ZethaPonderer 2,200 March 17, 2018 Share March 17, 2018 Get Cuddled *Cuddle Followers* @Amys-pmvs, @Stormfury, @Count Werdowp, @Fluttershy Friend, @Jeric, @KillerKingBakudan, @luftschloss, @Octavia_Melody2, @Who?, @They, @Everyone, @She, @Right?, @Daring Feri, @The Equestrian Brony *Cuddle Followers* Time 2 cuddle the rest *Cuddle* @Alexshy, @iNachos10, @Annie, @Rawzy, @Trotteur Sauvage, @PuddingPonyPal, and 20 times @Rarity the Supreme for cuddling me senselessly when I was powerless 2 cuddle. *Cuddle* 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
meck-can-ik pony 1,091 March 17, 2018 Share March 17, 2018 @Rainy_days, @Sparklefan1234, @Foxy Socks, @Lunalicious Alexshy, @goofyg65, @Fluttershy Friend, @Mickey Adaptus, @Sketchy Tune, @Holiday Agnaktor, @Leere, @CypherHoof, @CrystalBloodMoon, @SolarFlare13, @Larrydog, @Barpy, @Rikifive, @DashYoshi, @ChB, @Cyralicious, @Baymax, @Nightfall Gloam, @MiragetheChangeling, @Midnight Blaze 98, @SoberStarlight, @TigerGeekGuy, @Lore Finder, @TBD, Scoffer of TBA, @Duality, @SparklingSwirls, @iNachos10, @Wannabrony, @Prospekt, @Azul Maya, @Valencia, @Flutterstep, @Sherbert Music-Guard, Scoffer of Shortbread, @Nye, @ZethaPonderer, @Alexshy, @Techno Universal, @PoisonClaw, @ShadOBabe, @luftschloss, @Summer Breeze, @Pvt. Cerberus, @Connie, @Nature Tune, @donttellmum, @ultrairongorilla, @ShinGoji, @ShootingStar159, @Hierok, @WiiGuy2014, @TheRockARooster, @Faulty Circuit, @UltimateGhost3, @Alpakachii, @Kyoshi, @Califorum, @Cherry-Pie, @Chrysalis14, @Dreambiscuit, @Drunk Not I Am, @Frostcrystal, @Ganondorf8, @Lunar Echo, @Mlppotterwhoovian, @Mirage, @Silent, @King of Canterlot, @Yoye Wolfgrel, @Arid_Blitz, @Mesmelicious Rize, @kimba90, @Zachary, @CHA0SXIII, @ThunderCrush, @Gabosor, @Deae Rising Shine~, @Titans08Mariota, @Total Lunar Eclipse, @Sylvester, @RainbowDashPrincess, @Morose, @meme, @We_R_VeNoM, @cuteycindyhoney, @Gone Airbourne, @Jonny Music, @Johnny1226, @Misty Shimmer, @Denim&Venom, @Snake Eater, @Vintjack Greasymane, @Olly, @Lucid_Nightlight, @Dark Horse, @Sherem, @Sunset Rose, @IronM17, @Panzy, Scoffer of Rings, @Simcity11100, @SkyPie, @DasCapschen, @Tempest Feri, @Tao, @Catsle, @NightmareLuna1996, @Penguinbrony2409, @Divine plywood, @Frostgage, @Yumekai, @Kitty_Cat, @Jeric, @Rhythm Red, @Kronos the Revenant, @Trotteur Sauvage, @Snake Eater, @A.V., @Lucky Bolt, @shadowwarp940, @Cyclone 1066, @strongwilled_pegasus, @Momento Mori, @LPS MLP, @Dark Qiviut, @Sylveon, @Captain Clark, @The Shyest One, @pinkypie13, @Recherche, @Soren Peregrinator, @The_Gobo And two very special folk I like @SolarFlare13 & @Rarity the Supreme Someday we will all hug one another in one place as the magic of friendship will keep on growing and growing. 23 4 = All ponies here are equal, No more creative themes, content, or individualism. = Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aqua shine 1,898 March 17, 2018 Share March 17, 2018 blushes 1 aqau shine here Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barpy 2,225 March 17, 2018 Share March 17, 2018 yus cuddles! 3 Check my profile if you wanna know me Best song Czech version Cuteness, ponies, kittens, animals, plushies, friendship, happiness Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
meck-can-ik pony 1,091 March 17, 2018 Share March 17, 2018 15 minutes ago, Barpy said: yus cuddles! Dawwwwww that's so cute 2 1 = All ponies here are equal, No more creative themes, content, or individualism. = Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aqua shine 1,898 March 17, 2018 Share March 17, 2018 red aleart cutenees over loud head blows up aqau shine here Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest March 18, 2018 Share March 18, 2018 (edited) 1 hour ago, meck-can-ik pony said: @Rainy_days, @Sparklefan1234, @Foxy Socks, @Lunalicious Alexshy, @goofyg65, @Fluttershy Friend, @Mickey Adaptus, @Sketchy Tune, @Holiday Agnaktor, @Leere, @CypherHoof, @CrystalBloodMoon, @SolarFlare13, @Larrydog, @Barpy, @Rikifive, @DashYoshi, @ChB, @Cyralicious, @Baymax, @Nightfall Gloam, @MiragetheChangeling, @Midnight Blaze 98, @SoberStarlight, @TigerGeekGuy, @Lore Finder, @TBD, Scoffer of TBA, @Duality, @SparklingSwirls, @iNachos10, @Wannabrony, @Prospekt, @Azul Maya, @Valencia, @Flutterstep, @Sherbert Music-Guard, Scoffer of Shortbread, @Nye, @ZethaPonderer, @Alexshy, @Techno Universal, @PoisonClaw, @ShadOBabe, @luftschloss, @Summer Breeze, @Pvt. Cerberus, @Connie, @Nature Tune, @donttellmum, @ultrairongorilla, @ShinGoji, @ShootingStar159, @Hierok, @WiiGuy2014, @TheRockARooster, @Faulty Circuit, @UltimateGhost3, @Alpakachii, @Kyoshi, @Califorum, @Cherry-Pie, @Chrysalis14, @Dreambiscuit, @Drunk Not I Am, @Frostcrystal, @Ganondorf8, @Lunar Echo, @Mlppotterwhoovian, @Mirage, @Silent, @King of Canterlot, @Yoye Wolfgrel, @Arid_Blitz, @Mesmelicious Rize, @kimba90, @Zachary, @CHA0SXIII, @ThunderCrush, @Gabosor, @Deae Rising Shine~, @Titans08Mariota, @Total Lunar Eclipse, @Sylvester, @RainbowDashPrincess, @Morose, @meme, @We_R_VeNoM, @cuteycindyhoney, @Gone Airbourne, @Jonny Music, @Johnny1226, @Misty Shimmer, @Denim&Venom, @Snake Eater, @Vintjack Greasymane, @Olly, @Lucid_Nightlight, @Dark Horse, @Sherem, @Sunset Rose, @IronM17, @Panzy, Scoffer of Rings, @Simcity11100, @SkyPie, @DasCapschen, @Tempest Feri, @Tao, @Catsle, @NightmareLuna1996, @Penguinbrony2409, @Divine plywood, @Frostgage, @Yumekai, @Kitty_Cat, @Jeric, @Rhythm Red, @Kronos the Revenant, @Trotteur Sauvage, @Snake Eater, @A.V., @Lucky Bolt, @shadowwarp940, @Cyclone 1066, @strongwilled_pegasus, @Momento Mori, @LPS MLP, @Dark Qiviut, @Sylveon, @Captain Clark, @The Shyest One, @pinkypie13, @Recherche, @Soren Peregrinator, @The_Gobo And two very special folk I like @SolarFlare13 & @Rarity the Supreme Someday we will all hug one another in one place as the magic of friendship will keep on growing and growing. This post warmed my heart 💚 thanks a lot Dat pic. though :3 Edited March 18, 2018 by Whomever Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aqua shine 1,898 March 18, 2018 Share March 18, 2018 (edited) ah cutenees overload 20000% there you guys go pics when i was a filly Edited March 18, 2018 by pinkypie13 1 aqau shine here Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TigerGeekGuy 4,662 March 18, 2018 Share March 18, 2018 @Rarity the Supreme *cuddles twice* @meck-can-ik pony *cuddles back* @Duality *cuddles teh puddle* @The_Gobo *cuddles teh jelleh* @Alexshy @Fluttershy Friend @Sparklefan1234 *cuddles everyone* 3 "The place where you made your stand never mattered. Only that you were there...and still on your feet." - Stephen King Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SolarFlare13 16,099 March 18, 2018 Share March 18, 2018 (edited) *gives @Rarity the Supreme, @Sparklefan1234, @DashYoshi, @Penguinbrony2409, Scoffer of Weather, @Everyone, @They, @Me., @Thy., @You, @U Is For You and Me, @A user, @Him, @She (I hope you guys change your names back real soon. It took me a while to find out who you really were ), @The_Gobo, @Widdershins, @Duality, @Alexshy, @Fluttershy Friend, @Flutterstep, @Pvt. Cerberus, @Trottermare Galamane, @Larrydog, @Vintjack Greasymane, @Kyoshi, @Barpy, @Rikifive, @pinkypie13, @J.T., @Deae Rising Shine~, @meck-can-ik pony, @PoisonClaw and the rest of you a big cuddle >w< (once again, I apologize if I missed some of your names) Edited March 18, 2018 by SolarFlare13 8 This signature has been created by the almighty KYOSHI :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sparklefan1234 172,938 March 18, 2018 Share March 18, 2018 *Cuddles* @ChB @Baby Dashie @Princess Aurora Wolf @Celli @Totally Lyra @Hierok @Denim&Venom @Mesme Rize @TheRockARooster @goofyg65 @Califorum@Lucky Bolt @hopkey123 @Steve Piranha @Lunar Echo @NightmareLuna800 @The Cerberus @Rikifive @Wolfgrel@Literally Snails @SoberStarlight @TBD @StrawCherry @Rarity the Supreme @DashYoshi @Cherry-Pie @Dark Horse @Randimaxis@TwiTracker@Lightwing@Yellow Diamond @Qrow Branwen @.Wolfe.@Nye@Connie @Faulty Circuit @Arid_Blitz@ultrairongorilla @Kreamer @rainbow dash13 @Chrysalis13 @ScruffyTheStallion @Dark Qiviut @King Clark @Tilgoreth @AmarisNsane @Mirage77 @Fluttershy Friend @Jeric @ooReiko @PiratePony @Kyoshi @PathfinderCS @Leere @Stormfury @Missklang @PoisonClaw @TigerGeekGuy @GrimGrimoire@Sunset Rose @Frostgage@Titans08Mariota@Nature Tune @Azul Maya @Storminess @SolarFlare13 @Flutterstep @Valencia @Nightfall Gloam @Pink Feather @CypherHoof @Chrylestia600 @Ganondorf8 @Prospekt @Alexshy @Deae Rising Shine~ @Trotteur Sauvage @KashikoiPai@Trottermare Galamane @Twilight Karamel @IronM17 @RainbowDashPrincess @Loyal Defender@CrystalBloodMoon, Scoffer of Humans *Cuddles* @Duality 13 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sovereign Leader Rarity 12,010 March 18, 2018 Share March 18, 2018 (edited) Hello, you wonderful ponies, I hope that you're all having a tremendous day. Once again, it's time to brave the belly of the beast. But let us see if that beast is any match for the power of cuddles. Here's to another excellent week everypony! Beast-killing cuddles for @Rainy_days, @Sparklefan1234, @Foxy Socks, @Lunalicious Alexshy, @goofyg65, @Fluttershy Friend, @Mickey Adaptus, @Sketchy Tune, @Holiday Agnaktor, @Leere, @CypherHoof, @CrystalBloodMoon, @SolarFlare13, @Larrydog, @Barpy, @meck-can-ik pony, @Rikifive, @DashYoshi, @ChB, @Cyralicious, @Baymax, @Nightfall Gloam, @MiragetheChangeling, @Midnight Blaze 98, @SoberStarlight, @TigerGeekGuy, @Lore Finder, @TBD, Scoffer of TBA, @Duality, @SparklingSwirls, @iNachos10, @Wannabrony, @Prospekt, @Azul Maya, @Valencia, @Flutterstep, @Sherbert Music-Guard, Scoffer of Shortbread, @Nye, @ZethaPonderer, @Alexshy, @Techno Universal, @PoisonClaw, @ShadOBabe, @luftschloss, @Summer Breeze, @Pvt. Cerberus, @Connie, @Nature Tune, @donttellmum, @ultrairongorilla, @ShinGoji, @ShootingStar159, @Hierok, @WiiGuy2014, @TheRockARooster, @Faulty Circuit, @UltimateGhost3, @Alpakachii, @Kyoshi, @Califorum, @Cherry-Pie, @Chrysalis14, @Dreambiscuit, @Drunk Not I Am, @Frostcrystal, @Ganondorf8, @Lunar Echo, @Mlppotterwhoovian, @Mirage, @Silent, @King of Canterlot, @Yoye Wolfgrel, @Arid_Blitz, @Mesmelicious Rize, @kimba90, @Zachary, @CHA0SXIII, @ThunderCrush, @Gabosor, @Deae Rising Shine~, @Titans08Mariota, @Total Lunar Eclipse, @Sylvester, @RainbowDashPrincess, @Morose, @meme, @We_R_VeNoM, @cuteycindyhoney, @Gone Airbourne, @Jonny Music, @Johnny1226, @Misty Shimmer, @Denim&Venom, @Snake Eater, @Vintjack Greasymane, @Olly, @Lucid_Nightlight, @Dark Horse, @Sherem, @Sunset Rose, @IronM17, @Panzy, Scoffer of Rings, @Simcity11100, @SkyPie, @DasCapschen, @Tempest Feri, @Tao, @Catsle, @NightmareLuna1996, @Penguinbrony2409, @Divine plywood, @Frostgage, @Yumekai, @Kitty_Cat, @Jeric, @Rhythm Red, @Kronos the Revenant, @Trotteur Sauvage, @Snake Eater, @A.V., @Lucky Bolt, @shadowwarp940, @Cyclone 1066, @strongwilled_pegasus, @Momento Mori, @LPS MLP, @Dark Qiviut, @Sylveon, @Captain Clark, @The Shyest One, @pinkypie13, @Recherche, @Soren Peregrinator, @Future-Ornithologist and the ooze without a ruse, @The_Gobo. Edited March 18, 2018 by Rarity the Supreme 14 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The_Gobo 36,257 March 19, 2018 Share March 19, 2018 The beast what cuddles... @Rarity the Supreme :3 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cuteycindyhoney 13,315 March 19, 2018 Share March 19, 2018 @Rarity the Supreme Our little Spikey Wikey getting the love! 2 Thank you Sparklefan1234!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sovereign Leader Rarity 12,010 March 19, 2018 Share March 19, 2018 Greetings everypony! Here are some late-night cuddles from your's truly. I'm listening to some pretty "rocking" melody's right now and, with the fires of vigor now inside of me, let's make today's batch of cuddles extra-zealous. Extra-zealous cuddles for @Rainy_days, @Sparklefan1234, @Foxy Socks, @Lunalicious Alexshy, @goofyg65, @Fluttershy Friend, @Mickey Adaptus, @Sketchy Tune, @Holiday Agnaktor, @Leere, @CypherHoof, @CrystalBloodMoon, @SolarFlare13, @Larrydog, @Barpy, @meck-can-ik pony, @Rikifive, @DashYoshi, @ChB, @Cyralicious, @Baymax, @Nightfall Gloam, @MiragetheChangeling, @Midnight Blaze 98, @SoberStarlight, @TigerGeekGuy, @Lore Finder, @TBD, Scoffer of TBA, @Duality, @SparklingSwirls, @iNachos10, @Wannabrony, @Prospekt, @Azul Maya, @Valencia, @Flutterstep, @Sherbert Music-Guard, Scoffer of Shortbread, @Nye, @ZethaPonderer, @Alexshy, @Techno Universal, @PoisonClaw, @ShadOBabe, @luftschloss, @Summer Breeze, @Pvt. Cerberus, @Connie, @Nature Tune, @donttellmum, @ultrairongorilla, @ShinGoji, @ShootingStar159, @Hierok, @WiiGuy2014, @TheRockARooster, @Faulty Circuit, @UltimateGhost3, @Alpakachii, @Kyoshi, @Califorum, @Cherry-Pie, @Chrysalis14, @Dreambiscuit, @Drunk Not I Am, @Frostcrystal, @Ganondorf8, @Lunar Echo, @Mlppotterwhoovian, @Mirage, @Silent, @King of Canterlot, @Yoye Wolfgrel, @Arid_Blitz, @Mesmelicious Rize, @kimba90, @Zachary, @CHA0SXIII, @ThunderCrush, @Gabosor, @Deae Rising Shine~, @Titans08Mariota, @Total Lunar Eclipse, @Sylvester, @RainbowDashPrincess, @Morose, @meme, @We_R_VeNoM, @cuteycindyhoney, @Gone Airbourne, @Jonny Music, @Johnny1226, @Misty Shimmer, @Denim&Venom, @Snake Eater, @Vintjack Greasymane, @Olly, @Lucid_Nightlight, @Dark Horse, @Sherem, @Sunset Rose, @IronM17, @Panzy, Scoffer of Rings, @Simcity11100, @SkyPie, @DasCapschen, @Tempest Feri, @Tao, @Catsle, @NightmareLuna1996, @Penguinbrony2409, @Divine plywood, @Frostgage, @Yumekai, @Kitty_Cat, @Jeric, @Rhythm Red, @Kronos the Revenant, @Trotteur Sauvage, @Snake Eater, @A.V., @Lucky Bolt, @shadowwarp940, @Cyclone 1066, @strongwilled_pegasus, @Momento Mori, @LPS MLP, @Dark Qiviut, @Sylveon, @Captain Clark, @The Shyest One, @pinkypie13, @Recherche, @Soren Peregrinator, @Future-Ornithologist and the grandest of all goops, @The_Gobo. Just five days to go until Season 8! 11 9 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The_Gobo 36,257 March 19, 2018 Share March 19, 2018 Cuddles to the gloriously gemmed @Rarity the Supreme 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChB 18,562 March 20, 2018 Share March 20, 2018 Happy Winter Wrap Up Day, my friends! Sparklefan1234 @Celli @Captain Clark @Totally Lyra @SparklingSwirls @PathfinderCS @ultrairongorilla @Dreambiscuit @Rikifive @Alexshy @Rarity the Supreme @RainbowBobSquareDash @SnakeEater @SoberStarlight @Sonic5421 @TheFunk @TheMagmaCube13 @Zachary @Valencia @Pvt. Cerberus @Azul Maya @Babyyoshi309 @Allen @AmarisNsane @Autumn Mist @DashYoshi @FlutterGuy999 @Faulty Circuit @Fluttershy Friend @Frostgage @Gabosor @NathanW200 @Wannabrony @Ganondorf8 @Gone Airbourne @Pinkamena-Pills @ChikoritaCheezits @Hierok @iNachos10 @Jeric @PiratePony @Kenshiro @kimba90 @KirbyFluttershy @Lady Kiriness @Loightwing @Nightfall Gloam @Northern Light Flyer @Princess Aurora Wolf @OmegaBeamOfficial @Penguinbrony2409 @PinkuRiku @Photon Jet @pinkiepartypie @Prospekt@Flutterstep @CypherHoof @meme @ShootingStar159 @Nightmare Mirage @goofyg65 @Deae Rising Shine~ @Techno Universal @RainbowDashPrincess @Titans08Mariota @SolarFlare13 @The_Gobo @PoisonClaw @TBD, Scoffer of TBA @Morose @Denim&Venom @Leere @Kyoshi @NightmareLuna800 @TempestShadow @IronM17 @Steve Piranha @Trotteur Sauvage @Randimaxis @Missklang @Sunset Rose @strongwilled_pegasus *Cuddles!* 11 3 Thanks to @Sparklefan1234 for this awesome sig! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luminous Night 71 March 20, 2018 Share March 20, 2018 *cuddles all of you* 4 My real name is Mason Trudgeon. Mason means worker of stone and Trudgeon means homestead of the dogs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShootingStar159 2,157 March 20, 2018 Share March 20, 2018 Aw, thanks @U Is For You and Me, why’d you change your name? 7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aqua shine 1,898 March 20, 2018 Share March 20, 2018 cuddles ever pony 7 aqau shine here Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest March 20, 2018 Share March 20, 2018 I swear... you all are some of the sweetest and kindest people I've ever met. Don't change for anyone stay beautiful 💚 Others looking out for one another... wishing each other a good night's rest, those little things mean so much to me and I know for sure everyone else agrees. This place is a wonderful safe haven I know that and am thankful for the friends and people I've met here. 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aqua shine 1,898 March 20, 2018 Share March 20, 2018 aw the kind of you @Gone Airbourne 4 aqau shine here Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChB 18,562 March 20, 2018 Share March 20, 2018 27 minutes ago, ShootingStar159 said: Aw, thanks @U Is For You and Me, why’d you change your name? There is a trend going on where everyone is changing their username to pronouns. It all started with @You 5 Thanks to @Sparklefan1234 for this awesome sig! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sparklefan1234 172,938 March 20, 2018 Share March 20, 2018 (edited) *Cuddles* @ChB @Baby Dashie @Princess Aurora Wolf @Celli @Totally Lyra @Hierok @Denim&Venom @Mesme Rize @TheRockARooster @goofyg65 @Califorum@Lucky Bolt @hopkey123 @Steve Piranha @Lunar Echo @NightmareLuna800 @The Cerberus @Rikifive @Wolfgrel@Literally Snails @SoberStarlight @TBD @StrawCherry @Rarity the Supreme @DashYoshi @Cherry-Pie @Dark Horse @Randimaxis@TwiTracker@Lightwing@Yellow Diamond @Qrow Branwen @.Wolfe.@Nye@Connie @Faulty Circuit @Arid_Blitz@ultrairongorilla @Kreamer @rainbow dash13 @Chrysalis13 @ScruffyTheStallion @Dark Qiviut @King Clark @Tilgoreth @AmarisNsane @Mirage77 @Fluttershy Friend @Jeric @ooReiko @PiratePony @Kyoshi @PathfinderCS @Leere @Stormfury @Missklang @PoisonClaw @TigerGeekGuy @GrimGrimoire@Sunset Rose @Frostgage@Titans08Mariota@Nature Tune @Azul Maya @Storminess @SolarFlare13 @Flutterstep @Valencia @Nightfall Gloam @Pink Feather @CypherHoof @Chrylestia600 @Ganondorf8 @Prospekt @Alexshy @Deae Rising Shine~ @Trotteur Sauvage @KashikoiPai@Trottermare Galamane @Twilight Karamel @IronM17 @RainbowDashPrincess @Loyal Defender@CrystalBloodMoon, Scoffer of Humans *Cuddles* @Duality Edited March 20, 2018 by Sparklefan1234 11 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aqua shine 1,898 March 20, 2018 Share March 20, 2018 aw thx fellow pony cuddles you back aqau shine here Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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