Mirage 24,772 March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 Thanks @Fluttershy Friend - I needed that! *hugs* 4 1 “Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing you have received--only what you have given.” Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChB 18,562 March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 @Sparklefan1234 @Celli @Captain Clark @Totally Lyra @SparklingSwirls @PathfinderCS @ultrairongorilla @Rikifive @Alexshy @Rarity the Supreme @RainbowBobSquareDash @SnakeEater @SoberStarlight @Sonic5421 @TheFunk @TheMagmaCube13 @Zachary @Valencia @Pvt. Cerberus @Azul Maya @Babyyoshi309 @Allen @AmarisNsane @Autumn Mist @DashYoshi @FlutterGuy999 @Faulty Circuit @Fluttershy Friend @Frostgage @Gabosor @NathanW200 @Wannabrony @Ganondorf8 @Gone Airbourne @Pinkamena-Pills @ChikoritaCheezits @Hierok @iNachos10 @Jeric @PiratePony @Kenshiro @kimba90 @KirbyFluttershy @Lady Kiriness @Loightwing @Nightfall Gloam @Northern Light Flyer @Princess Aurora Wolf @OmegaBeamOfficial @Penguinbrony2409 @PinkuRiku @Photon Jet @pinkiepartypie @Prospekt@Flutterstep @CypherHoof @meme @ShootingStar159 @Nightmare Mirage @goofyg65 @Deae Rising Shine~ @Techno Universal @RainbowDashPrincess @Titans08Mariota @SolarFlare13 @The_Gobo @PoisonClaw @TBD, Scoffer of TBA @Morose @Denim&Venom @Leere @Kyoshi @NightmareLuna800 @TempestShadow @IronM17 @Steve Piranha @Trotteur Sauvage @Randimaxis @Missklang @Sunset Rose @strongwilled_pegasus Hope you all have a great month, everypony! March on! *Cuddles* Big Hug by masemj 20 2 Thanks to @Sparklefan1234 for this awesome sig! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluttershy Friend 25,447 March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 1 minute ago, Mirage said: Thanks @Fluttershy Friend - I needed that! *hugs* That's why friends are for my dark blue friend. You can always count at your yellow friend! *cuddles friendly @Mirage once again* 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PoisonClaw 8,166 March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 @Sparklefan1234 @ChB @Tempest shadow @TempestShadow @Daring Feri @SolarFlare13 @The_Gobo @Ganondorf8 @Kyoshi @Fluttershy Friend @Rarity the Supreme @Deae Rising Shine~ @Steve Piranha @Glimmerlicious @Techno Universal @Batbrony @PathfinderCS @TBD, Scoffer of TBA @Mesmelicious Rize @Azul Maya 7 MLPForums "Self-Proclaimed" Kamen Rider NutNow, count up your sins!I do Traditional commissions, by the way! See them HERE! Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
strongwilled_pegasus 5,157 March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 @ChB @TheRockARooster @Dreambiscuit @Lucky Bolt @Ginger Whooves @ThunderCrush cuddles everypony 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mirage 24,772 March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 4 minutes ago, Fluttershy Friend said: That's why friends are for my dark blue friend. You can always count at your yellow friend! *cuddles friendly @Mirage once again* Sorry for being mean and scary... But I'm pretty sure yellow poneh could soften Nightmare Moon right up. *hugs* Nightmare can be a good ally! 2 “Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing you have received--only what you have given.” Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
meck-can-ik pony 1,091 March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 Copy paste from Boop a Snoot cus it's my birthday and I can't be arsed @Fluttershy Friend@Rarity the Supreme@Sherbert Music-Guard, Scoffer of Shortbread@CrystalBloodMoon@The_Gobo@Trotteur Sauvage@Azul Maya@MerMerPony@Denium&Venom (Not highlighting for me) @Hierok, Scoffer of MusicCuddles you all 4 1 = All ponies here are equal, No more creative themes, content, or individualism. = Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JustGaby 3,099 March 3, 2018 Share March 3, 2018 *Cuddles @ChB and @Rarity the Supreme* 7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DashYoshi 9,565 March 3, 2018 Share March 3, 2018 *gives a good morning cuddle to @ChB @Fluttershy Friend @Sparklefan1234 @SolarFlare13 @Totally Lyra @Rarity the Supreme @Alexshy* 5 ~ Created by @Princess Moony ~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sparklefan1234 172,938 March 3, 2018 Share March 3, 2018 *Cuddles* @ChB @Baby Dashie @Princess Aurora Wolf @Celli @Totally Lyra @Hierok @Denim&Venom @Mesme Rize @TheRockARooster @goofyg65 @Califorum@Lucky Bolt @hopkey123 @Steve Piranha @Lunar Echo @NightmareLuna800 @The Cerberus @Rikifive @Wolfgrel@Literally Snails @SoberStarlight @TBD @StrawCherry @Rarity the Supreme @DashYoshi @Cherry-Pie @Dark Horse @Randimaxis@TwiTracker@Lightwing@Yellow Diamond @Qrow Branwen @.Wolfe.@Nye@Connie @Faulty Circuit @Arid_Blitz@ultrairongorilla @Kreamer @Chrysalis13 @ScruffyTheStallion @Dark Qiviut @King Clark @Tilgoreth @AmarisNsane @Mirage77 @Fluttershy Friend @Jeric @ooReiko @PiratePony @Kyoshi @PathfinderCS @Leere @Stormfury @Missklang @PoisonClaw @TigerGeekGuy @GrimGrimoire@Sunset Rose @Frostgage@Titans08Mariota@Nature Tune @Azul Maya @TempestShadow @Storminess @SolarFlare13 @Flutterstep @Valencia @Nightfall Gloam @Pink Feather @CypherHoof @Chrylestia600 @Ganondorf8 @Prospekt @Alexshy @Deae Rising Shine~ @Trotteur Sauvage @KashikoiPai@Trottermare Galamane @Twilight Karamel @IronM17 @RainbowDashPrincess @CrystalBloodMoon, Scoffer of Humans *Cuddles* @Duality 14 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Altastrofae 933 March 3, 2018 Author Share March 3, 2018 Cuddles @Sparklefan1234 @meck-can-ik pony @Sherbert Music-Guard, Scoffer of Shortbread @King of Canterlot @Fluttershy Friend @Mirage @Alexshy @Valencia @SoberStarlight @The_Gobo @Azul Maya @DuskSong and @Duality, happy early National Water Day ma' dude! We are not human beings having a spiritual experience We are spiritual beings having a human experience | signature by @Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mirage 24,772 March 3, 2018 Share March 3, 2018 *Cuddles* @shadowwarp940 3 “Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing you have received--only what you have given.” Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sparklefan1234 172,938 March 3, 2018 Share March 3, 2018 *Cuddles* @SparklingSwirls 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Altastrofae 933 March 3, 2018 Author Share March 3, 2018 40 minutes ago, Sparklefan1234 said: *Cuddles* @SparklingSwirls *cuddles* because dat pic is adorbables We are not human beings having a spiritual experience We are spiritual beings having a human experience | signature by @Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
meck-can-ik pony 1,091 March 4, 2018 Share March 4, 2018 19 minutes ago, CrystalBloodMoon said: *cuddles* because dat pic is adorbables I 2nd this notion, It's like Pastel colours or Graffiti type look. @CrystalBloodMoon Cuddle you softly Nice colourful avatar btw. 1 1 = All ponies here are equal, No more creative themes, content, or individualism. = Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SolarFlare13 16,099 March 4, 2018 Share March 4, 2018 (edited) *cuddles @Rarity the Supreme, @ThunderCrush, @Fluttershy Friend, @ChB, @PoisonClaw, @DashYoshi, @Sparklefan1234, @meck-can-ik pony, @meme, @The_Gobo, @Alexshy, @TheRockARooster, @WWolf, @Rikifive, @Barpy, @Larrydog, @Wannabrony, @Prospekt, @Chrysalis14, @Trottermare Galamane, @Widdershins, @Duality, @Vintjack Greasymane, @Cyralicious, @Nightfall Gloam, @Vampira Heart, @Princess Moony, @Valencia, @Nature Tune, @Hierok, Scoffer of Music, @J.T., @Deae Rising Shine~ and the rest of you silly fillies* O3O Edited March 4, 2018 by SolarFlare13 6 1 This signature has been created by the almighty KYOSHI :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sparklefan1234 172,938 March 4, 2018 Share March 4, 2018 *Cuddles* @ChB @Baby Dashie @Princess Aurora Wolf @Celli @Totally Lyra @Hierok @Denim&Venom @Mesme Rize @TheRockARooster @goofyg65 @Califorum@Lucky Bolt @hopkey123 @Steve Piranha @Lunar Echo @NightmareLuna800 @The Cerberus @Rikifive @Wolfgrel@Literally Snails @SoberStarlight @TBD @StrawCherry @Rarity the Supreme @DashYoshi @Cherry-Pie @Dark Horse @Randimaxis@TwiTracker@Lightwing@Yellow Diamond @Qrow Branwen @.Wolfe.@Nye@Connie @Faulty Circuit @Arid_Blitz@ultrairongorilla @Kreamer @Chrysalis13 @ScruffyTheStallion @Dark Qiviut @King Clark @Tilgoreth @AmarisNsane @Mirage77 @Fluttershy Friend @Jeric @ooReiko @PiratePony @Kyoshi @PathfinderCS @Leere @Stormfury @Missklang @PoisonClaw @TigerGeekGuy @GrimGrimoire@Sunset Rose @Frostgage@Titans08Mariota@Nature Tune @Azul Maya @TempestShadow @Storminess @SolarFlare13 @Flutterstep @Valencia @Nightfall Gloam @Pink Feather @CypherHoof @Chrylestia600 @Ganondorf8 @Prospekt @Alexshy @Deae Rising Shine~ @Trotteur Sauvage @KashikoiPai@Trottermare Galamane @Twilight Karamel @IronM17 @RainbowDashPrincess @CrystalBloodMoon, Scoffer of Humans *Cuddles* @Duality Lyra and Bon Bon - Hugby Vulthuryol00 16 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Altastrofae 933 March 4, 2018 Author Share March 4, 2018 Just now, Sparklefan1234 said: *Cuddles* @ChB @Baby Dashie @Princess Aurora Wolf @Celli @Totally Lyra @Hierok @Denim&Venom @Mesme Rize @TheRockARooster @goofyg65 @Califorum@Lucky Bolt @hopkey123 @Steve Piranha @Lunar Echo @NightmareLuna800 @The Cerberus @Rikifive @Wolfgrel@Literally Snails @SoberStarlight @TBD @StrawCherry @Rarity the Supreme @DashYoshi @Cherry-Pie @Dark Horse @Randimaxis@TwiTracker@Lightwing@Yellow Diamond @Qrow Branwen @.Wolfe.@Nye@Connie @Faulty Circuit @Arid_Blitz@ultrairongorilla @Kreamer @Chrysalis13 @ScruffyTheStallion @Dark Qiviut @King Clark @Tilgoreth @AmarisNsane @Mirage77 @Fluttershy Friend @Jeric @ooReiko @PiratePony @Kyoshi @PathfinderCS @Leere @Stormfury @Missklang @PoisonClaw @TigerGeekGuy @GrimGrimoire@Sunset Rose @Frostgage@Titans08Mariota@Nature Tune @Azul Maya @TempestShadow @Storminess @SolarFlare13 @Flutterstep @Valencia @Nightfall Gloam @Pink Feather @CypherHoof @Chrylestia600 @Ganondorf8 @Prospekt @Alexshy @Deae Rising Shine~ @Trotteur Sauvage @KashikoiPai@Trottermare Galamane @Twilight Karamel @IronM17 @RainbowDashPrincess @CrystalBloodMoon, Scoffer of Humans *Cuddles* @Duality Lyra and Bon Bon - Hugby Vulthuryol00 I'm sorry, but why and how are you quoting me with an old screenname. OCD is a monster I tell you, that bothers me. *Cuddles* cuz I wouldn't just come to point that out We are not human beings having a spiritual experience We are spiritual beings having a human experience | signature by @Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sovereign Leader Rarity 12,010 March 4, 2018 Share March 4, 2018 (edited) Feeling re-energized from a recent snow day, and I'm more prepared to take this week on. Let's try to share that enthusiasm with some end-of-the-week cuddles. Cuddles @Rainy_days, @Sparklefan1234, @Foxy Socks, @Lunalicious Alexshy, @goofyg65, @Fluttershy Friend, @Mickey Adaptus, @Sketchy Tune, @Holiday Agnaktor, @Leere, @CypherHoof, @CrystalBloodMoon, @SolarFlare13, @Larrydog, @Barpy, @meck-can-ik pony, @Rikifive, @DashYoshi, @ChB, @Cyralicious, @Baymax, @Nightfall Gloam, @MiragetheChangeling, @Midnight Blaze 98, @SoberStarlight, @TigerGeekGuy, @Lore Finder, @TBD, Scoffer of TBA, @Duality, @SparklingSwirls, @iNachos10, @Wannabrony, @Prospekt, @Azul Maya, @Valencia, @Flutterstep, @Sherbert Music-Guard, Scoffer of Shortbread, @Nye, @ZethaPonderer, @Alexshy, @Techno Universal, @PoisonClaw, @ShadOBabe, @luftschloss, @Summer Breeze, @Pvt. Cerberus, @Connie, @Nature Tune, @donttellmum, @ultrairongorilla, @ShinGoji, @ShootingStar159, @Hierok, @WiiGuy2014, @TheRockARooster, @Faulty Circuit, @UltimateGhost3, @Alpakachii, @Kyoshi, @Califorum, @Cherry-Pie, @Chrysalis14, @Dreambiscuit, @Drunk Not I Am, @Frostcrystal, @Ganondorf8, @Lunar Echo, @Mlppotterwhoovian, @Mirage, @Silent, @King of Canterlot, @Yoye Wolfgrel, @Arid_Blitz, @Mesmelicious Rize, @kimba90, @Zachary, @CHA0SXIII, @ThunderCrush, @Gabosor, @Deae Rising Shine~, @Titans08Mariota, @Total Lunar Eclipse, @Sylvester, @RainbowDashPrincess, @Morose, @meme, @We_R_VeNoM, @cuteycindyhoney, @Gone Airbourne, @Jonny Music, @Johnny1226, @Misty Shimmer, @Denim&Venom, @Snake Eater, @Vintjack Greasymane, @Olly, @Lucid_Nightlight, @Dark Horse, @Sherem, @Sunset Rose, @IronM17, @Lord Princess Panzy, @Simcity11100, @SkyPie, @DasCapschen, @Blazing Dawn, @Tempest Feri, @Tao, @Catsle, @NightmareLuna1996, @Penguinbrony2409, @Divine plywood, @Frostgage, @Yumekai, @Kitty_Cat, @Jeric, @Rhythm Red, @Kronos the Revenant, @Trotteur Sauvage, @Snake Eater, @A.V., @Lucky Bolt, @shadowwarp940, @Cyclone 1066, @strongwilled_pegasus and the Slime Princess's lesser-known younger sibling, @The_Gobo. Edited March 5, 2018 by Rarity the Supreme 18 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sparklefan1234 172,938 March 4, 2018 Share March 4, 2018 Just now, CrystalBloodMoon said: I'm sorry, but why and how are you quoting me with an old screenname. OCD is a monster I tell you, that bothers me. I am? It says "CrystalBloodMoon". *Confused Cuddles* @CrystalBloodMoon 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The_Gobo 36,257 March 4, 2018 Share March 4, 2018 Cuddles for the loveliest of lovelies @Rarity the Supreme Spoiler And maybe some cuddles to @SolarFlare13's various avatars: 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mirage 24,772 March 4, 2018 Share March 4, 2018 9 minutes ago, CrystalBloodMoon said: I'm sorry, but why and how are you quoting me with an old screenname. OCD is a monster I tell you, that bothers me. *Cuddles* cuz I wouldn't just come to point that out Sometime the engine will post a previous name after it has been changed. I don't think the poster always has control over that. I can took into it, but I think this is intended for 30 days, and not a bug. 1 “Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing you have received--only what you have given.” Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vintjack Greasymane 3,460 March 4, 2018 Share March 4, 2018 6 hours ago, SolarFlare13 said: *cuddles @Rarity the Supreme, @ThunderCrush, @Fluttershy Friend, @ChB, @PoisonClaw, @DashYoshi, @Sparklefan1234, @meck-can-ik pony, @meme, @The_Gobo, @Alexshy, @TheRockARooster, @WWolf, @Rikifive, @Barpy, @Larrydog, @Wannabrony, @Prospekt, @Chrysalis14, @Trottermare Galamane, @Widdershins, @Duality, @Vintjack Greasymane, @Cyralicious, @Nightfall Gloam, @Vampira Heart, @Princess Moony, @Valencia, @Nature Tune, @Hierok, Scoffer of Music, @J.T., @Deae Rising Shine~ and the rest of you silly fillies* O3O Thank you, pal! I sure love to cuddle! 3 hours ago, Rarity the Supreme said: Feeling re-energized from a recent snow day, and I'm more prepared to take this week on. Let's try to share that enthusiasm with some end-of-the-week cuddles. Cuddles @Rainy_days, @Sparklefan1234, @Foxy Socks, @Lunalicious Alexshy, @goofyg65, @Fluttershy Friend, @Mickey Adaptus, @Sketchy Tune, @Holiday Agnaktor, @Leere, @CypherHoof, @CrystalBloodMoon, @SolarFlare13, @Larrydog, @Barpy, @meck-can-ik pony, @Rikifive, @DashYoshi, @ChB, @Cyralicious, @Baymax, @Nightfall Gloam, @MiragetheChangeling, @Midnight Blaze 98, @SoberStarlight, @TigerGeekGuy, @Lore Finder, @TBD, Scoffer of TBA, @Duality, @SparklingSwirls, @iNachos10, @Wannabrony, @Prospekt, @Azul Maya, @Valencia, @Flutterstep, @Sherbert Music-Guard, Scoffer of Shortbread, @Nye, @ZethaPonderer, @Alexshy, @Techno Universal, @PoisonClaw, @ShadOBabe, @luftschloss, @Summer Breeze, @Pvt. Cerberus, @Connie, @Nature Tune, @donttellmum, @ultrairongorilla, @ShinGoji, @ShootingStar159, @Hierok, @WiiGuy2014, @TheRockARooster, @Faulty Circuit, @UltimateGhost3, @Alpakachii, @Kyoshi, @Califorum, @Cherry-Pie, @Chrysalis14, @Dreambiscuit, @Drunk Not I Am, @Frostcrystal, @Ganondorf8, @Lunar Echo, @Mlppotterwhoovian, @Mirage, @Silent, @King of Canterlot, @Yoye Wolfgrel, @Arid_Blitz, @Mesmelicious Rize, @kimba90, @Zachary, @CHA0SXIII, @ThunderCrush, @Gabosor, @Deae Rising Shine~, @Titans08Mariota, @Total Lunar Eclipse, @Sylvester, @RainbowDashPrincess, @Morose, @meme, @We_R_VeNoM, @cuteycindyhoney, @Gone Airbourne, @Jonny Music, @Johnny1226, @Misty Shimmer, @Denim&Venom, @Snake Eater, @Vintjack Greasymane, @Olly, @Lucid_Nightlight, @Dark Horse, @Sherem, @Sunset Rose, @IronM17, @Lord Princess Panzy, @Simcity11100, @SkyPie, @DasCapschen, @Blazing Dawn, @Tempest Feri, @Tao, @Catsle, @NightmareLuna1996, @Penguinbrony2409, @Divine plywood, @Frostgage, @Yumekai, @Kitty_Cat, @Jeric, @Rhythm Red, @Kronos the Revenant, @Trotteur Sauvage, @Snake Eater, @A.V., @Lucky Bolt, @shadowwarp940, @Cyclone 1066, @strongwilled_pegasus and the Slime Princess's lesser-known younger sibling, @The_Gobo. Thank you, as usual! 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SparklingSquirrels 21,355 March 5, 2018 Share March 5, 2018 *cuddles @Sparklefan1234 back* Even though I don't usually reply to your cuddles or boops, it does mean a lot to me that you still make a special post for me each time you post in these threads . You're awesome, BFFFF! 5 ֍֎֍֎ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest March 5, 2018 Share March 5, 2018 @Woohoo @The_Gobo @ChB @Mirage @goofyg65 @SparklingSwirls @Dsanders @RetroDerp2000 @Sparklefan1234 @Johnny1226 @Princess Moony @Misty Shimmer @CrystalBloodMoon @Wannabrony @SolarFlare13 @Azul Maya @AmarisNsane *hugs* 5 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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