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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by Passion

  1. Wszystkiego najlepszego! :D 
    Happy Birthday!

    1. Passion


      Riki you fool, why does this show on my feed on 11th!? You gotta wait 364 more days to get it right next time! Sheesh!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Merry Birthiversary!

  3. Man, I still remember the days before EQG was released and so many people including myself were skeptical, and then it gave us this, one of the most beautiful songs imho that the MLP has given birth to:


    1. Passion


      Eh, I do remember all the negative attention it was getting. After all I had mixed feelings myself. In the end I doubt it deserved it.


      And yeah @Pathfinder, I remember watching it, and figured it was good. It's silly because it's the only ever MLP related movie I've been to cinema with my niece, and I remember that when it ended people started leaving. I stayed, because that song hits me harder than the entirety of the movie itself.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. June 13th... It's my 2nd Forum Anniversary! Have a free copy of Microsoft Splashee 95 :awed:


    If you are in the list, you will be billed:
    @Sparkly sparks

    @Dynamo Pad

    @Naiya The Brony

    @Will Guide

    @Millennium Shadow

    @Astral Soul (German translation will arrive later this year.... 1996?)

    @SolarFlare13 (Might run Formula 1 '95 with Voodoo Rush drivers)


    @Midnight Danny


    @Metal Brony 42 (You will get a DVD instead of CD-ROM)







    @Twilight Sparkle97 (Close, but it ain't 1997)


    @Twilight Luna


    @Ragland Tiger




    @Rising Dusk

    @Blitz Boom


    @Totally Huey

    @Light Blade

    @Stone Cold Steve Tuna


    @Illiad Easle









    @The Wife of Hawks

    @Rainy Day


    @Shimmer Sparkle


    @Happy Heart



    @Pentium100 (Perfect CPU!)

    @Jonny Music


    @Courageous Thunder Dash


    @Deae Rising Shine~




    @Mentis Soliloquy



    @Sonic Shimmer



    @Jesse Terrence


    @Fluttershyfan94 (One year too early)

    @Windy Breeze


    @Moonshadow Spark

    @Somebody that Exists


    @Twilight Skies



    @Dark Qiviut



    @Emerald Heart

    @Tropical Melody




    @Ninja Pizza BatCat


    @Scarlet Rose




    @The Hawks Simp


    @Dark Horse








    @Sky Spark


    @The Mint Pone

    @Stardust Balance




    @Flying Pencil


    @DJ Wolfe



    @Catpone Cerberus







    @Loud Opinion


    @Lord Valtasar


    @Nightfall Gloam






    @Dark Bun



    @Treeglow Flicker







    @King of Canterlot


    @Sunny Fox






    @Loyal Defender




    @Crystalline Shine

    @Summer Breeze

    @Mellow Mane

    @Kevin Tang




    @Twisted Cyclone 🚓













    @Blue Manestream




    @Dethl Void



    @Arc Flash

    @Sovereign Leader Rarity

    @Midnight Creep Show



    @Renegade the Unicorn

    @Emperor Azurailo




    @Harmonic Revelations

    @Ecto Storm








    1. Passion


      I swear my cellphone company gives my personal data to anybody nowadays.

    2. (See 43 other replies to this status update)

  5. This game is a little bit more than I signed up for :wau:

    Nice story, great for chillout, pretty graphics. But man if the narrative doesn't know when to stop sometimes.

    1. Passion


      In between all the DOOMs, Warframes, Starcrafts, various MMOs and all those flashy games with over-the-top stylized appearances, graphics, stories etc, I found Haven. And after reading a synopsis, I figured it's different. Added it to Wishlist to check out one day, and the day has come.
      So far from the few hours I've spent in it, it's really relaxing. Obviously it's story driven, so it's more of an interactive... I don't know, book? Movie? Still, it's different enough for me to want to keep playing as a little distraction from all the regular games. And so far, it seems to be doing good.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. NUTS! Made a mistake with my last status thing.

    THIS is the image I just picked for my new desk top image on my laptop!



    1. Passion


      That's one Helluva Wallpaper.

      Also, not knowing Millie earns Sparkle a giant "-" in my book. Literally the cutest, free-spirited maniacally murderous character in the series.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. All the essential requests have now been sent:

    1. Passion


      It does not matter if she does, devoted fanatics do not turn their backs just because their masters/mistresses fail to appreciate their devotion.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. The promise is still on Riki. That game better be good. Do not think I have forgotten. It has to look pretty.

  9. No matter the question, wolves are the answer.

    1. Passion


      @Stone Cold Steve Tuna I mean, you won't say that having your food handed over to you by wolves wouldn't be badass.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. Protests in England again. What part of "highly contagious virus" do people not understand?

    1. Passion


      "Highly", "Contagious" and predominantly "Virus".

  11. Ayy, Johnny Depp is supposedly back to Pirates of Caribbean.

    1. Passion


      Oi. Captain Jack Sparrow is Captain Jack Sparrow no matter the movie, k? Don'cha diss the capt'n. He's what I was watching them for anyway.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. If I said that "I do not know what's the whole appeal Helltaker has to some people", I'd be lying.
    If I said that "I do not know why people went absolute bonkers crazy about it", I'd be telling the truth however. 2D waifus I guess? And a neat-o soundtrack.
    Then again, as a lover of anything of demonic nature, I cannot deny I enjoyed this short little adventure... even if the premise was so... "eh".

    1. Passion


      It surprised me to see Polish names in it, wasn't expecting this game to be by Polish developer. Zdrada literally means "betrayal" in Polish. Malina is "raspberry". Although pretty sure this was a wordplay on malice.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. What's up, evening dwellers? Anyone get up to some noteworthy moments tonight? :dash:

    Someone in my family has gotten a real thirst for model train sets recently. In the space of the last month, the downstairs living area has been basically transformed into a miniature railway city. Not quite sure how I feel about it yet, but if I can somehow get the thing to deliver tea and snacks up to my room, I will be a most happy horse. :wacko:

    I'll take a few pictures at some point.

    1. Passion


      I fell asleep in front of PC for an hour out of exhaustion after I finished work! Although sad, it was kinda refreshing actually. My body told my brain its fed up with its... unreasonable demands.

      Also DH look, I'm just a user now! Bet you never thought I'll make it. My bonds are broken, my chains in dust. I am free to roam this world as a regular forum being. And so, lo and behold, you shall no longer be able to determine what does the chaotic evil Khajiit-Wolf hybrid has in his store! (With exception of all the Admin tools provided for that very reason)

      <Placeholder for maniacal laughter once I develop one>

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. 6826B4D4-1A78-4344-871C-2F23F99E15B8.thumb.png.a0c4588d44f03f94a7f5ef55461e31cc.png

    Wait for iiiiiiittttt....


    47k! Nice!

  15. Fact or Crap:

    Charlie Chaplin once entered a Charlie Chaplin lookalike competition and lost.


    Be on the lookout for the answers later today! 

    1. Passion



      Fact, heard about this one. Quite hilarious.


    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  16. My birthday's today. Just turned 30. 

    1. Passion


      Oh no, not you too. Whatever have we done to deserve such fate?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  17. I should be sleeping but I keep finding new YouTube videos to watch 


    1. Passion


      Guess who's not being respoooonsibleeeee.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  18. After the entire day of foodless situation, I finally have food back. Food is good. You should have food too. 8 out of 10 people recommend food. The 9th one doesn't recommend it but still has it. The tenth one is usually found dead after 3 weeks on average.

    1. Passion


      @Treeglow Flicker I kid you not, this chant sounds like a poorly written government pro-food campaign slang.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. Alright, fact or crap:

    Cicada 3301 is a secretive group that occasionally releases cyphers, riddles, and puzzles both online and in the world in an attempt at locating “intelligent individuals.” The group’s actual intentions or purpose is unknown, and is theorized to be a cult, part of the CIA/NSA, or even an alternate reality game.

    Post if you think this is factual or craptual! Google is your friend if you need help. But don’t bing it.

    Don’t you EVER bing it. *room darkens*
    *lights brighten again* Okay?

    1. Passion



      Fact. I remember reading up about them, cannot remember the source supposedly. If I remember correctly, the riddles they released were all for their own needs as they were searching for skilled individuals for some kind of project of theirs. It was revealed eventually to those select, who then leaked it to the world which was basically nothing but prime disappointment allover, but I cannot remember what was the project about. Based on the project's theme however it was unlikely they were affiliated with governments. But hey, who knows? Might all be a cover up story.


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  20. After long, long years on these forums, I have finally made it. I achieved the one role that eluded me for so long.

    I became a normie.

    1. Passion


      I figure the system hiccuped when it removed me off of the MCM donors list. *Shrugs* Doesn't change much tbh I guess.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  21. Oh dios mio! Tu hablas Español también! :pinkie:

    (I wonder if I have to speak english one way or another in this place. :ooh:)

    1. Passion


      You pretty much should. While the above could be understood by a toddler, content cannot be moderated properly if it cannot be outright understood.

      *Flies away~~~!*

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  22. Still prefer Molly over Angie. The design just screams positive vibes. (These words will come back to bite me in the butt).

    1. Passion


      Idk, Alastor doesn't seem to get along with Angie. It would be common sense that he'd get along with his sister, but then again common sense is not this show's strongest avenue.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  23. Still prefer Molly over Angie. The design just screams positive vibes. (These words will come back to bite me in the butt).

    1. Passion


      Tbh never thought of that.


      It would be fun if she was like him, just... better. In everything. His one complex.

      Tho for some reason I see her getting along with Charlie like, in an instant.


      Tho I'm looking forward to see how they'll use her character. One day. Eventually. Maybe.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  24. Still prefer Molly over Angie. The design just screams positive vibes. (These words will come back to bite me in the butt).

    1. Passion


      I am really curious as for how she is depicted personality wise. Like, really really curious. Just fearing she'll be supporting cast, but oh well.

      She's my 3rd favourite so far even though she didn't even appear yet :P

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  25. Still prefer Molly over Angie. The design just screams positive vibes. (These words will come back to bite me in the butt).

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