and @Mellow Mane 🍀 and @RaraLover and also @Sunamena and @applesjck and @Bastian Bolts and @Thuja and @Rikifive and @Jeric and @Bakugou is my Man and also @Samurai Equine and @China (100% NOT China) and @Mediocre Mare and @TBD 🚬 and @Princess of Luck 🍀🔥 and @zoloft and @ShadOBabe and @Phosphor and @CypherHoof 🐎 and @Dynamo Pad and @Cagey and @StarrySkyDash and @Jedishy and @HeavenSunset and @LegoDashie and @Angle Alastor and @StarChargeR and also @Sherbie-kun and @Prometheus and @PinkieShadow and @SpittyPie2005 and @DivineKnight1000 and @Fluttershutter and @Gaines and @TomDaBombMLP and @Twisted Cyclone 🚓 and @Sparklefan1234 and @Cash In and @Windy Breeze and @Fluttershyfan94 and @Just Blivy and @Dark Horse and @Woohoo and @Flutterstrike and @Rising Dusk and @Antagonist 🦹♂️ and @DJ Wolfe and @Tao and @Dark Qiviut and @Widdershins and @Kujamih and @Derpy Pon-3 and @Arc Flash and @MidnightFire1222 and @Pathfinder and also @Kyoshi and @Lucky Bolt and @SkyPie and @AppleButt and @AJ2489 and @Yoshi89 and @Jesse Terrence and @Lil'Cinnamon and @Marciblook and @Lunarfur and @CatCat and @Lektra Bolt and @AveryGamerDude and @Dawn-Sunlight and @FluttershyWonders and @S1lent and @Denim&Venöm and @Cyclone 1066 and @SparklingSwirls and @chaosprincess and @AriaTheLovely and @Handsome Changeling and also @Leave a Whisper and @Mrs. Prospector and @LyraLover and @Lunar Glow and @Frostgage and @ChB and @Dreambiscuit and @strongwilled_pegasus and @Slyther and @skycastles and @Ezzy and @flurry and @Fixedys and @Darkness Void and also @Glitter Pen and @Rainbowdash69 and @Crystal_bar and @TheEnchantedAuthor and @Brony1995 and @PinkieSpy and @Latecomer and @TJT02 and @Pyramidhead45 and @Ruchiyoto and @Megas and @Petrus and @Psithurism and @Princess Moony and @ATlex and @Partialgeek514 and @Lunatic_Moonwalker and also @Cirrus. and @dashie2020 and @joanro and @Le Trotteur Sauvage and @Steel Accord and @CoaldustPony and @ILikeFoxes and @Shuri_qwq and @Rarity Gemstones and @princessxrainbowdash and @Riverlight Moonrise and @Justin_Case001 and @Sarperso and @Olly and @cuteycindyhoney and @Deerie and @Totally Roseluck and @Lex Destrosio and @Ooredelen and @LunaRose94 and also @Pucksterv and @MLPMusic and @Firebreak and @tylad and @swedishfanofmaud and @SilverComet and @Türk - Lyraheartstrings and @Elements of Chaos and @TwiHard and @Ninja Pizza BatCat and @Lunas Husband and @Nightfall Gloam and @Dabmanz and @Jonny Music and @Flow and @too-da-loo and @BoopMan and @ToastedScone and @Dank Pony Child and @flutterJackdash and @Cocokoru and @Kadae and @Fluori and @PiratePony and @Jane and @Supreme King and also @Splashee (myself needs cake) and @Nsxile 🔥🐲 and @Naiya The Brony and @TFarrgon and @Live Spark and @Rainbow Cloud and @MarkusTactician and @fare67t and @Photon Jet and @Worldfrog and @SharpWit and @LoyalDefender and @MapleMoon and @Valencia and also @Dethl Void and @sallycar and @Moon Sugar and @Allen and @Longhaul and @Alpharius and @Kevin Tang and @Gabosor and @twilight24 and @ShadowEclipse and @Regal Shadow and @Zenchi and @superspyro3000 and @Lagtim3 and @CinnamonPop and @Windseeker and also @J.T. and @CoconutCake and @hinaii and @LemonLavender and @BroomsNHops and @Disky Bolt and @Tropical Melody and @FlutterFluff and @Randimaxis and @MLPForLife and @Naffiro and @sleepyshe and @Scar and @shadowprince2 and @Lightning Cloud and @QueenRainbowDash and @Mini and @Jokuc and @DripMoondrop and @Floppy Snow and @Libra and @stack_overflow and @Fasu.



    Oh hey, Thank you for the cake. :D 

    • Brohoof 1
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