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MLP Forum 10th Anniversary!

Twilight Sparkle

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:blue_baloon:Happy 10th anniversary, MLP Forums! :blue_baloon:

I joined this place very recently, but the time I've spent here has been wonderful. I've met and interacted with kind and charming people. A big hug to all of you. Here's to another 10 years! :D

Props to everyone who joined 10 years ago and are still around. It breaks my heart to see that a lot of them haven't logged in for a very long time.

  • Brohoof 1


♫ You can't deny how I feel ♫


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Congrats MLP Forums!!  

I wish I had discovered this place when I discovered the show in 2011, but oh well I've met so many cool people here now in the year and a half I've been a member.  :wub:

  • Brohoof 1
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HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MLP FORUMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

⚘Happy 4th of July!⚘small Challenge | MlP Of Equestria 🌹🦄 Amino

Thank you for the special friends and fun memories that I'll love and treasure forever.

I want to send out my love to all of these special friends who are always in my heart.

Top 30 Mane Six GIFs | Find the best GIF on Gfycat

 @Dreambiscuit @SixShooterOutlaw @9th Doctor Whooves @AJ2489 @Alexshy @AlphaPegasister @Altastrofae 🌊 @Amanita@AngelsNight @Anneal @Annie @applesjck @AppleButt @Arc Flash @AriaTheLovely @Aurora Wolf @Bakugou is my Man @Bastian @BlackWater627 @Blitz Boom @BloodDrops @bubbleteapony @Cagey @Cash_In @CastletonSnob @chaosprincess @ChB @ChikaChan @Cinnamon Coffee @CinnamonPop @Cookie <3 @CrystalRarity @cuteycindyhoney @Cyclone 1066 @Cwanky @Dabmanz @darkwingmare @Dark Bun @Dark Horse @Dark Qiviut @DashYoshi @Deae Rising Shine~ @Denim&Venöm @Dita Bear @Diva Pony @DivineSpirit1000@Dynamo Pad @Drago Ryder @Ecto Storm @Emerald Heart @Emiko Gale @Envy @EpicEnergy @Eren Jaeger @ExplosionMare @FlitterFlutter @FlutterAether @Fluttershutter @Fluttershy Friend @Fluttershyfan94 @Flutterstep @Forbidden Gummy Bear @gamecubeguy214 @GarlandSouls@GeneralDirection @Golden Lyrics @Happy Heart @Harmony Spark @HereComesTom @iceestarz @Infernus @Jackie Snack @Jade Fire @Jasmine @Jedishy @Jeric @Johnny1226 @Julnt @King of Canterlot @Kujamih@Kyoshi @Lady Kiriness @Lavo @Le Trotteur Sauvage @Lektra Bolt @Light Blade @Literally Snails @Longhaul @Lord Bradley @Lord Valtasar @Lucky Bolt @luftschloss @Luna the Great of all the Russias @Lunaholic @Lunar Echo @Lunar Glow @Lulaypp @Madame Rarity @Magic Note @Mammon @Marciblook @Megas @Mentis Soliloquy @Meson Bolt @Midnight Blossom @Midnight Danny @MidnightFire1222@Millennium Shadow @Mini @Miss @Misty Breeze @Moondrop 💧 @Nature Tune @Nightfall Gloam @Nsxile 🔥🐲 @Odyssey @Pandora 🐼 @Pastel Heart @Pathfinder @Patty Thundersnow @Phosphor @Pinkie_Pi @Platinum Night @Platinum Sonnet @PonkiePoo @Princess Moonlight @Prospekt @PuddingPonyPal @Rainy Day @Randimaxis @RaraLover @Rarity the Snowperior @Reality Check @Renegade the Unicorn @Rising Dusk @Rulerofblocks @RulesofRarity @Sabrinie @Samurai Equine @Sapphire Lightning @SaraEH @ShadOBabe @Sherbie-kun <3 @Shimmer Sparkle 🎈🎈🎈 @Sliding Bolt @Snow @SolarFlare13 @Sonic Shimmer @Sparklefan1234 @SparklingSwirls @Splashee @Star Silk @Stardust* @Stardust Balance @Starlighty  @StarrySkyDash @Stellafera@Stone Cold Steve Tuna @StormBlaze @strongwilled_pegasus @Summer Breeze @Sunamena @Sweet Palette @Sweet Pen @Synniken @Tacodidra @Tao @Techno Universal @TheGleaner @thegoodhen @Thuja @Thunderbass (Ceased)@TigerGeekGuy @ToastedScone @TomDaBombMLP @Totally Nyx @TotallyNotNyx @Treeglow Flicker @Tropical Melody @Twilight Luna @Tweek @Twisted Cyclone 🚓 @Unicorncob @Valencia @Vampira Heart @Victoria Sponge @VinylWubs @WanderingPony @Widdershins @Will Guide @Windy Breeze @Writer Rhyme @Yellow Diamond @Yoshi89 @You @Yoye Wolfgrel @Zeal Crown @zigragirl


Edited by The Demon
  • Brohoof 13
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                                                                                                                              sig by @Kyoshi

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10 minutes ago, TheRockARooster said:

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MLP FORUMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

⚘Happy 4th of July!⚘small Challenge | MlP Of Equestria 🌹🦄 Amino

Thank you for the special friends and fun memories that I'll love and treasure forever.

I want to send out my love to all of these special friends who are always in my heart.

Top 30 Mane Six GIFs | Find the best GIF on Gfycat

 @Dreambiscuit @SixShooterOutlaw @9th Doctor Whooves @AJ2489 @Alexshy @AlphaPegasister @Altastrofae 🌊 @Amanita@AngelsNight @Anneal @Annie @applesjck @AppleButt @Arc Flash @AriaTheLovely @Aurora Wolf @Bakugou is my Man @Bastian @BlackWater627 @Blitz Boom @BloodDrops @bubbleteapony @Cagey @Cash_In @CastletonSnob @chaosprincess @ChB @ChikaChan @Cinnamon Coffee @CinnamonPop @Cookie <3 @CrystalRarity @cuteycindyhoney @Cyclone 1066 @Cwanky @Dabmanz @darkwingmare @Dark Bun @Dark Horse @Dark Qiviut @DashYoshi @Deae Rising Shine~ @Denim&Venöm @Dita Bear @Diva Pony @DivineSpirit1000@Dynamo Pad @Drago Ryder @Ecto Storm @Emerald Heart @Emiko Gale @Envy @EpicEnergy @Eren Jaeger @ExplosionMare @FlitterFlutter @FlutterAether @Fluttershutter @Fluttershy Friend @Fluttershyfan94 @Flutterstep @Forbidden Gummy Bear @gamecubeguy214 @GarlandSouls@GeneralDirection @Golden Lyrics @Happy Heart @Harmony Spark @HereComesTom @iceestarz @Infernus @Jackie Snack @Jade Fire @Jasmine @Jedishy @Jeric @Johnny1226 @Julnt @King of Canterlot @Kujamih@Kyoshi @Lady Kiriness @Lavo @Le Trotteur Sauvage @Lektra Bolt @Light Blade @Literally Snails @Longhaul @Lord Bradley @Lord Valtasar @Lucky Bolt @luftschloss @Luna the Great of all the Russias @Lunaholic @Lunar Echo @Lunar Glow @Lulaypp @Madame Rarity @Mammon @Marciblook @Megas @Mentis Soliloquy @Meson Bolt @Midnight Blossom @Midnight Danny @MidnightFire1222@Millennium Shadow @Mini @Miss @Misty Breeze @Moondrop 💧 @Nightfall Gloam @Nsxile 🔥🐲 @Odyssey @Pandora 🐼 @Pastel Heart @Pathfinder @Phosphor @Pinkie_Pi @Platinum Night @Platinum Sonnet @PonkiePoo @Princess Moonlight @Prospekt @PuddingPonyPal @Rainy Day @Randimaxis @RaraLover @Rarity the Snowperior @Reality Check @Renegade the Unicorn @Rising Dusk @Rulerofblocks @RulesofRarity @Sabrinie @Samurai Equine @Sapphire Lightning @SaraEH @ShadOBabe @Sherbie-kun <3 @Shimmer Sparkle 🎈🎈🎈 @Sliding Bolt @Snow @SolarFlare13 @Sonic Shimmer @Sparklefan1234 @SparklingSwirls @Splashee @Star Silk @Stardust* @Stardust Balance @Starlighty  @StarrySkyDash @Stellafera@Stone Cold Steve Tuna @StormBlaze @strongwilled_pegasus @Summer Breeze @Sunamena @Sweet Palette @Sweet Pen @Synniken @Tacodidra @Tao @Techno Universal @TheGleaner @thegoodhen @Thuja @Thunderbass (Ceased)@TigerGeekGuy @ToastedScone @TomDaBombMLP @Totally Nyx @TotallyNotNyx @Treeglow Flicker @Tropical Melody @Twilight Luna @Tweek @Twisted Cyclone 🚓 @Unicorncob @Valencia @Vampira Heart @Victoria Sponge @VinylWubs @WanderingPony @Widdershins @Will Guide @Windy Breeze @Writer Rhyme @Yellow Diamond @Yoshi89 @You @Yoye Wolfgrel @Zeal Crown @zigragirl



Glad to have met you here!

Happy Anniversary MLP Forum!



  • Brohoof 1


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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1 minute ago, cuteycindyhoney said:


Glad to have met you here!

Happy Anniversary MLP Forum!



Same Cindy. ^^


                                                                                                                              sig by @Kyoshi

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I already made a ton of gushy words in my blog entry earlier yesterday, but I'll try ta paraphrase it all here.

I joined this place on April 24, 2012, after searching for a forum to expand and enhance my 3-week-old passion of colorful horses, admiring how clean and active everything looked, and eventually saw this place thrive big in those first few years, until 2014, a year before I started to fall out of following pone stuff, but I had more memories here than I could fill a little book with. On the list of sites that were most instrumental in carrying my love of paste; horses, EQD, derpibooru, tumblr, the MLP memebase page etc, this one easily stands on the top, especially since it bookended my earliest and final G4 experiences.

It led to me making so, so many friends, some that I still talk with today (love y'all and hope y'all are doing well and maybe come back to post on this topic, maybe :(), and seeing many at my first convention, BronyCon in 2013, was a feeling I'll never be able to replicate. I loved being on the Poniverse/EQTV staff as well, and hosting/watching EQTV movie nights. I remember having a sig of my favorite bg pones at the time, getting into roleplaying, making a ponysona (which was my first real animal sona thingy in general), discussing pone show and EQG stuffs, having fun with blogs, enjoying the funny unique emotes, having an "Ask Lyra" thread (I particularly loved that), learning about how to make fancy signatures, I even remember that guy who impersonated me with my name and then-profile picture! I'll never figure out who that was...

I often talked lots, LOTS with my friends and making more on Skype, seeing them in multiple BronyCons, including M.A. Larson photobombing a group photo of us and just disappearing without a trace, and our resident graphic design mod made it the new banner on the spot, great times... Woof, how the years go by.


I didn't use this place a lot between 2014 and 2019 but I did come back a tiny bit for the final season, and was happy I was on the BronyCon-themed banner once again for the final year. :laugh:


Since my early horse days I've delved into Pokémon and the greater furry side of stuff in terms of online groups and fandoms and have been going to more cons and being in more awesome friend groups, but horse stuff was where it all started for me, and this place was the most instrumental in that, I'll never forget what an awesome experience it all was, and I'm still willing to hang out here some time now that Gen 5 is a thing now, and go to a few more horse cons in the future. Speaking of Gen 5, anyone else find it neat that it started just short of this place's 10th birthday?

Here's some cool forum-related stuff from over the years, first a screencap of the home page two days after the initial launch, the home page layout a bit after when I joined (~January 2013, the previous ones on Wayback Machine are borked), and a handful of banners (the rest are in my blog) that I've saved over the years, I always loved to see the new ones every week, and for preservation's sake, the home page on the beginning of Gen 5 just a couple weeks ago.












I'd ping all my old friends (if I can even remember them all), but I'd hate to bother anyone, so I'm just hoping they end up seeing this topic, haha. Happy to 10 awesome years you guys, and thanks to the mods and members for keeping this place afloat and kicking, and here's to 10 more, or however long pony thrives! And heck, would be nice to watch pony stuff with my old friends again like old times, it and this place will always be crazy nostalgic to me.

Last little bit, I found something from back then that's funny and extremely, eerily relevant to right now. :wacko:




  • Brohoof 1


My journey in the fandom started on April 5, 2012. I joined here on April 24, 2012. Where that journey is headed now, who knows...

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Has it really been 10 years? Damn where the heck as the time gone, I remember making my first posts here so long ago in '15 I can't believe I've been here for what is that 6 years? The people who make the site is amazing I hope for another 10 to come. Wouldn't that just be amazing spanding two generations of magic? 

  • Brohoof 1

PonyvilleLive! Check out our awesome range of music, podcasts, video and more!
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Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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I'm not as active on here as I once was, but boy do I ever got some great memories of this place. I've met my closest and oldest friends here. I can't believe I've been here 5 years already........

I wanna give a shout out to @Misty Gust @Cyclone 1066 @King of Canterlot @Lil'Cinnamon @Twisted Cyclone 🚓 and @TheRockARooster 

Some of these friends of mine aren't active here anymore but I keep in touch with them elsewhere. These are some of my closest and old friends here that I still talk to today, and most of them I know in person as well. I've had some great memories with these folks during my time here, both online and in real life. 

And I wanna mention @Sliding Bolt, my love and best friend who I've been with for over a year now who I met a few years back on these very forums. I love you and always will Sweets.:adorkable:


And for the rest of you, thanks for making this awesome community what it's been! Y'all rock!


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3 hours ago, cuteycindyhoney said:


Glad to have met you here!

Happy Anniversary MLP Forum!

Oh dang I forgot, I definitely remember you from way back! Nice to have even a couple of oldies still here after all these years :kirin:


My journey in the fandom started on April 5, 2012. I joined here on April 24, 2012. Where that journey is headed now, who knows...

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7 minutes ago, Astral Soul said:

I missed that yesterday, well ..


 :balloon:H a p p y   B i r t h d a y  :blue_baloon:


I'm looking forward to experience the next 10 birthdays with you


I'll be right there c: 


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Happy 10th anniversary, MLPForums! With G5 just getting started, here's hoping for another 10 years of pony goodness! 

  • Brohoof 3

MLPForums "Self-Proclaimed" Kamen Rider Nut
Now, count up your sins!
I do Traditional commissions, by the way! See them HERE!


Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi.

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I, have been here for a year almost 2 now, and i still love this community.

 Happy 10 year anniversary MLPF, let's go for 20 now! :squee:




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Guys guys, it’s the actually 9th anniversary- 2020 doesn’t exist! :umad:

  • Brohoof 2



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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